

Shanxi Church Holds Memorial Service for 87-Y-O Believer

 Translated By Richard Zou

A farewell service at a church in Shanxi province in northern China was for a lady believer who passed away at the age of 87.

In a memorial service held at the Christian Church of Linfen Yaodu District on October 14, the choir sang "Song of Remembrance" and "Sleeping in the Lord's Arms" to remember Li Funv who died on October 10.

In his sermon, Deacon Liu Xiaochun read several passages from Genesis, John, and Revelation about God's creation, death, and the origin of sin, as well as the salvation, resurrection, and love of Jesus Christ.

Following his sermon, Pastor Wang Shuai addressed Christians' attitudes toward death, destiny, and eternal life. He believes that death is not an end but a beginning, not silence but waiting, not relief but triumph, nor a departure but a destination. It was reminded to the congregation that death is the end for all humans, and that judgment will follow. Those who believe in the Lord do not die, but sleep, and look forward to their resurrection.

Elder Zhang Xiaohua then recalled the life of Li Funv. Li was born in a poor peasant family and raised a son and three daughters. Her whole life was filled with hard work and thrift, and she was always obedient to her husband. Even if she was aggrieved, she never bothered others about it, and she always tried to help others whenever she could.

When she was 74, she was baptized and received the gospel. God healed her leg burns and many illnesses. As soon as her husband came to follow Jesus, their temperament and character changed, and they began respecting and loving one another. When her husband turned 84, the Lord took him back to his heavenly home. Because she could not go outside due to her old age, she used to preach the gospel in front of her house, showing the gospel leaflets to her neighbors.

Wang Tao, her third daughter, was also chosen and used by God. She led many seekers to the name of the Lord and dedicated her home as a gathering and reception place. She also keeps taking care of the paralyzed 80-year-old mother-in-law for more than ten years. In addition, she is a member of the church choir.

- Translated by Richard Zou

In nearly two decades, the Lord has strengthened our family to host small-group meetings

Translated By Richard Zou

In my hometown, meetings are often held in small-group meeting places that are convenient for the elderly, the sick, and the disabled.  For small gatherings, we meet at my home. More than 20 years ago, my family became a host family. Initially, I didn't realize that my family was a host family and I was serving the Lord. As I knew it was only for my convenience, we gathered at my house.  

At that time, we were lacking both confidence and understanding. On Saturday nights, my husband usually goes to Xinzhuang, which is one or two miles away, and sometimes they meet at my home.  

Having no foundation in our faith, Satan often takes advantage of it-I don't know why my husband refuses to attend meetings, and others don't either. At the time, we didn't realize it was Satan's disturbance.  

With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we realized it was Satan and the devil who frightened and disturbed us. As a result of that disturbance, we hadn't met for more than three years. A young brother gave me a Bible as a gift, and I read it when I have the time. The Holy Spirit illuminated me and made me realize my sins and know the Lord who loved us to the end did not give up on us. 

In the winter of 1999, some people who were refining small pots of oil came to the empty place by our house yard to refine oil. There were two young workers working for them, and one of them was a believer named Guilin, and he came to our house when he had time to preach the gospel and ask me to believe in Jesus. I said I believed in Jesus before, but not in the last three years. I wanted to believe in Jesus, but I couldn't go to church ......  

He said, "Is it okay to have a meeting in your house?” I said, "Yes”. He said, "I'll ask them to meet at your house.". I said, "OK.". 

 Then my husband and I started to host the meetings and serve the Lord again and met in our house. We realized in the past ten years that we were serving the Lord and hosting meetings for the Lord. Being a host and serving the Lord is not easy, especially since the devil and the enemy often attack and disrupt the ministry of hosting and serving.  

For the first two or three years, there were rumors about us believing in "heresy" and people insulted us. I felt bad for this, so I began reading the Bible (I didn't like reading previously), and God enlightened me with these verses. 

Matthew 5:10-12  

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for, in the same way, they persecuted the prophets who were before you. 

My faith in God comforts and encourages me so much that I don't mind what others say, slander, or insult me. As a result, Satan used the members to slander me and create conflict at my house, saying that they were no longer welcome. A few members refused to attend meetings because of the rumors. Suddenly that Wednesday afternoon, the Lord sent his workers back to ask, "Where should we meet this afternoon?" They replied, "It's time to meet at LiuZhuang.". ...... This is why they attended our meeting. 

After some time, the Heresy Eastern Lightning also came to disturb us, at first we didn't know they were from Eastern Lightning, because they said they were believers ...... Many members were deceived by Satan, slandering us as traitors, and suggesting moving the meeting place to somewhere else, and when I held the meeting at my home, they didn't come.  I was surprised to see a servant of God appear at my house for a meeting on Wednesday night (meeting time), and they joined him. 

“Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. Whoever welcomes a prophet as a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward, and whoever welcomes a righteous person as a righteous person will receive a righteous person’s reward. And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.” (Matthew 10:40-42) 

How to Host Virtual Church Meetings

 Translated By Richard Zou

In order to host a virtual church meeting, you need to research your options before deciding on the technology. You can use your smartphone to film a sermon, but if your congregation is larger, you’ll need high-quality equipment. Moreover, filming sermons from a pastor’s point of view can help create a personal connection between him and his congregation. However, the technology used should be suitable for your church.

Online bible studies

With the growth of virtual church meetings, Bible study groups are finding new ways to engage people. These virtual meetings don’t require you to attend a physical church meeting; you can participate in a Bible study from the comfort of your home. You can participate in these meetings whenever you want, and there’s no need to coordinate childcare. You can do the study at your own pace, without worrying about your kids’ schedule.

o attract new members to a virtual church meeting, make sure you advertise the event in your church’s bulletin and on your website. In addition to the church website, consider advertising online Bible studies at virtual church meetings in social media. This way, interested people can connect with the group leaders and acclimate to it. If you can’t find a group that’s already started, consider announcing the study and asking church members to share the news with others.

Group chat option

You may be wondering if a group chat is an effective option for your virtual church meetings. This technology allows you to send a group text message to several people with specific instructions or an announcement. You can even attach files relevant to the meeting. You can set up notifications for each group member so that they will receive them before the meeting begins. With this application, you can also see who has received the message and what time it was read. It also offers safety for your personal information.

You can also consider Zoom. Although the pricing for churches is a little high, it has all the features you need for your virtual church meetings. It connects from any device and includes dial-in numbers. You can also use Smart Meeting in-app intelligence to capture the main points of the discussion and assign action items. You can also get a free trial of this software and sign up for its basic plan. You can have up to 100 participants and enjoy high-quality video and screen sharing.

Congregational meeting under the guidance of the Holy Spirit

The convocation of congregational meetings is the most important meeting of the church. Congregational meetings are held only when there is a crisis or a need for information. Though the meetings are not formally called by the congregation, they are often held with the congregational leaders’ approval. The relationship between the convocation and the consistory must be clarified. The elders must bring definite proposals to the meeting and the members must adhere to them.

In the 20th century, the trend toward congregationalism among the Brethren led to the development of a paper on the authority of the Bible and Biblical inspiration. This paper acknowledges the varying views and practices among Brethren. Regardless of the differences, congregational meetings must be held with the highest level of integrity and reverence. Consequently, congregational meetings should be free from controversy and should follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Zoom platform

If you’re looking for a simple and cost-effective way to host virtual church meetings, consider the Zoom platform. Unlike other solutions, Zoom is completely cloud-based, which means no special equipment is required for setup. Additionally, it’s easy to set up multiple hosts and promote others as hosts. If your church doesn’t have a dedicated streaming room, Zoom offers a free trial version so you can try it out for free.

A Zoom meeting can be password-protected or open to everyone. Then, the Zoom audience can participate or not. Zoom has a limit of 100 people, but you can limit this number to just a few. Once inside the meeting, all participants must mute their microphones. Similarly, it’s easy to share meeting details with the other participants. You can even send out an e-mail invitation to the whole congregation.

Small Group Meeting Places Outside of a Home

Translated By Richard Zou

For small group meeting places, people learn better when they are comfortable, eating food and having fun. This makes the location and set up of small groups important. Because of this you may think that a small group meeting should always held in a home.

For most people, home meetings work great. But there are some people who have an allergic reaction to showing up at a stranger’s home or strangers showing up in their home. This can even be characteristic of a community where there is little community interaction. Think of areas where many people commute for hours to and from work.

Some churches have chosen to meet in buildings and hold services that do not look like the traditional church. This method has successfully encouraged many who wouldn’t normally show up at a church to feel comfortable walking in. Although the environment is not always ideal, a small group meeting outside a home could encourage those who would not enter a stranger’s home to take part in a small group.

If the objective is to encourage people to attend and participate, other site choices might be necessary. Don’t let the lack of a home to meet in discourage you from leading a small group.

6 Small Group Meeting Places Outside of a Home

Here is a list of six locations to consider when a home is not the answer:





Coffee Shop

Community Building (parks & recreation, neighborhood, etc.)

There are pros and cons to each type of location. If your small group needs to meet outside the home, first find the alternative locations that are available to you. Then choose the best one that can offer as much privacy and comfort as possible.

Do your members live in different zip codes? A virtual location may be the best choice. Consider starting an online small group.

Question: What small group meeting locations would you add to the list? 



The Meeting Place (church)


The Meeting Place (church)

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The Meeting Place
The Meeting Place Building Front.jpg
The front of The Meeting Place
DenominationCanadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches
Websitethemeetingplace.mb.ca Edit this at Wikidata
The Meeting Place Winnipeg Logo.JPG
The Meeting Place's 2018 Easter service

The Meeting Place (TMP) is an evangelical Mennonite church located in downtown WinnipegManitoba. It is a member of the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches and the Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba.[1] The Meeting Place's mission statement is "to be a biblically-functioning community leading people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ."


Sunday morning service at The Meeting Place in 2018
A Meeting Place service held in the basement during 1991 renovations

The Meeting Place was founded in 1991 by a small group of former attendees of Portage Avenue Mennonite Brethren Church, as well as a few people from other church backgrounds.[2] The hope was to create a new church with a focus on making a Sunday morning worship experience more comfortable for first-time visitors and offering them identifiable steps and pathways toward greater spiritual growth.

The Meeting Place Church offices located in the lower level of the building, seen here on the left next to the main building

The Meeting Place was originally located in a small office building on Maryland Street prior to moving in 1993 to its current location on Smith Street in what was previously a night club.[2] Church services were held in a temporarily renovated area in the Smith Street building basement while major renovations took place in the soon to be main auditorium.[3] Once the main auditorium began being used for the weekend services, the basement was renovated to accommodate the Children's Ministry program. Subsequent renovations on the top floor have allowed for a theater to be built to accommodate the Youth Ministry programs. In addition, staff offices have been moved around a number of times. Initially these were in the Smith Street building when it was first acquired by the congregation, but were taken out and moved to an office building one block away on Broadway Ave and remained there for a couple of years until once again being relocated to a basement office on Smith Street next door to the main auditorium building.

Over the years, The Meeting Place has seen both increases and declines in attendance. At its peak in the late 90s and into 2000, over 2200 attendees were attending on a weekly basis.[4] Currently, 800 or more people attend on a weekly basis, with as many as 1500 people indicating they would call The Meeting Place their home faith community.

The Meeting Place has seen its share of Christian recording artists on staff, most notably Juno Award nominee and Covenant Award winner Jon Buller, and Covenant Award winner Drew Brown. The Meeting Place is also where Christian recording artist and Juno Award winner Amanda Falk was discovered.[5]

In September 2008, John Neufeld became the lead pastor The Meeting Place. He had previously been the head of the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches' Leadership Development department [6] John Neufeld served as the lead pastor for twelve and half years alongside a leadership team and executive pastor Bob Marsch. In May 2021, John resigned as lead pastor and transitioned to another pastoral role.


  1. ^ "MBCM – Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba"mbcm.ca.
  2. Jump up to:a b Steiner, Sam (August 1997). "The Meeting Place (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)"Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online.
  3. ^ "The Meeting Place - Administrative History". Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches.
  4. ^ Doug Barkman. (March 1998). ""A place to meet Jesus ABBOTSFORD, B.C."". M.B. Herald Vol. 37 No.5.
  5. ^ Kelly Rempel (January 2005). "Premiere release highlights talents of local musicians". Christian Current.
  6. ^ ""Canadian Conference seeks Leadership Development director"".

External links[edit]

Church Services, Meetings, and Gatherings

 Until we deal directly with issues like the difference between church services, meetings, and gatherings the organized traditional systems will pass us off as a fad. We are all in agreement that Father God is transitioning His church for optimal effectiveness and impact in this darkened world. The problem comes when we make adjustments to how we do things without knowing where or why the Lord is moving us. Needless to say, for many it has been a long and difficult road. Our greatest challenges have come from our belief that we must be doing things right because it’s what we were taught in a seminary, it’s the way we have seen the church operate over our years as believers, or probably the worst, it’s what everyone else is doing all around us today.

Many leaders attempt to make the adjustments in view of church growth only to face an angry congregation that refuses to make the needed changes. When leaders’ pocketbooks are challenged, they simply succumb to the pressure and they return to the status quo to answer the wants of the people. It takes a mature man/woman of God, who fully trusts God, to stand his or her ground in this generation. It is for this reason the Lord never intended that the one-man rule of priest or pastor be the modus-operandi (pattern) of His Church. A plurality of elders as a working five-fold presbytery is the safety net for the advancement of the Kingdom under the Holy Spirit’s direction.

The correct assessment of the problem of “how we do church” will answer the question of why we are not having the necessary impact on our society. “We have never done it this way”, is still our greatest enemy. This certainly holds true when we discuss the definitions and the purposes of services, meetings, and gatherings of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is not an attempt to stereotype, but rather a desire to have us re-evaluate what we do and why we do it. Certainly wonderful exceptions exist to the things I am sharing. If that’s you praise the Lord for the mercy you have received.

Church Services, Meetings, and Gatherings

The Church Service

Origin- The present-day church service has its roots with the Roman Emperor Constantine around 300 AD. Most of what is done in services today is rooted in the Old Testament examples of the Canaanite gods. Even the majority of non-denominational services are following the outline of Catholic liturgies performed and created during the Dark Ages.

Purpose- Ask ninety-nine percent of church attenders, and they will tell you that they are coming to worship* God. The belief being God needs my one hour and twenty minute “worship” once a week. Many will tell you that they are coming to get a “Word.” The belief being that the preacher-man/clergy has a word for me. God is in the Church building (Holy Place) and it is there where He deals with His people. So goes the famous saying: “I am going to church.”

Method- Members attend where their church membership is registered.  They attend there because they are in agreement with set doctrines, their parents went there, they like the pastor, they like the music, their kids enjoy meeting their friends there, they are of the same race, they speak the same language, it’s a large congregation, and/or it will be good for their business or love life. They attend a building. They attend for a scheduled time on a special day. 

Procedure- An elite, hired ministerial professional, or staff, will “minister” to the spectators who are waiting to receive “ministry” from them. The bystanders are allowed to agree by saying Amen or to “get into the Spirit” at the prescribed times as the clergy ministers to them. You are allowed varied responses to emotionalism or “the Spirit” based on the general belief and desires of the local leadership. In general, don’t move from where you are seated or interrupt the ministry from the front. The members, or spectators, have the same chance to participate “from the front” (Holy Place) as do fans have of playing “on the field” during a game. The front is usually higher, roped off, or surrounded by banisters so the laity (that’s you) understands that the front is for clergy.

Results- After some time those in the front will signal that God has been worshipped enough,** the people have been given the Word for the week, and now they can come near to the front to get ministry. Depending on the denomination, you will be invited to “get communion,” repent, and/or receive an impartation (something he has and you need) from the elite hired ministerial professional. Time will be up, and as you go to your car you may contact your friends to find out what restaurant they are going to, or you may just drive home never to see the other members again until next week. You punched the clock, driven by duty and obligation. God is satisfied and you have no responsibility to the other members.

Acts 17:24-25 God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands. 25 Nor is He worshiped with men’s hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath, and all things. NKJV

*  I could not locate one instance in the New Testament where the apostles discuss worshipping God as the reason for their gatherings. God does not need, nor request, our “doings.” Instead, He is pleased by our 24/7 lifestyle of “being.” Service denotes religious works.

** See Steve Crosby’s new articles and book here http://stevecrosby.org/praise-and-worship/reorienting-praise-worship-part-1

The Meeting

          1. Origin- The recent use of the word meeting has been popularized by the House Church Movement. Mostly it includes those who have come to understand there is no such thing as a clergy – laity division and that the Lord Jesus Christ put an end to works, on the cross of Calvary 2000 years ago. Many Christians have left, and are leaving, the traditional organized church for these less formal meetings.

          2. Purpose- Each believer is a part of Christ’s body so their participation is essential to get “all of Christ.” Believers attend the meeting and are committed to the meeting because Christ is there. The central focus becomes the meeting and little participation happens outside of that. Some of the original proponents of the meeting model still look down on serving food and too much fellowship as it interrupts “Christ” in the meeting.

         3. Method- The meeting paradigm hangs most of its methodology on this one verse.

1 Cor 14:26 How (WHY) is it then, brethren? when ye come together, every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying.* KJV

         4. Procedure- Each meeting participant is expected to share the Christ in them. Usually participants sit in a circle in a living room and you share when it comes around to your turn, although the proponents of the meeting model claim to be following the Holy Spirit. Men deal with men’s issues and women deal with women’s issues in separate business meetings. This model has few women if any in leadership. Proponents of this model push for participants to live near to each other to the point of requesting that all families move into the same subdivision to have community.**

         5. Results- Meetings are said to be “good” when everyone shares concerning “their deeper life in Christ.” The proponents of the meeting teach that Christ is central, but in practice the meeting is central. Little is done for the poor or anyone else outside the meeting. Relationships among the participants are weak, although it’s a step up from those who attend services. The groups are usually small, and even though they probably don’t mean to, they tend to have an air of pride and elitism.

* The only problem with this interpretation is that if it is properly placed in context, Paul is not advocating for equal voice, but rebuking for over use of tongues and disorder in the gathering of the ekklesia because of all wanting to share at the same time.

** While some small aspects of community can be helped by physically living near to one another ,the real thread of community is the love of the brethren not physical proximity.

The Gathering

       1. Origin- When I think of the word gathering I am reminded of the upper room. A family of people from different walks of life and different cultures coming together to enjoy each other’s company. The gathering is not exclusive, so the small can sit in equal stature with the great. Agreement of doctrine is not a prerequisite so all can come together and enjoy the love of God in the fellowship of His people. The New Testament is full of examples of small and large gatherings of His Church.

        2. Purpose- God is love. In a gathering everything is about relationships. Making new ones and strengthening old ones. Everything is founded on the love of the brethren. Saints come together moved by the Spirit. Saints come together because they love each other. They are as passionate about the gathering of His people, as is the Lord.

Matt 26:29 But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father’s kingdom.”NKJV

With this type of passion they proclaim the greatest message that could ever be preached. The world has no answer for the unity and the joy found in the gathering of His people.

       3. Method- Gatherings are heavenly appointments created by the Holy Spirit and designed by the Creator before the beginning of time. These gatherings happen daily and are 24/7 in nature. Sometimes there are made up of just two or three saints, and sometimes it’s a broader group depending on how the Lord is building His Church. As one North Texas sister said to me “we gather regularly, but not routinely”. In the 21st century community and relationships are not dependent on geographical constraints thanks to technology. The reason geography is specified in the scripture, according to Steve Crosby is because in their day, it DEFINED THE BOUNDARIES OF RELATIONSHIP.  I do not believe the geographical descriptions in scripture are PRESCRIBING what MUST be, but RATHER DESCRIBING, what was in their world. Shoot, most people spent their whole lives not going any further than 5 miles from where they lived.  Today you can travel 5,000 miles and arrive at a gathering of God’s people and feel like you have known them forever. In fact you have, because the same Christ and the same Spirit has been living and operating in you since you were born from above.

       4. Procedure- Since love is the foundation, all teaching and ministry flows spontaneously. Flowing with Holy Spirit is a gift forgotten in today’s “church” services and meetings. People are full of the knowledge of Scripture but they know not The Word made flesh. Claims of “disorder” cannot be founded when The Head is in charge of His church. It may be out of YOUR mind, but it is not out of His. It is very common to see the Lord bring all to focus on one thing and then break out like popcorn all over the room using His vessels as He wishes. Like appendages on His hands, five-fold mature brothers and sisters move through a gathering giving form, counsel, and prayer where needed. Since all the Glory goes to the Lord Jesus Christ, there are no titles used or positions to divide, simply functions to (EQUIP) assist the Body to mature and grow in His likeness. Scripture clearly outlines the process of the Master Weaver when His people gather.

Eph 4:16 from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love. NKJV

Col 2:2 that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, and attaining to all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the knowledge of the mystery of God, both of the Father and of Christ, NKJV

Col 2:19 and not holding fast to the Head, from whom all the body, nourished and knit together by joints and ligaments, grows with the increase that is from God. NKJV

       5. Results- How do you describe an internal satisfaction of the very purposes as to why you were created that result in joyful singing, laughter, and deep contentment? This gives you the strength to withstand any difficult moment or circumstance because you know who you are and whose you are. You have a wonderful loving Father and you are part of His global family. You have all the freedom of the Spirit, yet protected by the safety net of true and tested relationships in the Body. Growth, both personal and into His Body, is guaranteed because His love is contagious and where your feet go, all are infected and affected by it.

The early community of believers consisted of unlearned, uneducated, illiterate, poor people, made up of fishermen and slaves, with no bibles or buildings, and this is the impact they had on their generation.

Acts 17:6 “These are they who have turned the world upside down have come here too.

This brings me back to my original statement and the reason for this article. The correct assessment of the problem of “how we do church” will answer the question of why we are not having the necessary impact on our society.

1 Cor 1:26 For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called.  27 But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; 28 and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, 29 that no flesh should glory in His presence NKJV













马太福音5:10-12 为义受逼迫的人有福了,因为天国是他们的。人若因我辱骂你们,逼迫你们,捏造各样坏话毁谤你们,你们就有福了。应当欢喜快乐,因为你们在天上的赏赐是大的…… 



