

It is important to emphasize theological training and encourage the next generation of Chinese church leaders to have income skills outside of the church

Translated By Richard Zou

Following the last sharing by a pastor in South China, how can a Chinese pastor train a new generation of successors in the Chinese church? (5) In South China, a pastor shared that young people need more ministry opportunities and positions: preachers need theological training as well as income-generating skills outside the church. 

Pastor Nai Guohui (a pseudonym), a 60-year-old pastor from southern China with extensive pastoral experience, shared his opinions on this topic with a Chinese online Christian newspaper, Christian Times.

He believes that churches need to do an excellent job of discipleship and theological training for the training of successors. Furthermore, preachers need income skills outside of the church to cope with special survival needs.

Pastor N shared, "Good theological training is essential for raising up a new generation of successors. For example, in a city or rural area where the gospel is widely preached, the church needs to recruit some theological students who love the Lord and the church and offer them good discipleship training and theological education. Without good theological training, many problems will arise in their future ministry. For example, the accuracy and systematicity of the preacher's teaching on the Bible, how to endure hardships and overcome difficulties, how to defend the church and protect it when disturbed by heretics, etc. While many young people are now rushing to make money, I continue to teach online theology. The classes are held in the evening and completed in four years. I believe an excellent new generation of successors can only be selected when the church does a good job of theological education and discipleship training at the grassroots level."

Pastor N shared his own unique experience and advice when discussing the challenges of training a new generation of successors. The next generation of pastors should be encouraged to develop additional income skills.

The pastor said, "Many full-time preachers in churches have to quit their God-called jobs because of low salaries. Some pastors will be sad and helpless, while others view it as their personal choice. I wish to find a way for them and be their spiritual companion."

Pastor N stated, "Preachers are also human beings and have the necessities they need to buy from the world. They have the freedom to establish a family, the responsibility to raise a wife and children, and the obligation to support the elderly. The preachers' helplessness and pain in getting enough salary from church become a sore point in their ministry path because of life's expenses."

Pastor N recalled: "Before liberation, a missionary trained a local theology student, Brother X, in East China. The missionary advised Brother X: 'You need another income skill in addition to serving the Lord fervently.’ Later, after graduating from theology, Brother X learned ophthalmology. Then he worked as an Ophthalmologist and served the church after work and had full freedom in life and service to the church.”

"Later, this brother X trained a new generation of successors, pastor N, and brother X also encouraged the young pastor N to learn additional income skills for living outside the church. So the young pastor N  learned the skills of tailoring and making clothes. On the way to serving the Lord, Pastor N’s family encountered many financial hardships. When the family was poor, he supported a family of four by relying on the skills of tailoring and making clothes he learned. After the family’s economic recovery, he and his wife continued to serve the church fervently."

Pastor N cautioned, " It is helpful to have a spiritual partner or pastor supervise and accompany preachers who want to develop another income skill. People are weak, and during the pursuit of money, they often lose their enthusiasm and hope to continue serving God. Therefore, Working outside the church with secular income skills requires boundaries, and it is used to meet basic needs, such as raising children, supporting parents, and other expenses. After completing this purpose, the preacher should stop working outside and return to the church to serve the Lord."

"There was a preacher couple whose financial situation was often difficult when their children started elementary school. They relied  on the meager living allowance provided by the church. However, because the wife was skilled in Chinese medicine and massage, she opened a pediatric massage clinic with her husband. As soon as she got financial relief, she asked her husband to quit his job at the massage clinic so that he could dedicate himself to being a preacher and serving the church. Furthermore, she could arrange her work in massage clinics and substitute service schedules in a reasonable manner. While the husband was a full-time preacher and the wife was a substitute co-worker, they could fully cover the family's daily expenses. There are many things we can learn from them." Pastor N added.

Words From My Heart

The theology of suffering has, to some extent, been an encouragement and blessing to church pastors and preachers throughout the history of the modern Chinese church. Over-interpreting and applying the theology of suffering to preachers can also seriously harm the Chinese church's development. As a result, the church's vision will become narrow, and it will lose its ability to serve as a light and salt to the community.

There is a strong support system in a healthy church, and full-time preachers can have a stable and long-term ministry in it, without needing to work part-time outside of the church. However, not all churches have the systems and funds to do this. Today, pastors may consider that full-time preachers should have additional income skills beyond the church as a contingency plan.




继上次华南一牧师分享如何培养中国教会新一代接棒人?(五)亟需给年轻人更多事奉的机会和岗位 ,华南一牧师分享:牧者需要重视神学培训及鼓励传道人拥有一技之长








“再后来,这个X弟兄培养出了新一代的接棒人N牧者,X弟兄也如此劝慰那时年轻的N牧者一技之长的道理。于是年轻的N牧者后期学习了裁剪制衣的技能,在为主事奉的路上,当N牧者全家遭遇许多艰难。家里一贫如洗的时候,他靠着所学到的裁剪制衣的技术 ,养活了一家四口。并在家庭经济恢复之后,他再次和夫人开始火热地事奉教会。”


“有一对传道人夫妇,他们的孩子刚上小学时,仅靠教会的微薄的生活补助,他们的经济情况常常是捉襟见肘。但因妻子有中医推拿的一技之长,后开了小儿推拿店。经济得到缓解后,她让丈夫离开推拿店的工作专心做传道人,侍奉教会。 她自己也会合理安排工作和代职侍奉的时间表。最终,夫妻二人,一个全职,一个代职,也同时维持了家庭日常开销的需要。这样的例子也值得借鉴和思考。”N牧者补充说。




话题•如何培养中国教会新一代接棒人?(六)|牧者需要重视神学培训及鼓励传道人拥有一技之长-基督时报-基督教资讯平台 (christiantimes.cn)






第6则. 当你内心专注爱神,你不仅对可见之物关注很少,甚至将自己的身体也视为外在之物。

第7则. 因为灵魂比肉体更尊贵,神比受造物更是无与伦比的尊贵,所以一个人如果看重肉体,而不是灵魂,看重受造物,而不是造物主本身,他只是个拜偶像者。

第8则. 如果你的内心不能专注爱神,只专注于可被感官感知事物,而不是神,就说明相比灵魂,你更看重肉体;相比神本身,你更看重受造物。

第9则. 属灵知识之光是心灵的生命,这光是通过爱神产生的,所以最大的是爱,这话是真的。(参考:林前13章13节)

第10则. 当热切爱神时,心灵会达到忘我境界,随后,对包括自己在内的任何受造物都没有了感觉,因为心灵被无比强大的神光照耀时,它会变得对神所创万物都没有感觉,就像在日出之时,眼睛看不见星辰。

读《论爱四百则》1- 5则




第1则. 爱是灵魂圣洁的状态,爱使灵魂把属神的知识看得比一切受造物都重要。如果我们依然贪恋属世的事物,我们就不能持久地拥有这爱。

第2则. 无私欲生爱,盼望神生无私欲,耐心和忍耐生对神的盼望。这些是完全自律产生的,完全自律源于敬畏神,敬畏神源于信神。 

第3则. 如果你信主,你就会畏惧惩罚,这种畏惧会让你控制私欲。一旦你控制了私欲,你就能忍受苦难,通过这种忍受,你就会产生对神的盼望。对神的盼望使心灵摆脱对所有世俗的贪恋,当心灵与世俗以这种形式分开,内心就会产生对神的爱。 

第4则. 爱神的人珍爱关于神的知识,胜于任何神造之物,且孜孜不倦地追求那知识。 

第5则. 如果万物都是由神所造,为神服务的,神就比被祂所造的万物更尊贵,如果一个人离弃尊贵的,委身于卑贱的,他就认为受造物比神本身更尊贵。