

SIN 的翻译目前还有 “罪,过,恶”三派。

"罪字“派目前一派独大,"过字”派亦来势汹汹,"恶字“派的呼声也挺高,个人认为"偏字派"是最具底蕴,任何其它派别均需用"偏"字来解释和描述,很有从后台请到前台的趋势,只要"罪"字被定为古汉语,为了圣经翻译与时具进,"罪"字很有可能光荣下岗,完成其历史使命."偏"字上位的可能性最大."偏"字的优势在于暗含了一个标准,不管你把它放在哪个语境中,它均可准确地表达意思,比如:在"善恶"语境,绝对的善在比岸,是属神的,偏离绝对的善即是恶,是SIN 的一种,在"有过"和"无过"语境中,绝对的"无过"在比岸,是属神的,偏离绝对的无"过",即有"过",是SIN 的一种,"有罪"和"无罪"语境,"对错"语境,"好坏"语境,,均一样,以此类推.因为所有这些语境,在此岸,从人的视角看都有一个人间的标准,有一个不属神的标准,即不需引入"神的标准"就可判定.这也解释了为什么各派互不认同,因为各派角度不同,但深度相同,只有"偏"字的深度高过其它字,是它们的根,偏字又可隐含一个"标准",一个呼之欲出的标准,在基督教语言范式中,不言而喻的是"神的标准",它象一把万能钥匙,可打开不同语境的锁。真理从各个侧面看都是真理,谬误则不是,谬误至少在一个侧面看不是真理。象"相对论"可解释"牛顿力学",可包容"牛顿力学".说明"相对论"比"牛顿力学"更接近绝对真理。因为偏字有自我变化的功能,可以嵌入任何一个用"神的标准"来判定的语境,比其他几字更接近原义.


Part 9: The Mystery of Iniquity - John S. Torell

7 The Mystery of Iniquity

Iniquities of the Fathers Talk


Judas Mystery of Iniquity - J. Vernon McGee - FULL Sunday Sermons

August 19th, 2017 Discerning the Mystery of Iniquity

Seven Mysteries in the Bible, Mystery #5 The Mystery of Iniquity

John Osteen's The Mystery of Iniquity 1989

Iniquity, Root Cause of ALL Sin, David Hairabedian, EagleHeartFellowship...

Iniquity, Root Cause of ALL Sin, David Hairabedian, EagleHeartFellowship...

What is Iniquity?


帖撒罗尼迦前书(1 Thessalonians)
2:16 不许我们传道给外邦人使外邦人得救,常常充满自己的偏差。神的忿怒临在他们身上已经到了极处。
Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.
帖撒罗尼迦后书(2 Thessalonians)
2:3 人不拘用什吗法子,你们总不要被他诱惑,因为那日子以前,必有离道反教的事,并有那有巨大偏差的人,就是沉沦之子,显露出来。
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
提摩太前书(1 Timothy)
1:9 因为律法不是为义人设立的,乃是为不法和不服的,不虔诚和有偏差的,不圣洁和恋世俗的,弑父母和杀人的,
Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,
1:15 基督耶稣降世,为要拯救有偏差的人。这话是可信的,是十分可佩服的。在有偏差的人中我个是首领。
This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.
5:20 有偏差的人,当在众人面前责备他,叫其馀的人也可以惧怕。
Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.
5:21 我在神和基督耶稣并蒙拣选的天使面前嘱咐你,要遵守这些话,不可存成见,行事也不可有偏心。
I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angels, that thou observe these things without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality.
5:22 给人行按手的礼,不可急促。不要在别人的偏差上有分。要保守自己清洁。
Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure.
5:24 有些人的偏差是明显的,如同先到审判案前。有些人的偏差是随后跟了去的。
Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after.
