

Shanxi Church Holds Memorial Service for 87-Y-O Believer

 Translated By Richard Zou

A farewell service at a church in Shanxi province in northern China was for a lady believer who passed away at the age of 87.

In a memorial service held at the Christian Church of Linfen Yaodu District on October 14, the choir sang "Song of Remembrance" and "Sleeping in the Lord's Arms" to remember Li Funv who died on October 10.

In his sermon, Deacon Liu Xiaochun read several passages from Genesis, John, and Revelation about God's creation, death, and the origin of sin, as well as the salvation, resurrection, and love of Jesus Christ.

Following his sermon, Pastor Wang Shuai addressed Christians' attitudes toward death, destiny, and eternal life. He believes that death is not an end but a beginning, not silence but waiting, not relief but triumph, nor a departure but a destination. It was reminded to the congregation that death is the end for all humans, and that judgment will follow. Those who believe in the Lord do not die, but sleep, and look forward to their resurrection.

Elder Zhang Xiaohua then recalled the life of Li Funv. Li was born in a poor peasant family and raised a son and three daughters. Her whole life was filled with hard work and thrift, and she was always obedient to her husband. Even if she was aggrieved, she never bothered others about it, and she always tried to help others whenever she could.

When she was 74, she was baptized and received the gospel. God healed her leg burns and many illnesses. As soon as her husband came to follow Jesus, their temperament and character changed, and they began respecting and loving one another. When her husband turned 84, the Lord took him back to his heavenly home. Because she could not go outside due to her old age, she used to preach the gospel in front of her house, showing the gospel leaflets to her neighbors.

Wang Tao, her third daughter, was also chosen and used by God. She led many seekers to the name of the Lord and dedicated her home as a gathering and reception place. She also keeps taking care of the paralyzed 80-year-old mother-in-law for more than ten years. In addition, she is a member of the church choir.

- Translated by Richard Zou
