

Grace of God

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The Grace of God[1] expresses itself as a combination of many attributes of God, especially mercy, goodness, compassion, and love. In many verses in the Bible, these four attributes are interrelated and a combination of two or more stresses the Grace of God. Read Eph 2: 4-5; Ps 145:8; Exo 33:19.

Grace can be defined as an unmerited gift of God to assist and to equip man. This means that Grace comes in form of assistance or potential or resource. Gift and Grace can be used interchangeably. God’s grace is upon all humanity. Even though Salvation is the greatest gift God has given to man, it is not the only gift man receives from God. The Grace of God is unlimited and in five forms.[2] Grace manifests as a gift from God. Therefore, there are five forms of gifts of God to humans; two come from special grace and three from universal grace. They are:
Material Universal Grace (Gifts of Matter and Time)
Spiritual Universal Grace (Gifts of the Soul and Intrinsic Spirit)
Spiritual Special Grace (Gifts of Extrinsic Spirits)
Divine Universal Grace (Gifts of Favor and Restraint)
Divine Special Grace (Gift of Salvation)

The first three of these five forms are available to man as resources to implement good works. Universal Grace is the grace that God bestows on all mankind, believers and unbelievers alike. The atonement of sins by the blood of Jesus is the source of the Special Grace of God. The five forms of Grace can be classified under three categories:
Material Grace (Universal)
Spiritual Grace(Universal and Special)
Divine Grace (Universal and Special)

Contents [hide]
1 Material Grace
2 Spiritual Grace
3 Divine Grace
4 Notes and References
5 Sources

[edit]Material Grace

Material Grace is the only category of grace that is fully universal. This means that there is no material special grace. Material Grace is for believers and unbelievers. Material gifts are gifts of matter and time that include the universe, the earth, and all of their resources and riches, including, the air, the sea, animals, minerals, plants, sun, moon, rain, snow, and so on. They are available to both believers and unbelievers. God graciously allows all men to use material gifts to get provision and to implement good works.
[edit]Spiritual Grace

Spiritual Grace (universal and special), in general, is the only resourceful grace that resides in man; it determines the ability of each man. No two persons have exactly the same spiritual gifts.
1. Spiritual Universal Gifts are gifts of the soul (that enable man to relate to man and his environment) and also of the intrinsic spirit;
2. Spiritual Special Gifts are extrinsic spiritual gifts to enable man relate to God. This gift is received by the believers only.

The soul is made up of five faculties: Mind, Heart, Emotion, Will, and Intellect, with each containing billions of personality elements.
[edit]Divine Grace
Main article: Divine Grace

Divine Grace (universal and special) in general involves God’s direct intervention in human lives. It gives life a meaning and purpose. Divine universal grace and divine special grace are not resources for implementing good works. The general purpose of divine grace is to provide assistance to man in reaching God and in implementing stewardship (good works). Divine grace is covered fully in Volume 4 of the Grace Theological Institute series. The major difference between divine universal grace and divine special grace is the term and manifestation. Divine special grace (gift of salvation) has only one manifestation whereas divine universal grace has multiple manifestations like the other forms of grace. Divine universal grace can be an instantaneous or a short term grace whereas divine special grace is a long term grace that can last for ever if no apostasy occurs.
[edit]Notes and References

^ Abi Olowe (2011). Grace of God. Houston: Omega Publishers. ISBN 978-1468049077.
^ Abi Olowe (2011). The Five Forms of Grace. Houston: Omega Publishers. pp. 49. ISBN 978-1467981019.
