

绝对没有绝对吗?-Richard Ochs

作者:Richard Ochs

然而,你可以知道绝对的标准,因为那绝对者(神)已经向人类自我启示了。更重要的,你可以认识这位神,因为他已经差遣了他的儿子耶稣来到世上了。真自由在这里才能找到!正如耶稣告诉他的门徒说:「你们若常常遵守我的道,就真是我的门徒;你们必晓得真理,真理必叫你们得以自由。」(约翰 8:31-32


? Lake Road Chapel | www.lakeroadchapel.org 1
Are There No Absolutes?  by Richard Ochs

One cannot go very long in our so-called “postmodern” world without being exposed to the
thought that “all truth is relative,” or as it is more commonly put, “There are no absolutes.” It takes
very little insight to see that such statements are self-contradictory. “There are no absolutes” is
itself an absolute statement, as is the statement that “all truth is relative.” Though logically invalid,
such concepts continue to float freely in our society. Why is this? Some may hold such views because
of a lack of clear thinking, but for many others the reason for embracing this relativistic view
is that it supposedly liberates them from having any moral absolutes imposed on them. “I’m free
to do what I want any old time,” says the Rolling Stones song, in a good summation of the moral
relativism that permeates our culture. This sounds very appealing, but the idea of “no absolutes” is,
in fact, one of the most terrifying concepts imaginable. Consider the awful implications that flow
logically from this position.

In the area of morals, if there are no absolutes, nothing is really objectively right or wrong.
What at first glance seems liberating is actually frightening beyond description. Murder, rape,
child abuse, and genocide are not truly wrong or evil, because there are no absolutes. In fact, these
things are on the same plane as acts of generosity, kindness, and love because there is no ethical
standard to distinguish between good and evil. No one can say that we ought to live and act in a
certain way because there is no basis for “oughtness” anywhere. You may say you are “free to do
what you want any old time,” but so is the next person, and he may want to torture and murder
you. You may not like torture or murder, but they are not objectively wrong or evil, because there
are no absolutes.

Or consider the concepts of truth and knowledge. Since all truth is relative, we are told we can
have “truths” but no “Truth” with a capital “T.” Knowledge is always tentative and uncertain. But
are you certain about that? If so, you are holding an absolute your system denies. More importantly,
you have embraced a position in which you can know nothing and say nothing for certain.
Do you know that you exist? Do you know that the letter “A” is not the same as the letter “B”? Do
you know that any statement about anything has any validity? You don’t if there are no absolutes.
So knowledge and truth slip through your fingers like the wind. Your thought processes and propositional
statements about anything (including truth and knowledge) are utter nonsense. The only
logical consequence is silence or babble. Anything beyond these is actually pure arrogance because
you have set yourself up as an arbitrary absolute. Without realizing it, you have made yourself the
ultimate reference point of all reality. There is no absolute truth except what you say!

Lastly, consider the area of the meaning and purpose of life. To say that there are no absolutes
is to say that there is no absolute meaning or purpose to life. This leads (if one is consistent and
honest) to the conclusion that there is no meaning or purpose to life at all. You may say that you
can create your own meaning, but if there is no ultimate meaning to life, you are just deceiving
yourself. If your origin is meaningless and your destiny is meaningless, your present existence is
also meaningless, and any attempt to somehow manufacture meaning from meaninglessness is utter futility.

Suppose you take the position of trying to find meaning and purpose in the preservation and
betterment of the human species or of the earth. Remember there are no absolutes, so these “noble”
goals have no real purpose or meaning or value. What does it matter if you or the human race or
the universe itself continues for one more moment? The answer is, “Nothing!” It matters nothing
because nothing matters in a universe that has no absolute meaning or purpose. You are a point in
time playing a pointless role in a meaningless existence without a plot. As Shakespeare’s Macbeth
puts it, life is “a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” Without absolutes
in the area of meaning and purpose, life is absurd. Insanity or suicide makes as much sense as anything,
because nothing makes sense.

So what have we come to in this renunciation of absolutes? We have truths that are not true,
purposes that have no purpose, values that have no value, and life that has no meaning. Even rational
discourse is negated. To renounce absolutes is to renounce everything and end with nothing. Absolutely  nothing.

The Ultimate Absolute
But, are there no absolutes? Yes, there are, and deep down everyone knows it. Each of us
knows that there is a real difference between cruelty and non-cruelty. We know that murder, rape,
and child abuse are wrong. We know that we know some things for certain. For instance, we know
that we exist as self-conscious individuals and that our existence must have meaning and value.
According to the Bible, God has written His absolutes on the human heart. (Romans 1:18-32;
2:14-16) Our problem is that in seeking autonomous moral freedom (“I’m free to do what I want.”),
we have suppressed this inescapable knowledge of right and wrong and have sought to live without
reference to the One Ultimate Absolute that is the basis of all others. If you do not begin with the
infinite-personal God who has communicated to us in the Bible, it is impossible logically to have
any absolutes. As one philosopher said, “No finite point has meaning without an infinite reference

It comes down to this. If you don’t start with God, the ultimate absolute, you end with nothing:
Nothing in the area of morality, nothing in the area of meaning, nothing in the area of knowledge.
You may say, “I still have freedom.” Yes, but what a terrible freedom: Freedom to be nothing, to
know nothing, to live for nothing. The more consistently you try to live out this so-called “freedom,”
the more bondage to sin, despair, and futility you will experience.
There are absolutes and you can know them because God has spoken. But far more importantly,
you can know God because of what He has done in sending His Son into the world. This is
where real freedom is found. As Jesus told those who followed Him, “If you continue in My word,
then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
(John 8:31-32)

True faith in Christ is diametrically opposed to any form of oppressive absolutism, whether it
is the secular absolutism of a Hitler or a Mao, or the religious absolutism of the Crusades or the
Inquisition. Christ spoke strongly against such things as arrogance, oppressive intolerance, selfrighteousness,and judgmentalism.

得救之道-A. W. Pink

作者:John E. Marshall

他的血能洗净最污秽的有偏差的人,他的恩能扶持最软弱不配的人。他的能力能拯救一切饱经试炼的人。看哪!现在正是悦纳的时候;现在正是拯救的日子。(林后 6:2)现在,就向基督屈膝称臣吧!让他在你心中掌权,让他掌管你的生命,信靠他为你十架舍命。你要尽心尽意的爱他,全心全意的顺服他,他必带领你安然进入天城。

                                       「当信主耶稣,你和你一家都必得救。」 (徒16:31

The Way of Salvation A. W. Pink

What must I do to be saved? Saved from what? What is it you wish to be saved from? Hell?
That proves nothing. Nobody wants to go there. The issue between God and man is SIN. Do you wish to be saved from it?
What is sin? Sin is a species of rebellion against God. It is self-pleasing: it is utter ignoring of God’s claims: being completely indifferent whether my conduct pleases or displeases Him.
Before God saves a man He convicts him of his sinnership. By this I do not mean that he says with everybody else, “O yes we are all sinners, I know that.” Rather do I mean that the Holy Spirit makes me feel in my heart that I have been a life-long rebel against God, and that my sins are so many, so great, so black, that I fear that I have transgressed beyond the reach of Divine mercy.
Have you ever had that experience? Have you seen yourself to be totally unfit for heaven?
For the presence of a Holy God? Do you now perceive that there is no good thing in you, nothinggood credited to your account, that all the way through you have loved the things God hates and hated the things God loves?
Has the realization of this broken your heart before God? Has it made you mourn that you have so despised His Sabbaths, neglected His Word, and given Him no real place at all in your thoughts,affections and life? If you have not yet seen and felt this personally, then at present there is no hope for you, for God says, “Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish” —Luke 13:3. And if you die in your present condition you will be lost forever.
But if you have been brought to the place where sin is your greatest plague, where offending God is your greatest grief and where your deepest desire is now to please and honor Him; then there is hope for you. “The Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost” —Luke 19:10. And He will save you providing you are ready and willing to throw down the weapons of your warfare against Him, bow to His Lordship, and surrender yourself to His control.
His blood can wash the foulest clean. His grace can support and uphold the weakest. His power can deliver the tried and tempted. “Behold now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” —II Corinthians 6:2. Yield yourself to Christ’s claims. Give Him the throne of your heart. Turn over to Him the regulation of your life. Trust in His atoning death. Love Him with all your soul. Obey Him with all your might and He will conduct you to heaven.
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” —Acts 16:31.

你够坏成为基督徒吗?-John E. Marshall

作者:John E. Marshall
      1 基督的福音是为有偏差的人预备的。

圣经说:基督……为有偏差的人死。……基督在我们还作有偏差的人的时候为我们死。……基督耶稣降世,为要拯救有偏差的人。(罗 5:68;提前 1:15 

2 有人以为自己心地善良所以不需要信基督了。

有一宗人,自以为清洁,却没有洗去自己的污秽。(箴 30:12)这些人不读经、不祷告、不听道,他们根本没空去听耶稣基督的福音,因他们自以为义,自以为善良,所以就不需要救主了。他们以为:死后会到一个更美好的地方,天堂的大门会向他们敞开,所以他们坦然无惧,不怕死亡。

3 这样的人是无知的人。

第一,  他们对那圣洁公义的神一无所知。
第二,  他们对神的话(圣经)也一无所知。经上记着说:没有义人,连一个也没有!(罗3:10
第三,  他们对自己更一无所知;他们不认识自己的真实光景:原来在神的眼中,人的义行(最好的行为)都像污秽的衣服,破烂不堪。(赛64:6



5 若你承认自己有偏差,那么:

第一,  即刻求神因耶稣基督的缘故怜悯你。(路18:13
第二,  求神拯救你脱离偏差的权势与刑罚。(徒2:21
第三,  记得:有病的人才需要医生。同理,心灵有病的人(有偏差的人)才需要救主。(太9:12)基督来是为了医治心灵有病的人。
第四,  记得,正因为你如此之坏,所以你需要一位一位如此之大、如此之善的救主;你迫切的需要耶稣基督,因为他若不救你,你就没救了!你绝不能自救!
第五,  请听神的话:凡靠著他进到神面前的人,他都能拯救到底……(来7:25 

 原文:Are You Bad Enough...to Become a Christian?  by John E. Marshall
1. The Christian Gospel Is for Bad People
The Bible says “Christ died for the ungodly, Christ died for sinners, Jesus Christ came into the
world to save sinners.” (Romans 5:6, 1 Timothy 1:15)
2. Some Men Think They Are So Good They Have No Need of Jesus Christ
“There is a generation that is pure in its own eyes, and yet is not washed from its filthiness.”
(Proverbs 30:12) People do not read the Bible, do not pray, never listen to the preaching of the
gospel, never have time to hear about Jesus Christ. This is because they think they are so good,
that they have no need of a Savior. Such people think that when they die they will be accepted in
heaven. They are not worried about dying because it will lead them to a better place.
3. Such People Are Ignorant
I) They are ignorant of God, who is holy and just.
II) They are ignorant of the Bible which says that there is “none righteous, no not one.” (Romans
III) They are ignorant of themselves; they do not know how they appear in the sight of God. Even
the good deeds of men appear as “filthy rags” in God’s sight. (Isaiah 64:6)
4. Some Think They Are Too Bad to Become Christians
But it is only bad men whom Jesus saves. He never saves anyone so long as they think they are
good. Christ’s power is great enough to deliver very wicked men from the power of sin. Christ’s
blood is sufficient to atone for the sins of very wicked men and women. Christ’s mercy is so great
that bad men and women, who truly cry for mercy from him, are never refused.
5. If You Know You Are Bad, Then
First Call upon God to have mercy upon you for the sake of Jesus Christ. (Luke 18:33)
Second Call upon God to save you from the power and guilt of your sins. (Acts 2:21)
Third Remember, it is those who are sick who need doctors, and those who are spiritually sick who
need a Savior. (Matthew 9:12) Christ came to heal the spiritually sick.
Fourth Remember that because you are so bad you need a very powerful and very kind Savior. You
need Jesus Christ desperately, because if He does not save you there is no one else who can. (Acts
4:12) You can never save yourself.
Fifth Hear what the Bible says: “He is able to save to the uttermost those that come unto God by
Him.” (Hebrews 7:25)




我实实在在的告诉你们,那听我话、又信差我来者的,就有永生;不至於被责备,是已经出死入生了。(约翰 5:24 


千万不要忽略你的圣经。有本好书固然好,但你若有了圣经,你就有了书之之书。世上所有的书加在一块儿,还不如这一本圣经!因它是神在向你说话,它是生命之道(参考:约翰 1:1-2)。今天太多人轻看读经的重要性,所以我觉得责无旁贷,我必须严严的警戒你:你若要进入天国,就必须查考圣经,否则你如何明白神要你干什么?你如何明白天堂与地狱什么样?又如何知道进入天堂的道路呢?

耶稣说:我就是道路、真理、生命;若不藉著我,没有人能到父那里去。(约翰 14:6)你看,若我没有在新约中读到主耶稣所留下的这些话,我怎能知道这些事呢?在圣经中,我们明白了主耶稣的旨意,又晓得遵行他话语的人所要继承的产业。除了圣经之外,天下还有哪本书能给你这样的应许呢?若你不研读查考圣经,你怎能明白当如何行呢?


The Bible
This book contains: The mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers. Its doctrine is holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable. Read it to be wise; believe it to be safe; and practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you. It is the traveler’s map, the pilgrim’s staff, the pilot’s compass, the soldier’s sword, and the Christian’s charter. Here Heaven is opened, and the gates of Hell disclosed. Christ is its grand subject, our good its design, and the glory of God its end. It should fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet. Read it slowly, frequently, prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, health to the soul, and a river of life, will be opened at the Judgment, and is established forever. It involves the highest responsibility, will reward the greatest labor, and condemn all who trifle with its sacred contents. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.”
(John 5:24).

Search the Scriptures
Do not neglect your Bible. A good book is all right in its place, but if you have the Bible, you have the Book of books; you have more than all others put together, because it is God’s own word to you, and it is life. See St. John 1:1-2. There is so much of the neglect of reading the Bible these days; therefore I feel it my duty to warn you. So if you want to go to heaven, you must search the
Bible, or else how will you ever find out what the Lord wants you to do, what heaven is and what hell is, and the way to get to heaven? Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the Life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6) Well, how would I know this if Jesus had not said it and I found it in the New Testament that He left for us? In the Bible we see what is left for us in Jesus’ will, what we will inherit if we keep His sayings and do them. What book besides the Bible promises you this? How are you to know what to do if you don’t read and search it? If you have none, get one at once; and if you have, read it. Don’t lay it on the shelf or in a place where it is unhandy; have it with you wherever you go. Instead of picking up a paper or book, take your
Bible and read a portion. If you wish to live happy and want to go to heaven, and if you want to win souls for Jesus, read your Bible and be faithful. If you want to be a true servant of Jesus Christ, read the Bible.


你重生了吗?- A. W. Pink



首先,约翰写到:凡从神生的,就不出偏差……”。(约一3:9 “……凡从神生的,必不出偏差……(约一 5:18


若他说自己无偏差,便是自欺了( 约一1:8),但他却可以说自己恨恶偏差,他从内心深处迫切地渴望不出偏差。尽管他的思想言行当中仍然免不了亏欠与瘕疵,尽管他深知原来我们在许多事上都有过失(各3:2),然而他可以真诚的在神面前说:偏差令他忧伤、令他懊丧、令他反感、令他心碎。请问,约翰的话符合你的经历吗?你是否重生了?
















Are You Born Again? by J. C. Ryle (1816-1900)

Are you born again? This is one of life’s most important questions. Jesus Christ said, “Excepta man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3).

It is not enough to reply, “I belong to the church; I suppose I’m a Christian.” Thousands of nominal Christians show none of the signs of being born again which the Scriptures have given us—many listed in the First Epistle of John.

First of all, John wrote: “Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin” (I John 3:9). “Whosoever is born of God sinneth not” (5:18).
A person who has been born again, or regenerated, does not habitually commit sin. He no longer sins with his heart and will and whole inclination. There was probably a time when he did not think about whether his actions were sinful or not, and he did not always feel grieved after doing evil. There was no quarrel between him and sin; they were friends. But the true Christian hates sin, flees from it, fights against it, considers it his greatest plague, resents the burden of its presence,mourns when he falls under its influence, and longs to be completely delivered from it. Sin no longer pleases him, nor is it even a matter of indifference to him; it has become a horrible thing
which he hates. However, he cannot eliminate its presence within him.
If he said that he had no sin, he would be lying (I John 1:8). But he can say that he hates sin and that the great desire of his soul is not to commit sin at all. He cannot prevent bad thoughts from entering his mind, or shortcomings, omissions, and defects from appealing in both his words
and his actions. He knows that “in many things we offend all” (James 3:2). But he can truly say, in the sight of God, that these things cause him grief and sorrow and that his whole nature does not consent to them. What would the apostle say about you? Are you born again?

Second, John wrote: “Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God” (I John 5:1).
A man who is born again, or regenerated, believes that Jesus Christ is the only Saviour who can pardon his soul, that He is the divine person appointed by God the Father for this very purpose, and beside Him there is no Saviour at all. In himself he sees nothing but unworthiness. But he has full confidence in Christ, and trusting in Him, he believes that his sins are all forgiven. He believes that,because he has accepted Christ’s finished work and death on the cross, he is considered righteous in God’s sight, and he may look forward to death and judgment without alarm.
He may have fears and doubts. He may sometimes tell you that he feels as if he had no faith at all. But ask him if he is willing to trust in anything instead of Christ, and see what he will say.
Ask him if he will rest his hope of eternal life on his own goodness, his own works, his prayers,his minister, or his church, and listen to his reply. What would the apostle say about you? Are you born again?

Third, John wrote: “Every one that doeth righteousness is born of Him” (I John 2:29).
The man who is born again, or regenerated, is a holy man. He endeavors to live according to God’s will, to do the things that please God and to avoid the things that God hates. He wishes to continually look to Christ as his example as well as his Saviour and to prove himself to be Christ’s friend by doing whatever He commands. He knows he is not perfect. He is painfully aware of his
indwelling corruption. He finds an evil principle within himself that is constantly warring against grace and trying to draw him away from God. But he does not consent to it, though he cannot prevent its presence.
Though he may sometimes feel so low that he questions whether or not he is a Christian at all,he will be able to say with John Newton, “I am not what I ought to be, I am not what I want to be,I am not what I hope to be in another world; but still I am not what I once used to be, and by the grace of God I am what I am.” What would the apostle say about you? Are you born again?

Fourth, John wrote: “We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren” (I John 3:14).
A man who is born again has a special love for all true disciples of Christ. Like his Father in heaven, he loves all men with a great general love, but he has a special love for those who share his faith in Christ. Like his Lord and Saviour, he loves the worst of sinners and could weep over them; but he has a peculiar love for those who are believers. He is never so much at home as when
he is in their company.
He feels they are all members of the same family. They are his fellow soldiers, fighting against the same enemy. They are his fellow travelers, journeying along the same road. He understands them, and they understand him. They may be very different from himself in many ways—in rank,in station and in wealth. But that does not matter. They are his Father’s sons and daughters and he cannot help loving them. What would the apostle say about you? Are you born again?

Fifth, John wrote: “Whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world” (I John 5:4).
A man who is born again does not use the world’s opinion as his standard of right and wrong.
He does not mind going against the world’s ways, ideas and customs. What men think or say no longer concerns him. He overcomes the love of the world. He finds no pleasure in things which seem to bring happiness to most people. To him they seem foolish and unworthy of an immortal being.
He loves God’s praise more than man’s praise. He fears offending God more than offending man. It is unimportant to him whether he is blamed or praised; his first aim is to please God. What would the apostle say about you? Are you born again?

Sixth, John wrote: “He that is begotten of God keepeth himself’ (I John 5:18).
A man who is born again is careful of his own soul. He tries not only to avoid sin but also to avoid everything which may lead to it. He is careful about the company he keeps. He knows that evil communications corrupt the heart and that evil is more catching than good, just as disease is more infectious than health. He is careful about the use of his time; his chief desire is to spend it profitable.
He desires to live like a soldier in an enemy country—to wear his armor continually and to be prepared for temptation. He is diligent to be a watchful, humble, prayerful man. What would the apostle say about you? Are you born again?
These are the six great marks of a born again Christian.
There is a vast difference in the depth and distinctness of these marks in different people. In some they are faint and hardly noticeable. In others they are bold, plain and unmistakable, so anyone may read them. Some of these marks are more visible than others in each individual. Seldom are all equally evident in any one person.
But still, after every allowance, here we find boldly painted six marks of being born of God.
How should we react to these things? We can logically come to only one conclusion—only those who are born again have these six characteristics, and those who do not have these marks are not born again. This seems to be the conclusion to which the apostle intended us to come. Do you have these characteristics? Are you born again?