

What is Hamartia(希腊文“罪”)?

What is Hamartia?
Hamartia, from the Greek for “error,” is a mistake in judgment committed by a tragic hero. 
While the character’s intentions and personal flaws play a central role in this process, hamartia specifically refers to the character’s erroneous action.
This error may be the result of a lack of knowledge or moral flaw and it generally brings about the sorrow, downfall, or death of the hero. The results of hamartia are usually the direct opposite of the character’s expectations.
Hamlet, for example, suffers from the tragic flaw of indecision. He hesitates to kill his cruel and villainous uncle, which leads to the ultimate tragedy of the play. By struggling with an inherent moral flaw, Hamlet brings about his own destruction. His hesitation, therefore, is the action to which the term hamartia is applied.
In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Victor suffers from the inherent moral flaw of hubris, or overweaning pride, presumption, or arrogance. Due to this tragic flaw, he strives to be a great scientist, creates a monster, and brings about his own downfall.
The term “tragic flaw” is often considered to be synonymous with the term hamartia; however, the error of hamartia does not necessarily need to be the result of an inherent flaw in the character. Instead, hamartia can result from ignorance or accident. In fact, in some cases, it can be the result of good intentions or bravery that result in disastrous consequences. So, while hamartia may indeed result from a character’s tragic flaw, the two terms are not strictly equivalent.
For example, in Oedipus the King by Sophocles, Oedipus inadvertently kills his own father. On the road to Thebes, the two men engage in an argument about the right of way, and because he does not realize that Laius is his father, Oedipus kills him. This example of hamartia results from the ignorance of the character.
举例说明,在索福克勒斯(古希腊悲剧诗人)的 俄狄浦斯(希腊神话人物)国王一书中,俄狄浦斯非故意地杀死了他的父亲。
Aristotle claimed that the hamartia must bring about the reversal of fortune for the tragic hero, and that this hero must be neither completely good nor completely bad so that the audience can identify with the character’s plight. Therefore, the audience members experience a feeling of pity for the character, as well as a sense of fear that the same downfall might afflict them someday.
