

The opening of the 2022 Charlotte Lottie Moon Chinese Missionary Mobilization Conference The life of Charlotte Lottie Moon and the influence of her life on believers


The opening of the 2022 Charlotte Lottie Moon Chinese Missionary Mobilization Conference The life of Charlotte Lottie Moon and the influence of her life on believers

On September 22-24, 2022, the "2022 Chinese Missionary Mobilization Conference - Commemorating the 110th Anniversary of Charlotte Lottie Moon's Missionary Martyrdom in China'' was held online. The conference was co-hosted by the BRC American Bethel Center, the Chicago Chinese Servant Leadership Center, and the Global Servant Leadership Renewal Platform, and co-organized by the Dubai Chinese Business Fellowship and the Led Road Luoshang Platform. The conference invited well-known scholars and pastors as speakers, including Mr. Bai Youcheng, Pastor Chen Shiqin, Professor Lin Zhiping, Dr. Liu Zhusheng, and other speakers worldwide. (Search for the English introduction of the speaker)

On September 22, the opening ceremony of the Charlotte Lottie Moon Chinese Missionary Conference was officially held online. The opening ceremony featured the selection of Metaverse Space as the opening ceremony, Sister Lin Wanrong of Xiaoyang Poetry to lead the praise and worship, and Professor Berlin Zhiping and Teacher Wei Waiyang to " seize the opportunity of Chinese missionaries today ". She shared the story of Charlotte Lottie Moon's mission to China and the impact it had on her life.. (== when summary)

Prof. Lin Zhiping also talked about the special influence of missionary Charlotte Lottie Moon on his personal experience.

Prof Lin said Charlotte Lottie Moon was well-educated and was born in a wealthy family. Therefore, when she first came to China, she disliked Chinese dress and was unwilling to be close to the Chinese. As her evangelistic work began, she found that it wasn't working. Trying other methods, she made some small biscuits for local children to eat, integrating them into Chinese life this way. Chinese people were relatively poor at that time, and there were many major famines, so she tried to help as many as she could.

" Charlotte Lottie Moon is important to me. I converted to Christ when I was in high school." After becoming a Christian, Professor Lin attended church meetings of the Southern Baptist Youth Fellowship. During the Christmas of the year he first believed in the Lord, Professor Lin met Charlotte Lottie Moon for the first time. Professor Lin heard that this little sister had spent the days of famine with the Chinese and wanted to help the Chinese through fundraising, but also fell ill from starvation. On the way to send her back to the United States, Charlotte Lottie Moon went to her heavenly home in Japan.

Upon hearing this story, Professor Lin said: "I found it very strange. A thin and small American missionary, why did she have such a strong love for China in that era? There was no food on the boat, so she starved to death. I was very impressed with this lady."

"I am impressed by her, not because of how effective she is in preaching the gospel," said Professor Lin, "but because she has suffered a lot to preach the gospel."

"Charlotte Lottie Moon is important in my life. I joined the Cosmic Light Ministry in 1973 and have been doing it for nearly 50 years. The call I received was a mission call, but not like a pastor preaching in a church. How I received the love of the Lord into Chinese culture. …I linked the story of the life of Charlotte Lottie Moon to my work. …The work of Charlotte Lottie Moon was to enter the Chinese culture-biscuits for children, evangelism, faith, reaching out to them, and even giving her life for it."

Professor Lin finally concluded: "I have had a missionary will in my life since high school, and the real influence on this will is Charlotte Lottie Moon. She did not convince me with theory. Charlotte Lottie Moon's story showed me how a preacher enters the deeper stage (mission) of (Chinese) culture from the level of life and culture.”

Professor Lin invited Mr. Wei Waiyang to introduce Charlotte Lottie Moon's life. A great deal of time had been spent studying Charlotte Lottie Moon's life for Mr. Wei. So far, he said, no Chinese biography had been written about Charlotte Lottie Moon. Mr. Wei said that what Charlotte Lottie Moon had done in self-denial was worth learning from.

Although she was born in a very devout Christian family, she was very rebellious when she was a child, and even felt that reading Shakespeare on Sundays was more meaningful than going to church to listen to the preaching of the pastor.

Mr. Wei told 2 stories about the girlhood of Charlotte Lottie Moon. When Charlotte Lottie Moon was in middle school, she hated the school bells because they reminded everyone to get up and go to class. On April Fool's Day, she wanted to surprise everyone. So, she crawled up to the clock tower secretly at midnight, and she wrapped the tongue of the clock in the blanket she brought. When it was time to get up the following day, the clock did not strike on time. It took school staff nearly an hour to find the cause and get the clock set up.

Among the names of Charlotte Lottie Moon(Charlotte Diggs “Lottie” Moon), the middle abbreviation was the English letter D. Once, she asked her classmates, “Do you know what the D in my name stands for?” She said arrogantly, “D stands for Demon, which means the devil.”

She believed in the Lord and was saved when she was 18, but Charlotte Lottie Moon was still a bit rebellious at that time. At a church meeting, she wanted to make trouble, find fault with the preaching pastor, and create some turmoil. When she got home, she didn't sleep all night, she thought a lot. The next day, he found the pastor and told him that she wanted to be baptized and testified of her repentance.

Charlotte Lottie Moon was highly educated and liked to read and spoke several languages. She was a talented woman in the southern United States. Among Charlotte Lottie Moon's family, her younger sister was the first to visit China. After her sister went to China, her sister found that there was a great need in China, so her sister kept writing letters to invite her to serve together.

When Charlotte Lottie Moon went to China, she found that her sister had suffered a lot of hardships in the past few years, such as poverty, danger, etc. Her sister was in poor health and had mental problems, so she sent her back to the United States.

Charlotte Lottie Moon gave up her good living conditions and teaching job in the United States. Not only that, but she also gave up her dream of love and marriage as a young lady.

In addition to this, Charlotte Lottie Moon gave up his money and possessions. After Charlotte Lottie Moon went to China, she found that the mission's financial condition in the United States was also very difficult. She made personal loans to missions, hoping to send more missionaries.

When Charlotte Lottie Moon was on a mission in China, she often wrote letters to the leaders of the mission, giving a lot of advice, and also putting forward a lot of advice on women's mission. Later, the mission committee also set up a sister mission. She also suggested that the domestic Christmas tree decoration and other expenses could be saved and used for missionary work. Charlotte Lottie Moon's Christmas offering was named after her in 1918, six years after Charlotte Lottie Moon's death.
