

忏悔录 第一卷 第三章 作者:奥古斯丁 翻译:邹光


3. Since, then, thou dost fill the heaven and earth, do they contain
thee? Or, dost thou fill and overflow them, because they cannot contain
thee? And where dost thou pour out what remains of thee after heaven
and earth are full? Or, indeed, is there no need that thou, who dost
contain all things, shouldst be contained by any, since those things
which thou dost fill thou fillest by containing them? For the vessels
which thou dost fill do not confine thee, since even if they were
broken, thou wouldst not be poured out. And, when thou art poured out
on us, thou art not thereby brought down; rather, we are uplifted. Thou
art not scattered; rather, thou dost gather us together. But when thou
dost fill all things, dost thou fill them with thy whole being? Or,
since not even all things together could contain thee altogether, does
any one thing contain a single part, and do all things contain that
same part at the same time? Do singulars contain thee singly? Do
greater things contain more of thee, and smaller things less? Or, is it
not rather that thou art wholly present everywhere, yet in such a way
that nothing contains thee wholly?
