

A list of passions

A List of the Passions
bewitchment, harshness, shamelessness, impudence, obfuscation of thoughts, obtuseness, mental blindness,
attraction to what is fleeting, impassionedness, frivolity, disobedience, dullwittedness, drowsiness of soul, excessive
sleep, fantasy, heavy drinking, drunkenness, uselessness, slackness, mindless enjoyment, self-indulgence, venery,
using foul language, effeminacy, unbridled desire, burning lust, masturbation, pimping, adultery, sodomy, bestiality,
defilement, wantonness, a stained soul, incest, uncleanliness, pollution, sordidness, feigned affection, laughter,
jokes, immodest dancing, clapping, improper songs, revelry, fluteplaying, license of tongue, excessive love of order,
insubordination, disorderliness, reprehensible collusion, conspiracy, warfare, killing, brigandry, sacrilege, illicit
gains, usury, wiliness, grave-robbing, hardness of heart, obloquy, complaining, blasphemy, fault-finding,
ingratitude, malevolence, contemptuousness, pettiness, confusion, lying, verbosity, empty words, mindless joy, day-
dreaming, mindless friendship, bad habits, nonsensicality, silly talk, garrulity, niggardliness, depravity, intolerance,
irritability, affluence, rancor, misuse, ill-temper, clinging to life, ostentation, affectation, love of power,
dissimulation, irony, treachery, frivolous talk, pusillanimity, satanic love, curiosity, contumely, lack of the fear of
God, unteachability, senselessness, haughtiness, self- vaunting, self- inflation, scorn for one’s neighbor,
mercilessness, insensitivity, hopelessness, spiritual paralysis, hatred of God, despair, suicide, a falling away from
God in all things, utter destruction - altogether 298 passions.
