

基督论共同宣言 -- 94年 东正教-改革宗对话


Agreedstatement on Christology


Orthodox-Reformed dialogue, Limassol, Cyprus, January 1994


1. In accordance with theNicene Creed we affirm the basic interconnection between the doctrine of theTrinity and the doctrine of Christ. Our common belief in One God, the HolyTrinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is bound up with our beliefin Jesus Christ who reveals the mystery of the Holy Trinity. It affirms thatthe God of the Old Testament Scriptures who led his people Israel fromoppression to new shores of freedom is the Father of Jesus of Nazareth whosends forth his Life-giving Spirit. He is one and the same God who encountersus in the resurrected Christ and in the Holy Spirit acting in his Church.


As regards the connection between the doctrine of the Trinity andthe doctrine of the Incarnation, Orthodox and Reformed seem to follow twodifferent kinds of approach which, however, are not incompatible. The Orthodoxapproach takes its beginning in the Mystery of the Incarnation which includesthe whole saving economy as it is proclaimed in the Bible, confessed in thePatristic Tradition and experienced in the Divine Liturgy. The starting pointof the Reformed approach to Christology and the mystery of the Trinity is thescriptural witness to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.Both agree that their teaching about Trinity and Incarnation reflects theencounter with the reality of God as revealed in Christ.


2. Following the witness of the Gospel as it is declared in thesecond article of the Nicene Creed, Orthodox and Reformed confess that JesusChrist is the eternal and Only-begotten Son and Logos of God, the second person of the HolyTrinity, who became fully human, without ceasing to be God, by being conceivedby the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. Both confess the apostolicfaith that the Incarnation took place in the fullness of time, when God"sent his own Son to be born of a woman under the Law to redeem thoseunder the Law and grant to us adoption as children" (Gal 4.4-5). Thusunderstood, the Incarnate Son is the manifestation of the Holy Trinity in thesphere of earthly human history. The Incarnate Son as a concrete historicalperson demonstrates that human nature is not fundamentally foreign to God. Itreveals rather what was hidden in the primordial nature of theLogos. Through the Incarnationthe life of God is manifested under the conditions of human existence. Godassumes the human condition and nature in all their aspects and dimensions. Allthis takes place for us human beings and for our salvation, so that we maybecome participants in the "treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Col2.3) hidden in Christ.


3. The Incarnation of the Son of God belongs to the very sameexistence and life of God. As the divine will to create the world and humanityis connected with God's being, so also the will to save them was "amystery hidden before the ages in God who created all things" (Eph 3.9).Creation and incarnation, then, belong together to God's original plan. Thus,Christ's redemptive work "was predestined before the foundation of theworld, but was manifested in the end of time" (I Pet 1.20). Being the Headof all creation by whom all things were formed the Son who was by natureeternally of the same uncreated nature with the Father and the Spirit, receivedto Himself the created human nature and became fully human in body and soul sothat through it he might unite himself with the entire creation.


4. In the language of the Fathers and the Councils of the earlychurch, Jesus Christ as the incarnate Son of God unites human and divinenatures in his own single person (hypostasis). The properties of eachnature belong to the whole person in whom both natures are united without beingconfused or separated. So Jesus Christ acts both as divine and as human,exercising both kinds of properties as appropriate in communion with eachother. In this sense there is a "communication of attributes" withinthe hypostatic union as the divine nature acts through the human and the humanunder the guidance of the divine. Strictly speaking, however, it is to the person of Jesus Christ as the incarnate Wordthat the properties of both natures are correctly ascribed. The distinctproperties of the one nature are not transferred to the other nature: the divine nature doesnot acquire human characteristics nor the human nature divine attributes. Whatcan be said is that through the perichoresis or interpenetration of the two naturesin the unity of Christ's person the human nature is restored, sustained andglorified as the newand perfect humanity of thelast Adam, recapitulating the history of the first Adam. In the Orthodoxtradition this is called theosis(commonly rendered as"deification'), but this does not imply that Christ's humanity ceases tobe creaturely or becomes divine in essence. Reformed theology shares thisunderstanding but avoids the language of theosis.It treats the theme more in terms of the sanctification of human nature in Christ. In bothtraditions this renewal of our common humanity in the person of the incarnateWord is affirmed and venerated as the decisive saving action of divine graceand the pledge of the renewal and restoration of all who are united to Christas members of the Body of which he is the Head.


Speaking of the union of natures in the person of Jesus Christ isnormative for both the Orthodox and Reformed traditions. However, the term"nature" should not be understood statically, or abstractly, nor asif the human and divine natures were two individual instances of a genericconcept of "nature'. What this language directs us toward is the realityof God assuming the reality of humanity in Jesus Christ, a movement of God tohumanity and humanity to God in the unity of his person and history.

对于东正教和改革宗,在耶稣基督位格中两性的联合乃是信仰的规范。不论如何,‘性质(nature)’一词不能被僵化的,或根据一般对于‘性质’的观念,抽象的理解为好像人性和神性是两个独立的存在。这个语言要我们认识的乃是,神的实际(reality of God)取了在耶稣基督中人性的实际(the reality of humanity in Jesus Christ),是一个在祂位格的联合以及人类历史中,神向着人,也是人向着神的一个行动。

The divergent conclusions drawn by the Orthodox and Reformedtraditions on the subject of iconography is a subject related to the abovestatement which might well form a point of entry for discussion at a futuredialogue.


5. According to the Nicene Creed it was "for us and for oursalvation" that the eternal Son of God became flesh, lived, died and roseagain. The ontological ground of our salvation is the hypostatic or personalunion of the Word and flesh, or divine and human natures, in Jesus Christ.Conversely, the hypostatic union is worked out in the economy of salvation. TheNew Testament presents this economy in terms of the three offices ("triplexmunus') of prophet, priest and king. This threefoldoffice continues its activity in the Church. Each of these offices provides aparticular model-witness, sacrifice, service-for the restoration of the divineimage in humanity through participation in Christ. At the same time each officepoints us to the deity of Christ who is eternal Word, Son and Wisdom of God.All three offices thus show the unity of true historical humanity and trueeternal deity in the person of Jesus Christ, and also how the divine callingshould be exercised in all aspects of our lives from birth to death.

根据尼西亚信经,神永恒的儿子乃是“为了我们和我们的救赎”成为肉身,生活,死亡并复活。我们救赎本体上的根基乃是在耶稣基督里面,道和肉身,或神性与人性之位格的联合。相反的,位格的联合乃是在救赎的经纶(the economy of salvation)中得以实现。新约将这个经纶以先知,祭司和君王的三重职份(triplex munus)展现这个经纶。这个三重职份在教会中继续它们的工作。这三重职份的每一个职份提供了关于自己独特的—见证、奉献、和服侍—的方式,乃是借由在基督里的分享,恢复在人性中的神性之像。同时,每一个职份都将我们引向基督的神格,祂是神永远的道,儿子和智慧。这三重职份表明了在历史中真正的人性和在耶稣基督的位格中真正永恒的神性的联合,以及神圣的呼召如何在我们一生中得以被完成的过程。

6. The Holy Trinity is presupposed by the Incarnation, but theIncarnation enables us to approach the Trinity at a deeper level. TheIncarnation shows us, as nothing else, the nature and path, the range and depthof God's love. It shows us that God, though complete in himself in the lovingfellowship of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, loved us so much that he sent hisonly-begotten Son to enter and redeem his creation. The creation is not part ofthe eternal nature of God. We understand it to be a deliberate act of God thathe might share that love which he is with that which he is not. Creation isthen rooted in the mutual love of the persons of the Triune God. Thusunderstood the incarnation is the key which opens to us the intention, plan,meaning and goal of the creation. In the incarnation of the Son the purpose ofcreation is fully revealed. The Spirit acting in Christ penetrates the cosmos. The Spirit groans withall creatures and leads them to the promised goal of their perfection. This iswhy the relationship between the world and God receives its true form in theincarnate son; from the incarnation it obtains its direction and identity."In him all things have their being" (Col 1.17).


In Christ we understand that God cannot bear to be absent from hiscreation and through his Spirit constantly strives to bring it to share hisfreedom and joy. As the community of the redeemed, set free by the incarnationof the Eternal Son, we are caught up in that love, trust and freedom. We seethe teeming creation with new eyes as God's bountiful world. We are summoned toshare his purpose, to be liberated, healed and restored, to celebrate andrejoice, to worship and share creation's praise for its maker.


7. The understanding common to Orthodox and Reformed of therevelation of the three persons of the Trinity makes them crucially aware ofthe connection between Christology and Pneumatology and of the specific role ofthe Holy Spirit in the incarnation of the Word of God and in the history ofsalvation. Both Orthodox and Reformed recognize the Spirit's creative activityin the birth of Christ from the Virgin Mary as the first fruits of the newcreation. It is the Holy Spirit who glorifies Christ and through his sending atPentecost bears witness to Christ in the world. It is the Holy Spirit whobrings about the communion of all believers both with the Head of the Body ofChrist and between themselves. It is the Holy Spirit who summons all Christiansto the confession of the same Christ and communicates to us the very life ofChrist through word and sacrament. It is the Holy Spirit who unites word andsacrament in the living experience of the Church and leads the Church to therealization of the kingdom of God in the
eschaton.It is the Holy Spirit who enables us to discern the authentic relationshipbetween the Paschal and the Pentecostal mysteries in the history of salvation,because "one can say Jesus is Lord, except in the Holy Spirit" (1 Cor12.3).





换句话说,神对于公义的要求是有一个【范围】的。凡在这个【范围】之内的,就是【公义】的;凡落在这个范围外的,就是【Hamartia】。在旧约,Hamartia的范围,就是由律法所规范。新约时代,基督的血虽然在一方面抹杀了律法字句对我们的要求和定罪,但是这个【范围】从未被抹杀。而是更进一步,以写在心版上的律法--生命之灵的律(罗马8)来引导,带领,规范我们,把我们的生活行事带回到这个【公义】的范围之中。这个过程,叫做 【成 圣】。