

It is important to emphasize theological training and encourage the next generation of Chinese church leaders to have income skills outside of the church

Translated By Richard Zou

Following the last sharing by a pastor in South China, how can a Chinese pastor train a new generation of successors in the Chinese church? (5) In South China, a pastor shared that young people need more ministry opportunities and positions: preachers need theological training as well as income-generating skills outside the church. 

Pastor Nai Guohui (a pseudonym), a 60-year-old pastor from southern China with extensive pastoral experience, shared his opinions on this topic with a Chinese online Christian newspaper, Christian Times.

He believes that churches need to do an excellent job of discipleship and theological training for the training of successors. Furthermore, preachers need income skills outside of the church to cope with special survival needs.

Pastor N shared, "Good theological training is essential for raising up a new generation of successors. For example, in a city or rural area where the gospel is widely preached, the church needs to recruit some theological students who love the Lord and the church and offer them good discipleship training and theological education. Without good theological training, many problems will arise in their future ministry. For example, the accuracy and systematicity of the preacher's teaching on the Bible, how to endure hardships and overcome difficulties, how to defend the church and protect it when disturbed by heretics, etc. While many young people are now rushing to make money, I continue to teach online theology. The classes are held in the evening and completed in four years. I believe an excellent new generation of successors can only be selected when the church does a good job of theological education and discipleship training at the grassroots level."

Pastor N shared his own unique experience and advice when discussing the challenges of training a new generation of successors. The next generation of pastors should be encouraged to develop additional income skills.

The pastor said, "Many full-time preachers in churches have to quit their God-called jobs because of low salaries. Some pastors will be sad and helpless, while others view it as their personal choice. I wish to find a way for them and be their spiritual companion."

Pastor N stated, "Preachers are also human beings and have the necessities they need to buy from the world. They have the freedom to establish a family, the responsibility to raise a wife and children, and the obligation to support the elderly. The preachers' helplessness and pain in getting enough salary from church become a sore point in their ministry path because of life's expenses."

Pastor N recalled: "Before liberation, a missionary trained a local theology student, Brother X, in East China. The missionary advised Brother X: 'You need another income skill in addition to serving the Lord fervently.’ Later, after graduating from theology, Brother X learned ophthalmology. Then he worked as an Ophthalmologist and served the church after work and had full freedom in life and service to the church.”

"Later, this brother X trained a new generation of successors, pastor N, and brother X also encouraged the young pastor N to learn additional income skills for living outside the church. So the young pastor N  learned the skills of tailoring and making clothes. On the way to serving the Lord, Pastor N’s family encountered many financial hardships. When the family was poor, he supported a family of four by relying on the skills of tailoring and making clothes he learned. After the family’s economic recovery, he and his wife continued to serve the church fervently."

Pastor N cautioned, " It is helpful to have a spiritual partner or pastor supervise and accompany preachers who want to develop another income skill. People are weak, and during the pursuit of money, they often lose their enthusiasm and hope to continue serving God. Therefore, Working outside the church with secular income skills requires boundaries, and it is used to meet basic needs, such as raising children, supporting parents, and other expenses. After completing this purpose, the preacher should stop working outside and return to the church to serve the Lord."

"There was a preacher couple whose financial situation was often difficult when their children started elementary school. They relied  on the meager living allowance provided by the church. However, because the wife was skilled in Chinese medicine and massage, she opened a pediatric massage clinic with her husband. As soon as she got financial relief, she asked her husband to quit his job at the massage clinic so that he could dedicate himself to being a preacher and serving the church. Furthermore, she could arrange her work in massage clinics and substitute service schedules in a reasonable manner. While the husband was a full-time preacher and the wife was a substitute co-worker, they could fully cover the family's daily expenses. There are many things we can learn from them." Pastor N added.

Words From My Heart

The theology of suffering has, to some extent, been an encouragement and blessing to church pastors and preachers throughout the history of the modern Chinese church. Over-interpreting and applying the theology of suffering to preachers can also seriously harm the Chinese church's development. As a result, the church's vision will become narrow, and it will lose its ability to serve as a light and salt to the community.

There is a strong support system in a healthy church, and full-time preachers can have a stable and long-term ministry in it, without needing to work part-time outside of the church. However, not all churches have the systems and funds to do this. Today, pastors may consider that full-time preachers should have additional income skills beyond the church as a contingency plan.




继上次华南一牧师分享如何培养中国教会新一代接棒人?(五)亟需给年轻人更多事奉的机会和岗位 ,华南一牧师分享:牧者需要重视神学培训及鼓励传道人拥有一技之长








“再后来,这个X弟兄培养出了新一代的接棒人N牧者,X弟兄也如此劝慰那时年轻的N牧者一技之长的道理。于是年轻的N牧者后期学习了裁剪制衣的技能,在为主事奉的路上,当N牧者全家遭遇许多艰难。家里一贫如洗的时候,他靠着所学到的裁剪制衣的技术 ,养活了一家四口。并在家庭经济恢复之后,他再次和夫人开始火热地事奉教会。”


“有一对传道人夫妇,他们的孩子刚上小学时,仅靠教会的微薄的生活补助,他们的经济情况常常是捉襟见肘。但因妻子有中医推拿的一技之长,后开了小儿推拿店。经济得到缓解后,她让丈夫离开推拿店的工作专心做传道人,侍奉教会。 她自己也会合理安排工作和代职侍奉的时间表。最终,夫妻二人,一个全职,一个代职,也同时维持了家庭日常开销的需要。这样的例子也值得借鉴和思考。”N牧者补充说。




话题•如何培养中国教会新一代接棒人?(六)|牧者需要重视神学培训及鼓励传道人拥有一技之长-基督时报-基督教资讯平台 (christiantimes.cn)






第6则. 当你内心专注爱神,你不仅对可见之物关注很少,甚至将自己的身体也视为外在之物。

第7则. 因为灵魂比肉体更尊贵,神比受造物更是无与伦比的尊贵,所以一个人如果看重肉体,而不是灵魂,看重受造物,而不是造物主本身,他只是个拜偶像者。

第8则. 如果你的内心不能专注爱神,只专注于可被感官感知事物,而不是神,就说明相比灵魂,你更看重肉体;相比神本身,你更看重受造物。

第9则. 属灵知识之光是心灵的生命,这光是通过爱神产生的,所以最大的是爱,这话是真的。(参考:林前13章13节)

第10则. 当热切爱神时,心灵会达到忘我境界,随后,对包括自己在内的任何受造物都没有了感觉,因为心灵被无比强大的神光照耀时,它会变得对神所创万物都没有感觉,就像在日出之时,眼睛看不见星辰。

读《论爱四百则》1- 5则




第1则. 爱是灵魂圣洁的状态,爱使灵魂把属神的知识看得比一切受造物都重要。如果我们依然贪恋属世的事物,我们就不能持久地拥有这爱。

第2则. 无私欲生爱,盼望神生无私欲,耐心和忍耐生对神的盼望。这些是完全自律产生的,完全自律源于敬畏神,敬畏神源于信神。 

第3则. 如果你信主,你就会畏惧惩罚,这种畏惧会让你控制私欲。一旦你控制了私欲,你就能忍受苦难,通过这种忍受,你就会产生对神的盼望。对神的盼望使心灵摆脱对所有世俗的贪恋,当心灵与世俗以这种形式分开,内心就会产生对神的爱。 

第4则. 爱神的人珍爱关于神的知识,胜于任何神造之物,且孜孜不倦地追求那知识。 

第5则. 如果万物都是由神所造,为神服务的,神就比被祂所造的万物更尊贵,如果一个人离弃尊贵的,委身于卑贱的,他就认为受造物比神本身更尊贵。


Topic•How to cultivate the new generation of successors of the Chinese church? 4. Choosing people who are following God's will | needs prayer and obedience

Translated By Richard Zou

How can the Chinese church cultivate its new generation of successors? Choosing people who are in line with God's will requires prayer and obedience

Following up on the topic shared last time by a pastor in North China, "The mentor-disciple tradition may be more useful to us than Western pastor-based systems," a pastor in South China emphasized the importance of praying and obeying God.

A Chinese online Christian newspaper interviewed Liang Sisheng (pseudonym), a post-70s pastor from southern China with rich pastoral experience.

The Christian Times: What is your opinion of the church's efforts to raise a new generation of spiritual leaders?

Pastor Liang: That's a good question. The church needs to do this over the long term according to the Bible. Timothy was exhorted to not only make disciples but also to care for those who can learn and teach others in Paul's exhortation to Timothy. (when summarizing)

From the Old Testament to the present, and even before Christ's return, the church has had difficulty raising successors. Consequently, the church must do a good job of discipleship and watch out for the next generation of successors the Lord is raising among us.

The Christian Times: How important do you think it is for the Chinese church to raise up a new generation of leaders?

Liang: If the church chooses the right successor for the next generation, it will be a great help to the church's development. However, choosing the wrong person can be very harmful to the church. Therefore, the selection of the next generation of church successors is a matter that should not be taken lightly.

The Christian Times: How can Chinese church pastors become more open-minded about raising up the next generation of successors? In practice, what should be done?

Pastor Liang: I think that the most important is the work of the Lord, that is, whom the Holy Spirit is willing to choose. Just like God chose and anointed David. When God asked Samuel to anoint him, he looked at the wrong person at the beginning, he thought that might be one of David's brothers. But God reminded him that you look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the inner ward heart. So then he could not follow his own will in this matter, but he must seek the will of the Lord.

From this perspective, as a pastor who is leading a church, he is not just looking at a person's talent or whether a person has leadership qualities, or how theologically literate he is. In fact, the most important thing is that the current leader needs to observe, pray, and seek the Lord's will. Let the Lord show me who the successor of my church should be, how I should do it, etc.

The Christian Times: Regarding how to choose a successor who is after God's will, what factors do you think must be taken into consideration? What kind of person do you think is a successor after God’s will?

Pastor Liang: For some  Conservative Churches that focus on church constitutions, I think their election system has hidden dangers. For example, how long does it take for the church to be re-election, and so on? Although it can reflect public opinion very well, sometimes it may sometimes have problems in reflecting God's will.

Especially a church, assuming that the church has such regulations. For example, the charter of our church is elective, requiring the congregation to vote. So in this regard, we should actually teach the congregation to pray frequently for this matter, that is, we should pray and seek God’s guidance as a whole, not just our emotional and impressional likes and dislikes that determine the result.

When God first chose Saul to be the king of the people of Israel, Saul was not pleasing to God. At that time, the choice of King Saul was based on public opinion, and the suggestions from public opinion were not necessarily the best results.

Christian Times: What do you think should be a healthy model for cultivating and selecting successors? Which concepts or models of our current Chinese churches need to be updated?

Pastor Liang: I have seen some real cases. For example, some old pastors of traditional churches choose successors but later found that the effect may not be good. There are also presbyterian churches that cherish the election process. If there are strong pastors, everyone will elect them, and generally, there will be no problems. But if there are no strong pastors, the relationship between pastors and preachers will be very tense every time there is an election. 

As far as the Chinese are concerned, it is easy for many Christians to learn from the methods of the world. Those who are elected are not beneficial to the church, but instead, bring about divisions in the church. Therefore, when the church chooses the next successor, it needs prayer and the work of the Holy Spirit.

If we take the seven deacons selected in the book of Acts as an example, the apostle Peter proposed the standard of seven deacons. The first is that the entire church needs to have this awareness, and then pray for it and seek the Lord’s guidance. The second is that everyone has an obedient heart.

In addition, a large church may have more pastors and co-workers, and it involves many people on the co-workers' team. The successor must have the ability to promote church evangelism, management ability, and public relations ability. If this person is not good at interpersonal relationships, and the interpersonal relationship is relatively weak, he will not be able to do well in a large church. However, because small churches are relatively tiny, in fact, it is relatively simple for interpersonal relationships.

For small churches, it is easier to bring some people to cultivate. While doing discipleship training, observe at the same time, and then watch the Lord's guidance. Because you still need to seek God's will - who God has chosen. Because for someone as experienced as Samuel, God’s choice of David was completely beyond Samuel’s experience.

The most common mistake we make is actually following our own will beyond the will of God.

话题•如何培养中国教会新一代接棒人?(四)|选出符合上帝心意 的人需要祷告和顺服






梁思圣(Pastor Liang):你说的是一个很好的问题。按照圣经来讲,这是教会








Pastor Liang:教会在新一代接棒人的事上选对了,会对教会的发展有极大的





Pastor Liang: 我认为,这个事情它最重要部分还是主的工作,也就是圣灵愿











Pastor Liang: 对一些建制派且注重教会章程的教会,我觉得他们的选举制度












Pastor Liang: 我见过一些真实的案例,比如有的传统的教会的老牧者选择了



















Church in Xiangshan Holds Funeral Service for Their Beloved Pastor

 Translated By Richard Zou

A funeral service for a pastor who had served in Jiangsu and Zhejiang was held in his hometown Xiangshan, Ningbo.

On December 7, 2022, Pastor Huang Fangzheng's funeral service was held at Daqitou Church in Xiangshan County, Ningbo. He was born in Tianyanghu Village, Dingtang Town in 1923, and returned to his heavenly home on December 3, 2022.

During the funeral service, Pastor Gao Jianwei, president of Ningbo TSPM, gave a sermon entitled "The Best Service" based on 2 Timothy 4:1-8, telling that Pastor Huang has fought a good fight, finished his race, kept the faith, and been crowned with righteousness.

Condolence messages were sent by Nanjing CC&TSPM and Nanjing Daosheng Church where he had worked, and Zhejiang Theological Seminary where he had taught. Pastor Shan Weixiang, vice president and general secretary of CCC, sent a condolence letter. At the age of 92, pastor Huang wrote down his life experiences and testified God's love with the title, "Rainbow After Storm".

Pastor Huang Fangzheng was the third son of Mr. Huang Detang, a missionary volunteer. He was influenced by his father's faith since he was a child. His mother died at the age of 12.

In 1944, shortly after he got married, the Japanese soldiers found that he had no calluses on his hands, so he was sentenced as a spy and could have been shot or buried alive at any time. He earnestly prayed with tears and made a vow to God that if he escaped danger, he would dedicate himself to preaching for the Lord. His father and church members also prayed for him. By God's protection, he was rescued on January 3, 1945. He resigned from his teaching position and went to preach in West District.

In 1946, the church sent him to Huazhong Theological Seminary in Wuchang for further study. After graduating in 1948, he was appointed to pastor at the Meixu Church in Zhenhai, Ningbo, by the Methodist Ningbo Diocese.

When the Cultural Revolution swept across the country in 1966, he was condemned as a social outcast with problems in past, and his family of seven was relocated to a deep mountain valley with only 18 other families. As a result of living in caves and eating bad food, his children were unable to attend school, lacked nutrition, and suffered sequelae.

The Gang of Four fell from power in 1976, and his grievances were redressed. After returning to Xiangshan, he built churches, trained young people, pastored believers, and implemented religious policies.

In 1985, Pastor Cai Wenhao invited him to teach at the newly established Zhejiang Theological Seminary. Later, he pastored St. Paul's Church and Daosheng Church in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, and was elected as the vice president of Nanjing TSPM. He still spent time every year caring for the church in Xiangshan, his hometown. In 1990, Dancheng Church hired him as a consultant.

In 1997, in order to unite different denominations, Xiangshan Church was preparing to establish a Christian Council and invited him to be the first chairman. Following the mode of  Nanjing church, he established six ministry groups to promote the work of the church and train young co-workers. In 2001, he retired and only worked as a consultant for the Xiangshan CC&TSPM, but he still insisted on doing pastoral work. In his 90s, he even preached in rural churches and presided over communion services.

In 1997, he was elected as a member of the Xiangshan Political Consultative Conference, actively participated in the discussion of community affairs, and helped raise 25000 yuan from Nanjing Amity Foundation for the Datang Water Project. In his spare time, he created paintings with scriptures and spread the gospel through calligraphy and painting.

In 2011, he asked his eldest daughter to invest millions of yuan to build the House of Servants of God, which had been one of his dreams for years.

Enjoying a long life, Pastor Huang was in good health. On December 3, 2022, he was called to his heavenly home at 4:40 pm. His life is depicted in this elegiac couplet: blessed by God, you escaped from danger and served the Lord with all your heart; rehabilitated from persecution, you honored God and benefited others like a rainbow after a storm. His labors in the Lord will not be in vain, and his work will be rewarded. 


The Church in Zhejiang held a memorial service for the pastor who served in Jiangsu

Translated By Richard Zou

A funeral service for a pastor who served in Jiangsu and Zhejiang was held in his hometown Ningbo, Zhejiang.

On December 7, 2022, Pastor Huang Fangzheng's memorial service was held at Daqitou Church in Xiangshan County, Ningbo. He was born in Tianyanghu Village, Dingtang Town in 1923, and returned to his heavenly home on December 3, 2022.

During the memorial service, Pastor Gao Jianwei, chairman of the Ningbo Three-Self Patriotic Association, gave a sermon titled "The Best Service" based on verses 1 to 8 of 2 Timothy, stating about Pastor Huang, "he has fought a good fight,  finished his course, kept the faith, and he has been crowned with righteousness and glory."

Condolence messages were sent by Nanjing Christian Council and Nanjing Daosheng Church where he worked, and Zhejiang Theological Seminary where he taught. Pastor Shan Weixiang, vice president and chief executive of the China Christian Council, sent a condolence letter. At the age of 92, pastor Huang wrote down his life experiences and testified God's love with the title "Rainbow After a storm".

Pastor Huang Fangzheng is the third son of Mr. Huang Detang, a missionary volunteer. He was influenced by his father's faith since he was a child, and his mother died at the age of 12. In 1944, shortly after he got married, the Japanese soldiers found that he had no calluses on his hands, so he was sentenced as spies and might be shot or buried alive at any time. He prayed to God earnestly and with tears, and made a vow to God that if he escaped danger, he would dedicate himself to preaching for the Lord. His father and church members also prayed for him. By God's protection, he was rescued on January 3, 1945. He resigned from his teaching position and preached in West District in gratitude.

The church selected him and sent him to Huazhong Theological Seminary in Wuchang for further study in 1946. Following graduation in 1948, he was appointed pastor at the Meixu Church in Zhenhai, Ningbo, by the Ningbo Methodist Church Diocese.

As the Cultural Revolution swept the country in 1966, he was condemned as a social outcast with complicated family relations, and his family of seven was relocated to a deep mountain valley with only 18 other families. As a result of cave dwellings and bad food, his children were unable to attend school, lacked nutrition, and suffered sequelae.

The Gang of Four fell from power in 1976, and his grievances were vindicated. After returning to Xiangshan, he built churches, trained young people, pastored believers, and implemented religious policies.

In 1985, Pastor Cai Wenhao invited him to teach at the newly established Zhejiang Theological Seminary. Later, he pastored St. Paul's Church and Daosheng Church in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, and was elected as the vice-chairman of the Nanjing Three-Self Patriotic Association. But every year he spends time caring about the church in Xiangshan, his hometown. In 1990, Dancheng Church hired him as a consultant.

In 1997, to unite different denominations, Xiangshan Church was preparing to establish a Christian Association and invited him to be the first president. Following the style of the Nanjing church, he established six ministry groups to promote the work of the church and train young co-workers. In 2001, he retired to serve as a consultant to the Xiangshan Christian Council, but he still insisted on pastoral work. In his 90s, he even preached in rural churches and presided over communion services.

In 1997, he was elected as a member of the Xiangshan Political Consultative Conference, actively participated in the discussion of community affairs, and attracted 35000$ from the Nanjing Amity Foundation for the Datang Water Project. In his spare time, he created paintings with scriptures written in them and spread the gospel through calligraphy and painting.

In 2011, he asked his eldest daughter to invest over 140,000 dollars to build the House of Servants of God, which had been on his dream list for years.

Despite being over a century old, Pastor Huang was still in good health. On December 3, 2022, he was called to his heavenly home at 4:40 pm. His life is depicted in this elegiac couplet: blessed by God, you escaped from danger and served the Lord with all your heart; Rehabilitated from persecution, you honored God and benefited others, like a rainbow after a rainstorm. We believe that his labors in the Lord will not be in vain, and his work will be rewarded. (==when summary)















黄牧师身体健康,年逾百岁高寿,于2022年12月3日下午4点40分蒙召归天。这幅挽联是他一生的写照:蒙大恩倭手脱险献身侍主,获平反雨后彩虹荣神益人。我们深信在主里的劳苦不是徒然的,作工的果效必随着他。(==当summary )







当天,张卫健在微博中分享为什么会选择《诗经》这个主题。 张卫健写道,“我觉得《诗经》作为中国古代诗歌的开端,有很重要的地位和意义,也是#诗画中国#一定要有的主题。”









The celebrity Dicky Cheung participated in the recording of CCTV cultural programs

Translated By Richard Zou

In the large-scale cultural program "Poetry and Painting China" produced by CCTV, Hong Kong celebrity Dicky Cheung participated in the recording of "The Book of Songs · National Style · Tang Style `` which was broadcast on November 20.

Dicky Cheung also shared on Weibo why he chose the theme of "The Book of Songs". He said, "the "Book of Songs" is the beginning of ancient Chinese poetry, and it is also an important theme for Poetry and Painting in China."

Dicky Cheung chose "Tang Style" because he was impressed by the painting "Tang Style" created by Ma Hezhi during the Southern Song Dynasty. "It is not just a painting or a scene, it is a scroll extending over 8 meters long. Twelve scenes and famous objects from the Book of Songs are shown in pictures. "The book of Songs" can be read more vividly when the flowers, birds, and insects in the poems are depicted in pictures. I also hope that more and more people nowadays will be interested in learning about the Book of Songs through music."

Dicky Cheung, a Catholic celebrity, is willing to witness his Heavenly Father publicly. According to him, "everything I have today - my career, my home, my family's health, my wealth, my friends - was given to me by God."

During an interview about his ministry and evangelism, Dicky Cheung explained, "When I participated in the New Talent Singing Contest for the second time, I made a wish to God: If I won, I would build a church for him. The wish was never fulfilled, and I was surprised that building a church would be so difficult as a young man."

"The faith of Saint Francis inspired me to play in ' Live Forever,' in which I learned that every place in the world is a sanctuary for God. In my plays, lyrics, conversations, and actions, I could build a church in men's hearts, even though I could not build a real church. I have the passion for this mission, and I will do more work to spread the Gospel and serve the Lord."

Dicky Cheung appeared in a film called "Go After the Light!" earlier this year. His excellent performance won the "strongest light chaser" title, and everyone who saw his efforts and performance agreed that Dicky Cheung deserved the title. Dicky Cheung takes every performance seriously and is willing to humbly learn from the younger generation; his performances are very careful, and he tries to impress the audience with each performance. In addition, Cheung's humorous personality often adds a lot of cheer to the scene. People see it as the "light" of their lives. In an interview afterward, Dicky Cheung also talked many times about "love".

Over the years, Dicky Cheung has not only used the cultural field to spread the theme of "love", but also through various ways to "live by faith".He insisted on praying before meals (making the holy sign of the cross) when filming, whether eating box meals, going to a stall or five-star hotels, airplane meals, etc. Whenever he signs autographs for fans, he adds the words "God bless you" and can explain what it means to unbelievers. Dicky Cheung believes it's a silent blessing.

As we all know, there is a custom in the entertainment industry in Hong Kong to hold a worship ceremony before shooting a drama or performing a concert, which symbolizes the project's success. Instead of joining their worship ceremony, Dicky Cheung always stood aside from them and prayed by himself alone. "I must persist in my faith through my actions and habits, showing people I am Catholic."


Taiwanese Christian Singer Posts: 'Is Life Like Lego?'

 Translated By Richard Zou

A Taiwanese Christian singer shared her life reflection into poetry on China's Twitter Weibo. 

In her poetry, Sien Vanessa, a Taiwanese singer, shared her insights into life on November 13:

“I break my old self into pieces.

With some pieces of my old self, I rebuilt my new self. 

What shall I be in the future?

 I don’t know.

I will be more mature,

I will be content with what I have.

Life is too dull to live according to the script in the head, isn't it?

 Could it be an open ending, or is it already destined?

 As I talked to myself on the mountain road,

 I felt like I was reorganizing.

 Is life like Lego?" 

Sien, the leading singer of the Joshua Band in Taiwan, made her debut in 2006 with the album "Unexpected " and participated in the making of the music video for "Welcome to Beijing" at the Chinese National Stadium (Bird's Nest) in 2008. 

Many netizens said they became her fans after watching the music video for "Welcome to Beijing." As a gospel singer, Sien has a broader fan base among Christians.

In addition to singing popular gospel music, she has composed many touching lyrics.

After 18 years of marriage to Pastor Ewen Chow (Joshua's Band leader), she gave birth to her first child in May of this year, receiving many blessings from artists and netizens. 

Sien likes to exchange her daily routine on Weibo or share encouragement with fans, such as the healing text, "In life, suffering creates abundance, and the strength to be brave comes from facing sadness." Netizens thoughtfully responded, "Walking this road does require a brave heart."

- Translated by Richard Zou




当天,张卫健在微博中分享为什么会选择《诗经》这个主题。 张卫健写道,“我觉得《诗经》作为中国古代诗歌的开端,有很重要的地位和意义,也是#诗画中国#一定要有的主题。”








Artist Zhang Weijian participated in the recording of CCTV cultural programs

In the large-scale cultural program "Poetry and Painting China" produced by CCTV, the "Book of Songs · National Style · Tang Style" part recorded by Hong Kong artist Zhang Weijian was broadcast on November 20.

On the same day, Zhang Weijian shared on Weibo why he chose the theme of "The Book of Songs". Zhang Weijian wrote, "I think "The Book of Songs", as the beginning of ancient Chinese poetry, has a very important status and significance, and it is also a must-have theme for #诗画中国#."

As for why he chose "Tang Fengtu", Zhang Weijian said that he was amazed when he saw "Tang Fengtu" by Southern Song Dynasty painter Ma Hezhi for the first time. Zhang Weijian described, "It is not just a painting or a scene, but a long scroll of more than 8 meters. It has drawn twelve paragraphs of pictures, and presents the scenes and famous objects in the "Book of Songs" in the form of pictures. Let us The flowers, plants, birds, and insects in the poems are all vivid, so that we can understand what the "Book of Songs" says more vividly. I also hope that through the integration of music, more modern people will be interested in understanding the content of "The Book of Songs."

Zhang Weijian, who believes in Catholicism, is an entertainer who is willing to publicly testify to the Father. He once confessed: "Everything I have today, including career, family, family health, wealth and friends, etc., are all given by God."

Talking about the mission of serving and evangelizing in an interview, Zhang Weijian shared, "When I participated in the rookie singing competition for the second time, I simply made a promise to God: If I can win, I will build a church for God. This promise has never been fulfilled. For me who was young and energetic at the time, I never thought that building a church would be a very complicated matter.”

"Later, I participated in "Long Fame" and got enlightenment from the belief of Saint Francis that every place in the world is a sanctuary of God. Although I failed to build a real church, I was able to do it in my drama. , Lyrics, conversations, and behaviors will give people an unforgettable memory, and build the church in people's hearts. It is also because of this sense of mission that I feel that I have to do more work of evangelization and serving the Lord.”

At the beginning of this year, 56-year-old Zhang Weijian appeared in "Chasing the Light!" "In the program, he won the title of "The Strongest Light Chaser" for his outstanding performance. Everyone saw his hard work and performance, and agreed that he deserved this title. He treats every program seriously and does his best, and is willing to learn from the younger generation with humility; his performance is very attentive, and he strives to impress the audience in every performance; at the same time, Dicky Cheung is humorous and often brings a lot of joy to the show atmosphere. It is like a "light" in people's life. In an interview afterwards, he also talked about "love" many times.

Zhang Weijian has not only used the cultural field to spread the theme of "love" for many years, but also "lived out his beliefs" in various ways. When he was filming, whether he was eating lunch, going to food stalls, or five-star hotels, airplane meals, etc., he insisted on praying before meals (drawing the sign of the cross); when signing autographs for fans, he would write and add "If someone who doesn't believe in the Lord asks what it means, he can explain it; Zhang Weijian thinks it can be regarded as a kind of silent evangelization.

Everyone knows that there is a custom in the entertainment industry. Before filming a drama or holding a concert, there is a worship ceremony, which means that all work will go smoothly. Zhang Weijian always insisted on standing aside and praying at this time, not paying homage. He believes, "Faith must have persistence, and use your actions and habits to show people around you: I am a Catholic."


On Weibo, Christian artist Sien shared her insight: Is life like Lego?

 Translated By Richard Zou

In her Weibo poetry, Sien shared her insights into life on November 13:

“I break my old self into pieces.

With some pieces of my old self, I rebuilt my new self. 

What shall I be in the future?

 I don’t know.

I will be more mature,

I will be content with what I have.

 Life is too dull to live according to the script in the head, isn't it?

Could it be an open ending, or is it already destined?

As I talked to myself on the mountain road,

I felt like I was reorganizing.

Is life like Lego?" 

Sien is a Taiwanese singer, she made her debut in 2006 with the album "Unexpected " and participated in the making of the music video for"Welcome to Beijing" at the Chinese National Stadium (Bird's Nest) in 2008. 

Many netizens said they became her fans after watching the music video for "Welcome to Beijing." As a gospel singer, Sien has a broader fan base among Christians.

She is the lead singer of Joshua's band, In addition to singing popular gospel music, she has composed many touching lyrics.

After 18 years of marriage to Pastor Zhou Xunguang (Joshua's band leader), she gave birth to her first child in May of this year, receiving many blessings from artists and netizens. 

Sien likes to exchange her daily routine on Weibo or share encouragement with netizens, such as the healing text, ``In life, suffering creates abundance, and the strength to be brave comes from facing sadness." Netizens thoughtfully responded, "Walking this road does require a brave heart."







人生照着脑中的剧本活是否太枯燥乏味?那是否要Open ending? 还是其实早就(是)了?在山路中的自我对话,突然感觉自己在重组。莫非人生像乐高? ”

























Shanxi Church Holds Memorial Service for 87-Y-O Believer

 Translated By Richard Zou

A farewell service at a church in Shanxi province in northern China was for a lady believer who passed away at the age of 87.

In a memorial service held at the Christian Church of Linfen Yaodu District on October 14, the choir sang "Song of Remembrance" and "Sleeping in the Lord's Arms" to remember Li Funv who died on October 10.

In his sermon, Deacon Liu Xiaochun read several passages from Genesis, John, and Revelation about God's creation, death, and the origin of sin, as well as the salvation, resurrection, and love of Jesus Christ.

Following his sermon, Pastor Wang Shuai addressed Christians' attitudes toward death, destiny, and eternal life. He believes that death is not an end but a beginning, not silence but waiting, not relief but triumph, nor a departure but a destination. It was reminded to the congregation that death is the end for all humans, and that judgment will follow. Those who believe in the Lord do not die, but sleep, and look forward to their resurrection.

Elder Zhang Xiaohua then recalled the life of Li Funv. Li was born in a poor peasant family and raised a son and three daughters. Her whole life was filled with hard work and thrift, and she was always obedient to her husband. Even if she was aggrieved, she never bothered others about it, and she always tried to help others whenever she could.

When she was 74, she was baptized and received the gospel. God healed her leg burns and many illnesses. As soon as her husband came to follow Jesus, their temperament and character changed, and they began respecting and loving one another. When her husband turned 84, the Lord took him back to his heavenly home. Because she could not go outside due to her old age, she used to preach the gospel in front of her house, showing the gospel leaflets to her neighbors.

Wang Tao, her third daughter, was also chosen and used by God. She led many seekers to the name of the Lord and dedicated her home as a gathering and reception place. She also keeps taking care of the paralyzed 80-year-old mother-in-law for more than ten years. In addition, she is a member of the church choir.

- Translated by Richard Zou

In nearly two decades, the Lord has strengthened our family to host small-group meetings

Translated By Richard Zou

In my hometown, meetings are often held in small-group meeting places that are convenient for the elderly, the sick, and the disabled.  For small gatherings, we meet at my home. More than 20 years ago, my family became a host family. Initially, I didn't realize that my family was a host family and I was serving the Lord. As I knew it was only for my convenience, we gathered at my house.  

At that time, we were lacking both confidence and understanding. On Saturday nights, my husband usually goes to Xinzhuang, which is one or two miles away, and sometimes they meet at my home.  

Having no foundation in our faith, Satan often takes advantage of it-I don't know why my husband refuses to attend meetings, and others don't either. At the time, we didn't realize it was Satan's disturbance.  

With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we realized it was Satan and the devil who frightened and disturbed us. As a result of that disturbance, we hadn't met for more than three years. A young brother gave me a Bible as a gift, and I read it when I have the time. The Holy Spirit illuminated me and made me realize my sins and know the Lord who loved us to the end did not give up on us. 

In the winter of 1999, some people who were refining small pots of oil came to the empty place by our house yard to refine oil. There were two young workers working for them, and one of them was a believer named Guilin, and he came to our house when he had time to preach the gospel and ask me to believe in Jesus. I said I believed in Jesus before, but not in the last three years. I wanted to believe in Jesus, but I couldn't go to church ......  

He said, "Is it okay to have a meeting in your house?” I said, "Yes”. He said, "I'll ask them to meet at your house.". I said, "OK.". 

 Then my husband and I started to host the meetings and serve the Lord again and met in our house. We realized in the past ten years that we were serving the Lord and hosting meetings for the Lord. Being a host and serving the Lord is not easy, especially since the devil and the enemy often attack and disrupt the ministry of hosting and serving.  

For the first two or three years, there were rumors about us believing in "heresy" and people insulted us. I felt bad for this, so I began reading the Bible (I didn't like reading previously), and God enlightened me with these verses. 

Matthew 5:10-12  

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for, in the same way, they persecuted the prophets who were before you. 

My faith in God comforts and encourages me so much that I don't mind what others say, slander, or insult me. As a result, Satan used the members to slander me and create conflict at my house, saying that they were no longer welcome. A few members refused to attend meetings because of the rumors. Suddenly that Wednesday afternoon, the Lord sent his workers back to ask, "Where should we meet this afternoon?" They replied, "It's time to meet at LiuZhuang.". ...... This is why they attended our meeting. 

After some time, the Heresy Eastern Lightning also came to disturb us, at first we didn't know they were from Eastern Lightning, because they said they were believers ...... Many members were deceived by Satan, slandering us as traitors, and suggesting moving the meeting place to somewhere else, and when I held the meeting at my home, they didn't come.  I was surprised to see a servant of God appear at my house for a meeting on Wednesday night (meeting time), and they joined him. 

“Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. Whoever welcomes a prophet as a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward, and whoever welcomes a righteous person as a righteous person will receive a righteous person’s reward. And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.” (Matthew 10:40-42) 

How to Host Virtual Church Meetings

 Translated By Richard Zou

In order to host a virtual church meeting, you need to research your options before deciding on the technology. You can use your smartphone to film a sermon, but if your congregation is larger, you’ll need high-quality equipment. Moreover, filming sermons from a pastor’s point of view can help create a personal connection between him and his congregation. However, the technology used should be suitable for your church.

Online bible studies

With the growth of virtual church meetings, Bible study groups are finding new ways to engage people. These virtual meetings don’t require you to attend a physical church meeting; you can participate in a Bible study from the comfort of your home. You can participate in these meetings whenever you want, and there’s no need to coordinate childcare. You can do the study at your own pace, without worrying about your kids’ schedule.

o attract new members to a virtual church meeting, make sure you advertise the event in your church’s bulletin and on your website. In addition to the church website, consider advertising online Bible studies at virtual church meetings in social media. This way, interested people can connect with the group leaders and acclimate to it. If you can’t find a group that’s already started, consider announcing the study and asking church members to share the news with others.

Group chat option

You may be wondering if a group chat is an effective option for your virtual church meetings. This technology allows you to send a group text message to several people with specific instructions or an announcement. You can even attach files relevant to the meeting. You can set up notifications for each group member so that they will receive them before the meeting begins. With this application, you can also see who has received the message and what time it was read. It also offers safety for your personal information.

You can also consider Zoom. Although the pricing for churches is a little high, it has all the features you need for your virtual church meetings. It connects from any device and includes dial-in numbers. You can also use Smart Meeting in-app intelligence to capture the main points of the discussion and assign action items. You can also get a free trial of this software and sign up for its basic plan. You can have up to 100 participants and enjoy high-quality video and screen sharing.

Congregational meeting under the guidance of the Holy Spirit

The convocation of congregational meetings is the most important meeting of the church. Congregational meetings are held only when there is a crisis or a need for information. Though the meetings are not formally called by the congregation, they are often held with the congregational leaders’ approval. The relationship between the convocation and the consistory must be clarified. The elders must bring definite proposals to the meeting and the members must adhere to them.

In the 20th century, the trend toward congregationalism among the Brethren led to the development of a paper on the authority of the Bible and Biblical inspiration. This paper acknowledges the varying views and practices among Brethren. Regardless of the differences, congregational meetings must be held with the highest level of integrity and reverence. Consequently, congregational meetings should be free from controversy and should follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Zoom platform

If you’re looking for a simple and cost-effective way to host virtual church meetings, consider the Zoom platform. Unlike other solutions, Zoom is completely cloud-based, which means no special equipment is required for setup. Additionally, it’s easy to set up multiple hosts and promote others as hosts. If your church doesn’t have a dedicated streaming room, Zoom offers a free trial version so you can try it out for free.

A Zoom meeting can be password-protected or open to everyone. Then, the Zoom audience can participate or not. Zoom has a limit of 100 people, but you can limit this number to just a few. Once inside the meeting, all participants must mute their microphones. Similarly, it’s easy to share meeting details with the other participants. You can even send out an e-mail invitation to the whole congregation.

Small Group Meeting Places Outside of a Home

Translated By Richard Zou

For small group meeting places, people learn better when they are comfortable, eating food and having fun. This makes the location and set up of small groups important. Because of this you may think that a small group meeting should always held in a home.

For most people, home meetings work great. But there are some people who have an allergic reaction to showing up at a stranger’s home or strangers showing up in their home. This can even be characteristic of a community where there is little community interaction. Think of areas where many people commute for hours to and from work.

Some churches have chosen to meet in buildings and hold services that do not look like the traditional church. This method has successfully encouraged many who wouldn’t normally show up at a church to feel comfortable walking in. Although the environment is not always ideal, a small group meeting outside a home could encourage those who would not enter a stranger’s home to take part in a small group.

If the objective is to encourage people to attend and participate, other site choices might be necessary. Don’t let the lack of a home to meet in discourage you from leading a small group.

6 Small Group Meeting Places Outside of a Home

Here is a list of six locations to consider when a home is not the answer:





Coffee Shop

Community Building (parks & recreation, neighborhood, etc.)

There are pros and cons to each type of location. If your small group needs to meet outside the home, first find the alternative locations that are available to you. Then choose the best one that can offer as much privacy and comfort as possible.

Do your members live in different zip codes? A virtual location may be the best choice. Consider starting an online small group.

Question: What small group meeting locations would you add to the list? 



The Meeting Place (church)


The Meeting Place (church)

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The Meeting Place
The Meeting Place Building Front.jpg
The front of The Meeting Place
DenominationCanadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches
Websitethemeetingplace.mb.ca Edit this at Wikidata
The Meeting Place Winnipeg Logo.JPG
The Meeting Place's 2018 Easter service

The Meeting Place (TMP) is an evangelical Mennonite church located in downtown WinnipegManitoba. It is a member of the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches and the Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba.[1] The Meeting Place's mission statement is "to be a biblically-functioning community leading people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ."


Sunday morning service at The Meeting Place in 2018
A Meeting Place service held in the basement during 1991 renovations

The Meeting Place was founded in 1991 by a small group of former attendees of Portage Avenue Mennonite Brethren Church, as well as a few people from other church backgrounds.[2] The hope was to create a new church with a focus on making a Sunday morning worship experience more comfortable for first-time visitors and offering them identifiable steps and pathways toward greater spiritual growth.

The Meeting Place Church offices located in the lower level of the building, seen here on the left next to the main building

The Meeting Place was originally located in a small office building on Maryland Street prior to moving in 1993 to its current location on Smith Street in what was previously a night club.[2] Church services were held in a temporarily renovated area in the Smith Street building basement while major renovations took place in the soon to be main auditorium.[3] Once the main auditorium began being used for the weekend services, the basement was renovated to accommodate the Children's Ministry program. Subsequent renovations on the top floor have allowed for a theater to be built to accommodate the Youth Ministry programs. In addition, staff offices have been moved around a number of times. Initially these were in the Smith Street building when it was first acquired by the congregation, but were taken out and moved to an office building one block away on Broadway Ave and remained there for a couple of years until once again being relocated to a basement office on Smith Street next door to the main auditorium building.

Over the years, The Meeting Place has seen both increases and declines in attendance. At its peak in the late 90s and into 2000, over 2200 attendees were attending on a weekly basis.[4] Currently, 800 or more people attend on a weekly basis, with as many as 1500 people indicating they would call The Meeting Place their home faith community.

The Meeting Place has seen its share of Christian recording artists on staff, most notably Juno Award nominee and Covenant Award winner Jon Buller, and Covenant Award winner Drew Brown. The Meeting Place is also where Christian recording artist and Juno Award winner Amanda Falk was discovered.[5]

In September 2008, John Neufeld became the lead pastor The Meeting Place. He had previously been the head of the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches' Leadership Development department [6] John Neufeld served as the lead pastor for twelve and half years alongside a leadership team and executive pastor Bob Marsch. In May 2021, John resigned as lead pastor and transitioned to another pastoral role.


  1. ^ "MBCM – Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba"mbcm.ca.
  2. Jump up to:a b Steiner, Sam (August 1997). "The Meeting Place (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)"Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online.
  3. ^ "The Meeting Place - Administrative History". Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches.
  4. ^ Doug Barkman. (March 1998). ""A place to meet Jesus ABBOTSFORD, B.C."". M.B. Herald Vol. 37 No.5.
  5. ^ Kelly Rempel (January 2005). "Premiere release highlights talents of local musicians". Christian Current.
  6. ^ ""Canadian Conference seeks Leadership Development director"".

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