

忏悔录 第一卷 第二章 作者:奥古斯丁 翻译:邹光




   2. And how shall I call upon my God--my God and my Lord? For when I
   call on him I ask him to come into me. And what place is there in me
   into which my God can come? How could God, the God who made both heaven
   and earth, come into me? Is there anything in me, O Lord my God, that
   can contain thee? Do even the heaven and the earth, which thou hast
   made, and in which thou didst make me, contain thee? Is it possible
   that, since without thee nothing would be which does exist, thou didst
   make it so that whatever exists has some capacity to receive thee? Why,
   then, do I ask thee to come into me, since I also am and could not be
   if thou wert not in me? For I am not, after all, in hell--and yet thou
   art there too, for "if I go down into hell, thou art there." [11]
   Therefore I would not exist--I would simply not be at all--unless I
   exist in thee, from whom and by whom and in whom all things are. Even
   so, Lord; even so. Where do I call thee to, when I am already in thee?
   Or from whence wouldst thou come into me? Where, beyond heaven and
   earth, could I go that there my God might come to me--he who hath said,
   "I fill heaven and earth"? [12]
