

诗篇(Psalms) -- 第 121-150 章

 旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 121 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

121:1    (上行之诗)我要向山举目。我的帮助从何而来。
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

121:2    我的帮助从造天地的耶和华而来。
My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.

121:3    他必不叫你的脚摇动。保护你的必不打盹。
He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.

121:4    保护以色列的,也不打盹,也不睡觉。
Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.

121:5    保护你的是耶和华。耶和华在你的右边荫庇你。
The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.

121:6    白日太阳必不伤你,夜间月亮必不害你。
The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.

121:7    耶和华要保护你,免受一切的灾害。他要保护你的性命。
The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.

121:8    你出你入耶和华要保护你,从今时直到永远。
The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 122 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

122:1    (大卫上行之诗)人对我说,我们往耶和华的殿去,我就欢喜。
I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.

122:2    耶路撒冷阿,我们的脚站在你的门内。
Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem.

122:3    耶路撒冷被建造,如同连络整齐的一座城。
Jerusalem is builded as a city that is compact together:

122:4    众支派,就是耶和华的支派,上那里去,按以色列的常例(或作作以色列的证据)称赞耶和华的名。
Whither the tribes go up, the tribes of the LORD, unto the testimony of Israel, to give thanks unto the name of the LORD.

122:5    因为在那里设立审判的宝座,就是大卫家的宝座。
For there are set thrones of judgment, the thrones of the house of David.

122:6    你们要为耶路撒冷求平安。耶路撒冷阿,爱你的人必然兴旺。
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.

122:7    愿你城中平安,愿你宫内兴旺。
Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.

122:8    因我弟兄和同伴的缘故,我要说,愿平安在你中间。
For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee.

122:9    因耶和华我们神殿的缘故,我要为你求福。
Because of the house of the LORD our God I will seek thy good.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 123 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

123:1    (上行之诗)坐在天上的主阿,我向你举目。
Unto thee lift I up mine eyes, O thou that dwellest in the heavens.

123:2    看哪,仆人的眼睛怎样望主人的手,使女的眼睛怎样望主母的手,我们的眼睛也照样望耶和华我们的神,直到他怜悯我们。
Behold, as the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their masters, and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress; so our eyes wait upon the LORD our God, until that he have mercy upon us.

123:3    耶和华阿,求你怜悯我们,怜悯我们。因为我们被藐视,已到极处。
Have mercy upon us, O LORD, have mercy upon us: for we are exceedingly filled with contempt.

123:4    我们被那些安逸人的讥诮,和骄傲人的藐视,已到极处。
Our soul is exceedingly filled with the scorning of those that are at ease, and with the contempt of the proud.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 124 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

124:1    (大卫上行之诗)以色列人要说,若不是耶和华帮助我们,
If it had not been the LORD who was on our side, now may Israel say;

124:2    若不是耶和华帮助我们,当人起来攻击我们,
If it had not been the LORD who was on our side, when men rose up against us:

124:3    向我们发怒的时候,就把我们活活地吞了。
Then they had swallowed us up quick, when their wrath was kindled against us:

124:4    那时,波涛必漫过我们,河水必淹没我们。
Then the waters had overwhelmed us, the stream had gone over our soul:

124:5    狂傲的水必淹没我们。
Then the proud waters had gone over our soul.

124:6    耶和华是应当称颂的。他没有把我们当野食交给他们吞吃(原文作牙齿)。
Blessed be the LORD, who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth.

124:7    我们好像雀鸟,从捕鸟人的网罗里逃脱。网罗破裂,我们逃脱了。
Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped.

124:8    我们得帮助,是在乎倚靠造天地之耶和华的名。
Our help is in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 125 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

125:1    (上行之诗)倚靠耶和华的人,好像锡安山,永不动摇。
They that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever.

125:2    众山怎样围绕耶路撒冷,耶和华也照样围绕他的百姓,从今时直到永远。
As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the LORD is round about his people from henceforth even for ever.

125:3    恶人的杖不常落在义人的分上,免得义人伸手作恶。
For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous; lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity.

125:4    耶和华阿,求你善待那些为善,和心里正直的人。
Do good, O LORD, unto those that be good, and to them that are upright in their hearts.

125:5    至于那偏行弯曲道路的人,耶和华必使他和作恶的人一同出去受刑。愿平安归于以色列。
As for such as turn aside unto their crooked ways, the LORD shall lead them forth with the workers of iniquity: but peace shall be upon Israel.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 126 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

126:1    (上行之诗)当耶和华将那些被掳的带回锡安的时候,我们好像做梦的人。
When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.

126:2    我们满口喜笑,满舌欢呼的时候,外邦中就有人说,耶和华为他们行了大事。
Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The LORD hath done great things for them.

126:3    耶和华果然为我们行了大事,我们就欢喜。
The LORD hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad.

126:4    耶和华阿,求你使我们被掳的人归回,好像南地的河水复流。
Turn again our captivity, O LORD, as the streams in the south.

126:5    流泪撒种的,必欢呼收割。
They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.

126:6    那带种流泪出去的,必要欢欢乐乐地带禾捆回来。
He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 127 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

127:1    (所罗门上行之诗)若不是耶和华建造房屋,建造的人就枉然劳力。若不是耶和华看守城池,看守的人就枉然警醒。
Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.

127:2    你们清晨早起,夜晚安歇,吃劳碌得来的饭,本是枉然。惟有耶和华所亲爱的,必叫他安然睡觉。
It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep.

127:3    儿女是耶和华所赐的产业。所怀的胎是他所给的赏赐。
Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.

127:4    少年时所生的儿女,好像勇士手中的箭。
As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.

127:5    箭袋充满的人便为有福。他们在城门口和仇敌说话的时候,必不至于羞愧。
Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 128 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

128:1    (上行之诗)凡敬畏耶和华,遵行他道的人便为有福。
Blessed is every one that feareth the LORD; that walketh in his ways.

128:2    你要吃劳碌得来的。你要享福,事情顺利。
For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee.

128:3    你妻子在你的内室,好像多结果子的葡萄树。你儿女围绕你的桌子,好像橄榄栽子。
Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house: thy children like olive plants round about thy table.

128:4    看哪,敬畏耶和华的人,必要这样蒙福。
Behold, that thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the LORD.

128:5    愿耶和华从锡安赐福给你。愿你一生一世,看见耶路撒冷的好处。
The LORD shall bless thee out of Zion: and thou shalt see the good of Jerusalem all the days of thy life.

128:6    愿你看见你儿女的儿女。愿平安归于以色列。
Yea, thou shalt see thy children's children, and peace upon Israel.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 129 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

129:1    (上行之诗)以色列当说,从我幼年以来,敌人屡次苦害我,
Many a time have they afflicted me from my youth, may Israel now say:

129:2    从我幼年以来,敌人屡次苦害我,却没有胜了我。
Many a time have they afflicted me from my youth: yet they have not prevailed against me.

129:3    如同扶犁的在我背上扶犁而耕,耕的犁沟甚长。
The plowers plowed upon my back: they made long their furrows.

129:4    耶和华是公义的。他砍断了恶人的绳索。
The LORD is righteous: he hath cut asunder the cords of the wicked.

129:5    愿恨恶锡安的,都蒙羞退后。
Let them all be confounded and turned back that hate Zion.

129:6    愿他们像房顶上的草,未长成而枯乾。
Let them be as the grass upon the housetops, which withereth afore it groweth up:

129:7    收割的不够一把,捆禾的也不满怀。
Wherewith the mower filleth not his hand; nor he that bindeth sheaves his bosom.

129:8    过路的也不说,愿耶和华所赐的福,归与你们。我们奉耶和华的名,给你们祝福。
Neither do they which go by say, The blessing of the LORD be upon you: we bless you in the name of the LORD.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 130 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

130:1    (上行之诗)耶和华阿,我从深处向你求告。
Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O LORD.

130:2    主阿,求你听我的声音。愿你侧耳听我恳求的声音。
Lord, hear my voice: let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications.

130:3    主耶和华阿,你若究察邪恶,谁能站得住呢。
If thou, LORD, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand?

130:4    但在你有宽恕之恩,要叫人敬畏你。
But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared.

130:5    我等候耶和华,我的心等候。我也仰望他的话。
I wait for the LORD, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope.

130:6    我的心等候主,胜于守夜的,等候天亮,胜于守夜的,等候天亮。
My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning: I say, more than they that watch for the morning.

130:7    以色列阿,你当仰望耶和华。因他有慈爱,有丰盛的救恩。
Let Israel hope in the LORD: for with the LORD there is mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption.

130:8    他必救赎以色列脱离一切的邪恶。
And he shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 131 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

131:1    (大卫上行之诗)耶和华阿,我的心不狂傲,我的眼不高大。重大和测不透的事,我也不敢行。
Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me.

131:2    我的心平稳安静,好像断过奶的孩子在他母亲的怀中。我的心在我里面真像断过奶的孩子。
Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned of his mother: my soul is even as a weaned child.

131:3    以色列阿,你当仰望耶和华,从今时直到永远。
Let Israel hope in the LORD from henceforth and for ever.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 132 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

132:1    (上行之诗)耶和华阿,求你记念大卫所受的一切苦难。
Lord, remember David, and all his afflictions:

132:2    他怎样向耶和华起誓,向雅各的大能者许愿,
How he sware unto the LORD, and vowed unto the mighty God of Jacob;

132:3    说,我必不进我的帐幕,也不上我的床榻。
Surely I will not come into the tabernacle of my house, nor go up into my bed;

132:4    我不容我的眼睛睡觉,也不容我的眼目打盹。
I will not give sleep to mine eyes, or slumber to mine eyelids,

132:5    直等我为耶和华寻得所在,为雅各的大能者寻得居所。
Until I find out a place for the LORD, an habitation for the mighty God of Jacob.

132:6    我们听说约柜在以法他,我们在基列耶琳就寻见了。
Lo, we heard of it at Ephratah: we found it in the fields of the wood.

132:7    我们要进他的居所,在他脚凳前下拜。
We will go into his tabernacles: we will worship at his footstool.

132:8    耶和华阿,求你兴起,和你有能力的约柜同入安息之所。
Arise, O LORD, into thy rest; thou, and the ark of thy strength.

132:9    愿你的祭司披上公义。愿你的圣民欢呼。
Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness; and let thy saints shout for joy.

132:10    求你因你仆人大卫的缘故,不要厌弃你的受膏者。
For thy servant David's sake turn not away the face of thine anointed.

132:11    耶和华向大卫,凭诚实起了誓,必不反覆,说,我要使你所生的坐在你的宝座上。
The LORD hath sworn in truth unto David; he will not turn from it; Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne.

132:12    你的众子若守我的约,和我所教训他们的法度,他们的子孙,必永远坐在你的宝座上。
If thy children will keep my covenant and my testimony that I shall teach them, their children shall also sit upon thy throne for evermore.

132:13    因为耶和华拣选了锡安,愿意当作自己的居所,
For the LORD hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation.

132:14    说,这是我永远安息之所。我要住在这里,因为是我所愿意的。
This is my rest for ever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it.

132:15    我要使其中的粮食丰满,使其中的穷人饱足。
I will abundantly bless her provision: I will satisfy her poor with bread.

132:16    我要使祭司披上救恩,圣民大声欢呼。
I will also clothe her priests with salvation: and her saints shall shout aloud for joy.

132:17    我要叫大卫的角,在那里发生。我为我的受膏者,预备明灯。
There will I make the horn of David to bud: I have ordained a lamp for mine anointed.

132:18    我要使他的仇敌披上羞耻。但他的冠冕,要在头上发光。
His enemies will I clothe with shame: but upon himself shall his crown flourish.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 133 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

133:1    (大卫上行之诗)看哪,弟兄和睦同居,是何等地善,何等地美。
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

133:2    这好比那贵重的油,浇在亚伦的头上,流到胡须,又流到他的衣襟。
It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments;

133:3    又好比黑门的甘露,降在锡安山。因为在那里有耶和华所命定的福,就是永远的生命。
As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 134 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

134:1    (上行之诗)耶和华的仆人,夜间站在耶和华殿中的,你们当称颂耶和华。
Behold, bless ye the LORD, all ye servants of the LORD, which by night stand in the house of the LORD.

134:2    你们当向圣所举手,称颂耶和华。
Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the LORD.

134:3    愿造天地的耶和华,从锡安赐福给你们。
The LORD that made heaven and earth bless thee out of Zion.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 135 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

135:1    你们要赞美耶和华。你们要赞美耶和华的名。
Praise ye the LORD. Praise ye the name of the LORD; praise him, O ye servants of the LORD.

135:2    耶和华的仆人站在耶和华殿中,站在我们神殿院中的,你们要赞美他。
Ye that stand in the house of the LORD, in the courts of the house of our God,

135:3    你们要赞美耶和华。耶和华本为善。要歌颂他的名,因为这是美好的。
Praise the LORD; for the LORD is good: sing praises unto his name; for it is pleasant.

135:4    耶和华拣选雅各归自己,拣选以色列特作自己的子民。
For the LORD hath chosen Jacob unto himself, and Israel for his peculiar treasure.

135:5    原来我知道耶和华为大,也知道我们的主超乎万神之上。
For I know that the LORD is great, and that our Lord is above all gods.

135:6    耶和华在天上,在地下,在海中,在一切的深处,都随自己的意旨而行。
Whatsoever the LORD pleased, that did he in heaven, and in earth, in the seas, and all deep places.

135:7    他使云雾从地极上腾,造电随雨而闪,从府库中带出风来。
He causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth; he maketh lightnings for the rain; he bringeth the wind out of his treasuries.

135:8    他将埃及头生的,连人带牲畜都击杀了。
Who smote the firstborn of Egypt, both of man and beast.

135:9    埃及阿,他施行神迹奇事,在你当中,在法老和他一切臣仆身上。
Who sent tokens and wonders into the midst of thee, O Egypt, upon Pharaoh, and upon all his servants.

135:10    他击杀许多的民,又杀戮大能的王,
Who smote great nations, and slew mighty kings;

135:11    就是亚摩利王西宏,和巴珊王噩,并迦南一切的国王,
Sihon king of the Amorites, and Og king of Bashan, and all the kingdoms of Canaan:

135:12    将他们的地,赏赐他的百姓以色列为业。
And gave their land for an heritage, an heritage unto Israel his people.

135:13    耶和华阿,你的名存到永远。耶和华阿,你可记念的名存到万代。
Thy name, O LORD, endureth for ever; and thy memorial, O LORD, throughout all generations.

135:14    耶和华要为他的百姓伸冤,为他的仆人后悔。
For the LORD will judge his people, and he will repent himself concerning his servants.

135:15    外邦的偶像是金的,银的,是人手所造的。
The idols of the heathen are silver and gold, the work of men's hands.

135:16    有口却不能言,有眼却不能看,
They have mouths, but they speak not; eyes have they, but they see not;

135:17    有耳却不能听,口中也没有气息。
They have ears, but they hear not; neither is there any breath in their mouths.

135:18    造他的要和他一样,凡靠他的也要如此。
They that make them are like unto them: so is every one that trusteth in them.

135:19    以色列家阿,你们要称颂耶和华。亚伦家阿,你们要称颂耶和华。
Bless the LORD, O house of Israel: bless the LORD, O house of Aaron:

135:20    利未家阿,你们要称颂耶和华。你们敬畏耶和华的,要称颂耶和华。
Bless the LORD, O house of Levi: ye that fear the LORD, bless the LORD.

135:21    住在耶路撒冷的耶和华,该从锡安受称颂。你们要赞美耶和华。
Blessed be the LORD out of Zion, which dwelleth at Jerusalem. Praise ye the LORD.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 136 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

136:1    你们要称谢耶和华,因他本为善。他的慈爱永远长存。
O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.

136:2    你们要称谢万神之神,因他的慈爱永远长存。
O give thanks unto the God of gods: for his mercy endureth for ever.

136:3    你们要称谢万主之主,因他的慈爱永远长存。
O give thanks to the Lord of lords: for his mercy endureth for ever.

136:4    称谢那独行大奇事的,因他的慈爱永远长存。
To him who alone doeth great wonders: for his mercy endureth for ever.

136:5    称谢那用智慧造天的,因他的慈爱永远长存。
To him that by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy endureth for ever.

136:6    称谢那铺地在水以上的,因他的慈爱永远长存。
To him that stretched out the earth above the waters: for his mercy endureth for ever.

136:7    称谢那造成大光的,因他的慈爱永远长存。
To him that made great lights: for his mercy endureth for ever:

136:8    他造日头管白昼,因他的慈爱永远长存。
The sun to rule by day: for his mercy endureth for ever:

136:9    他造月亮星宿管黑夜,因他的慈爱永远长存。
The moon and stars to rule by night: for his mercy endureth for ever.

136:10    称谢那击杀埃及人之长子的,因他的慈爱永远长存。
To him that smote Egypt in their firstborn: for his mercy endureth for ever:

136:11    他领以色列人从他们中间出来,因他的慈爱永远长存。
And brought out Israel from among them: for his mercy endureth for ever:

136:12    他施展大能的手和伸出来的膀臂,因他的慈爱永远长存。
With a strong hand, and with a stretched out arm: for his mercy endureth for ever.

136:13    称谢那分裂红海的,因他的慈爱永远长存。
To him which divided the Red sea into parts: for his mercy endureth for ever:

136:14    他领以色列从其中经过,因他的慈爱永远长存。
And made Israel to pass through the midst of it: for his mercy endureth for ever:

136:15    却把法老和他的军兵推翻在红海里,因他的慈爱永远长存。
But overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Red sea: for his mercy endureth for ever.

136:16    称谢那引导自己的民行走旷野的,因他的慈爱永远长存。
To him which led his people through the wilderness: for his mercy endureth for ever.

136:17    称谢那击杀大君王的,因他的慈爱永远长存。
To him which smote great kings: for his mercy endureth for ever:

136:18    他杀戮有名的君王,因他的慈爱永远长存。
And slew famous kings: for his mercy endureth for ever:

136:19    就是杀戮亚摩利王西宏,因他的慈爱永远长存。
Sihon king of the Amorites: for his mercy endureth for ever:

136:20    又杀巴珊王噩,因他的慈爱永远长存。
And Og the king of Bashan: for his mercy endureth for ever:

136:21    他将他们的地赐他的百姓为业,因他的慈爱永远长存。
And gave their land for an heritage: for his mercy endureth for ever:

136:22    就是赐他的仆人以色列为业,因他的慈爱永远长存。
Even an heritage unto Israel his servant: for his mercy endureth for ever.

136:23    他顾念我们在卑微的地步,因他的慈爱永远长存。
Who remembered us in our low estate: for his mercy endureth for ever:

136:24    他救拔我们脱离敌人,因他的慈爱永远长存。
And hath redeemed us from our enemies: for his mercy endureth for ever.

136:25    他赐粮食给凡有血气的,因他的慈爱永远长存。
Who giveth food to all flesh: for his mercy endureth for ever.

136:26    你们要称谢天上的神,因他的慈爱永远长存。
O give thanks unto the God of heaven: for his mercy endureth for ever.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 137 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

137:1    他们曾在巴比伦的河边坐下,一追想锡安就哭了。
By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion.

137:2    我们把琴挂在那里的柳树上。
We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof.

137:3    因为在那里,掳掠我们的要我们唱歌,抢夺我们的,要我们作乐,说,给我们唱一首锡安歌吧。
For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion.

137:4    我们怎能在外邦唱耶和华的歌呢。
How shall we sing the LORD's song in a strange land?

137:5    耶路撒冷阿,我若忘记你,情愿我的右手忘记技巧。
If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.

137:6    我若不记念你,若不看耶路撒冷过于我所最喜乐的,情愿我的舌头贴于上膛。
If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy.

137:7    耶路撒冷遭难的日子,以东人说,拆毁,拆毁,直拆到根基。耶和华阿求你记念这仇。
Remember, O LORD, the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem; who said, Rase it, rase it, even to the foundation thereof.

137:8    将要被灭的巴比伦城阿(城原文是女子),报复你像你待我们的,那人便为有福。
O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us.

137:9    拿你的婴孩摔在磐石上的,那人便为有福。
Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 138 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

138:1    (大卫的诗)我要一心称谢你,在诸神面前歌颂你。
I will praise thee with my whole heart: before the gods will I sing praise unto thee.

138:2    我要向你的圣殿下拜,为你的慈爱和诚实称赞你的名。因你使你的话显为大,过于你所应许的(或作超乎你的名声)。
I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.

138:3    我呼求的日子,你就应允我,鼓励我,使我心里有能力。
In the day when I cried thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul.

138:4    耶和华阿,地上的君王,都要称谢你,因他们听见了你口中的言语。
All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O LORD, when they hear the words of thy mouth.

138:5    他们要歌颂耶和华的作为,因耶和华大有荣耀。
Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the LORD: for great is the glory of the LORD.

138:6    耶和华虽高,仍看顾低微的人。他却从远处看出骄傲的人。
Though the LORD be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knoweth afar off.

138:7    我虽行在患难中,你必将我救活。我的仇敌发怒,你必伸手抵挡他们。你的右手也必救我。
Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.

138:8    耶和华必成全关乎我的事。耶和华阿,你的慈爱永远长存。求你不要离弃你手所造的。
The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 139 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

139:1    (大卫的诗,交与伶长)耶和华阿,你已经鉴察我,认识我。
O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me.

139:2    我坐下,我起来,你都晓得。你从远处知道我的意念。
Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off.

139:3    我行路,我躺卧,你都细察,你也深知我一切所行的。
Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.

139:4    耶和华阿,我舌头上的话,你腔有一句不知道的。
For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altogether.

139:5    你在我前后环绕我,按手在我身上。
Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me.

139:6    这样的知识奇妙,是我不能测的。至高,是我不能及的。
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it.

139:7    我往那里去躲避你的灵。我往那里逃躲避你的面。
Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?

139:8    我若升到天上,你在那里。我若在阴间下榻,你也在那里。
If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.

139:9    我若展开清晨的翅膀,飞到海极居住。
If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;

139:10    就是在那里,你的手必引导我,你的右手,也必扶持我。
Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.

139:11    我若说,黑夜必定遮蔽我,我周围的亮光必成为黑夜。
If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me.

139:12    黑暗也不能遮蔽我使你不见,黑夜却如白昼发亮。黑暗和光明,在你看都是一样。
Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee.

139:13    我的肺腑是你所造的。我在母腹中,你已覆庇我。
For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.

139:14    我要称谢你,因我受造,奇妙可畏。你的作为奇妙,这是我心深知道的。
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

139:15    我在暗中受造,在地的深处被联络。那时,我的形体并不向你隐藏。
My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.

139:16    我未成形的体质,你的眼早已看见了。你所定的日子,我尚未度一日(或作我被造的肢体尚未有其一),你都写在你的册上了。
Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.

139:17    神阿,你的意念向我何等宝贵。其数何等众多。
How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!

139:18    我若数点,比海沙更多。我睡醒的时候,仍和你同在。
If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.

139:19    神阿,你必要杀戮恶人。所以,你们好流人血的,离开我去吧。
Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, O God: depart from me therefore, ye bloody men.

139:20    因为他们说恶言顶撞你。你的仇敌也妄称你的名。
For they speak against thee wickedly, and thine enemies take thy name in vain.

139:21    耶和华阿,恨恶你的,我岂不恨恶他们吗。攻击你的,我岂不憎嫌他们吗。
Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?

139:22    我切切地恨恶他们,以他们为仇敌。
I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.

139:23    神阿,求你鉴察我,知道我的心思,试炼我,知道我的意念。
Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:

139:24    看在我里面有什么恶行没有,引导我走永生的道路。
And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 140 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

140:1    (大卫的诗,交与伶长)耶和华阿,求你拯救我脱离凶恶的人,保护我脱离强暴的人。
Deliver me, O LORD, from the evil man: preserve me from the violent man;

140:2    他们心中图谋奸恶,常常聚集要争战。
Which imagine mischiefs in their heart; continually are they gathered together for war.

140:3    他们使舌头尖利如蛇,嘴里有虺蛇的毒气。(细拉)
They have sharpened their tongues like a serpent; adders' poison is under their lips. Selah.

140:4    耶和华阿,求你拯救我脱离恶人的手,保护我脱离强暴的人。他们图谋推我跌倒。
Keep me, O LORD, from the hands of the wicked; preserve me from the violent man; who have purposed to overthrow my goings.

140:5    骄傲人为我暗设网罗和绳索。他们在路旁铺下网,设下圈套。(细拉)
The proud have hid a snare for me, and cords; they have spread a net by the wayside; they have set gins for me. Selah.

140:6    我曾对耶和华说,你是我的神。耶和华阿,求你留心听我恳求的声音。
I said unto the LORD, Thou art my God: hear the voice of my supplications, O LORD.

140:7    主耶和华,我救恩的力量阿,在争战的日子,你遮蔽了我的头。
O GOD the Lord, the strength of my salvation, thou hast covered my head in the day of battle.

140:8    耶和华阿,求你不要遂恶人的心愿。不要成就他们的计谋,恐怕他们自高。(细拉)
Grant not, O LORD, the desires of the wicked: further not his wicked device; lest they exalt themselves. Selah.

140:9    至于那些昂首围困我的人,愿他们嘴唇的奸恶陷害(原文是遮蔽)自己。
As for the head of those that compass me about, let the mischief of their own lips cover them.

140:10    愿火炭落在他们身上。愿他们被丢在火中,抛在深坑里,不能再起来。
Let burning coals fall upon them: let them be cast into the fire; into deep pits, that they rise not up again.

140:11    说恶言的人,在地上必坚立不住。祸患必猎取强暴的人,将他打倒。
Let not an evil speaker be established in the earth: evil shall hunt the violent man to overthrow him.

140:12    我知道耶和华必为困苦人伸冤,必为穷乏人辨屈。
I know that the LORD will maintain the cause of the afflicted, and the right of the poor.

140:13    义人必要称赞你的名。正直人必住在你面前。
Surely the righteous shall give thanks unto thy name: the upright shall dwell in thy presence.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 141 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

141:1    (大卫的诗)耶和华阿,我曾求告你,求你快快临到我这里。我求告你的时候,愿你留心听我的声音。
Lord, I cry unto thee: make haste unto me; give ear unto my voice, when I cry unto thee.

141:2    愿我的祷告,如香陈列在你面前。愿我举手祈求,如献晚祭。
Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.

141:3    耶和华阿,求你禁止我的口,把守我的嘴。
Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.

141:4    求你不叫我的心,偏向邪恶,以致我和邪恶的人同行恶事。也不叫我吃他们的美食。
Incline not my heart to any evil thing, to practise wicked works with men that work iniquity: and let me not eat of their dainties.

141:5    任凭义人击打我,这算为仁慈。任凭他责备我,这算为头上的膏油。我的头不要躲闪。正在他们行恶的时候,我仍要祈祷。
Let the righteous smite me; it shall be a kindness: and let him reprove me; it shall be an excellent oil, which shall not break my head: for yet my prayer also shall be in their calamities.

141:6    他们的审判官,被扔在岩下。众人要听我的话,因为这话甘甜。
When their judges are overthrown in stony places, they shall hear my words; for they are sweet.

141:7    我们的骨头散在墓旁,好像人耕田,刨地的土块。
Our bones are scattered at the grave's mouth, as when one cutteth and cleaveth wood upon the earth.

141:8    主耶和华阿,我的眼目仰望你。我投靠你,求你不要将我撇得孤苦。
But mine eyes are unto thee, O GOD the Lord: in thee is my trust; leave not my soul destitute.

141:9    求你保护我脱离恶人为我设的网罗,和作孽之人的圈套。
Keep me from the snares which they have laid for me, and the gins of the workers of iniquity.

141:10    愿恶人落在自己的网里,我却得以逃脱。
Let the wicked fall into their own nets, whilst that I withal escape.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 142 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

142:1    (大卫在洞里作的训诲诗,乃是祈祷)我发声哀告耶和华,发声恳求耶和华。
I cried unto the LORD with my voice; with my voice unto the LORD did I make my supplication.

142:2    我在他面前吐露我的苦情,陈说我的患难。
I poured out my complaint before him; I shewed before him my trouble.

142:3    我的灵在我里面发昏的时候,你知道我的道路。在我行的路上,敌人为我暗设网罗。
When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then thou knewest my path. In the way wherein I walked have they privily laid a snare for me.

142:4    求你向我右边观看,因为没有人认识我。我无处避难,也没有人眷顾我。
I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul.

142:5    耶和华阿,我曾向你哀求。我说,你是我的避难所。在活人之地,你是我的福分。
I cried unto thee, O LORD: I said, Thou art my refuge and my portion in the land of the living.

142:6    求你侧耳听我的呼求,因我落到极卑之地。求你救我脱离逼迫我的人,因为他们比我强盛。
Attend unto my cry; for I am brought very low: deliver me from my persecutors; for they are stronger than I.

142:7    求你领我出离被囚之地,我好称赞你的名。义人必环绕我,因为你是用厚恩待我。
Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise thy name: the righteous shall compass me about; for thou shalt deal bountifully with me.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 143 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

143:1    (大卫的诗)耶和华阿,求你听我的祷告,留心听我的恳求,凭你的信实和公义应允我。
Hear my prayer, O LORD, give ear to my supplications: in thy faithfulness answer me, and in thy righteousness.

143:2    求你不要审问仆人。因为在你面前,凡活着的人,没有一个是义的。
And enter not into judgment with thy servant: for in thy sight shall no man living be justified.

143:3    原来仇敌逼迫我,将我打倒在地,使我住在幽暗之处,像死了许久的人一样。
For the enemy hath persecuted my soul; he hath smitten my life down to the ground; he hath made me to dwell in darkness, as those that have been long dead.

143:4    所以,我的灵在我里面发昏。我的心在我里面凄惨。
Therefore is my spirit overwhelmed within me; my heart within me is desolate.

143:5    我追想古时之日,思想你的一切作为,默念你手的工作。
I remember the days of old; I meditate on all thy works; I muse on the work of thy hands.

143:6    我向你举手。我的心渴想你,如乾旱之地盼雨一样。(细拉)
I stretch forth my hands unto thee: my soul thirsteth after thee, as a thirsty land. Selah.

143:7    耶和华阿,求你速速应允我。我心神耗尽。不要向我掩面,免得我像那些下坑的人一样。
Hear me speedily, O LORD: my spirit faileth: hide not thy face from me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit.

143:8    求你使我清晨得听你慈爱之言,因我倚靠你。求你使我知道当行的路,因我的心仰望你。
Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee.

143:9    耶和华阿,求你救我脱离我的仇敌。我往你那里藏身。
Deliver me, O LORD, from mine enemies: I flee unto thee to hide me.

143:10    求你指教我遵行你的旨意,因你是我的神。你的灵本为善。求你引我到平坦之地。
Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God: thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness.

143:11    耶和华阿,求你为你的名将我救活。凭你的公义,将我从患难中领出来。
Quicken me, O LORD, for thy name's sake: for thy righteousness' sake bring my soul out of trouble.

143:12    凭你的慈爱剪除我的仇敌,灭绝一切苦待我的人,因我是你的仆人。
And of thy mercy cut off mine enemies, and destroy all them that afflict my soul: for I am thy servant.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 144 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

144:1    (大卫的诗)耶和华我的磐石,是应当称颂的。他教导我的手争战,教导我的指头打仗。
Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:

144:2    他是我慈爱的主,我的山寨,我的高台,我的救主,我的盾牌,是我所投靠的。他使我的百姓服在我以下。
My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and he in whom I trust; who subdueth my people under me.

144:3    耶和华阿,人算什么,你竟认识他。世人算什么,你竟顾念他。
LORD, what is man, that thou takest knowledge of him! or the son of man, that thou makest account of him!

144:4    人好像一口气。他的年日,如同影儿快快过去。
Man is like to vanity: his days are as a shadow that passeth away.

144:5    耶和华阿,求你使天下垂,亲自降临,摸山,山就冒烟。
Bow thy heavens, O LORD, and come down: touch the mountains, and they shall smoke.

144:6    求你发出闪电,使他们四散,射出你的箭,使他们扰乱。
Cast forth lightning, and scatter them: shoot out thine arrows, and destroy them.

144:7    求你从上伸手救拔我,救我出离大水,救我脱离外邦人的手。
Send thine hand from above; rid me, and deliver me out of great waters, from the hand of strange children;

144:8    他们的口说谎话。他们的右手起假誓。
Whose mouth speaketh vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood.

144:9    神阿,我要向你唱新歌,用十弦瑟向你歌颂。
I will sing a new song unto thee, O God: upon a psaltery and an instrument of ten strings will I sing praises unto thee.

144:10    你是那拯救君王的。你是那救仆人大卫脱离害命之刀的。
It is he that giveth salvation unto kings: who delivereth David his servant from the hurtful sword.

144:11    求你救拔我,救我脱离外邦人的手。他们的口说谎话。他们的右手起假誓。
Rid me, and deliver me from the hand of strange children, whose mouth speaketh vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood:

144:12    我们的儿子,从幼年好像树栽子长大。我们的女儿如同殿角石,是按建宫的样式凿成的。
That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth; that our daughters may be as corner stones, polished after the similitude of a palace:

144:13    我们的仓盈满,能出各样的粮食。我们的羊,在田间孳生千万。
That our garners may be full, affording all manner of store: that our sheep may bring forth thousands and ten thousands in our streets:

144:14    我们的牛驮着满驮,没有人闯进来抢夺,也没有人出去争战。我们的街市上,也没有哭号的声音。
That our oxen may be strong to labour; that there be no breaking in, nor going out; that there be no complaining in our streets.

144:15    遇见这光景的百姓,便为有福。有耶和华为他们的神,这百姓便为有福。
Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 145 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

145:1    (大卫的赞美诗)我的神我的王阿,我要尊崇你。我要永永远远称颂你的名。
I will extol thee, my God, O king; and I will bless thy name for ever and ever.

145:2    我要天天称颂你,也要永永远远赞美你的名。
Every day will I bless thee; and I will praise thy name for ever and ever.

145:3    耶和华本为大,该受大赞美。其大无法测度。
Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable.

145:4    这代要对那代颂赞你的作为,也要传扬你的大能。
One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts.

145:5    我要默念你威严的尊荣,和你奇妙的作为。
I will speak of the glorious honour of thy majesty, and of thy wondrous works.

145:6    人要传说你可畏之事的能力。我也要传扬你的大德。
And men shall speak of the might of thy terrible acts: and I will declare thy greatness.

145:7    他们记念你的大恩,就要传出来,并要歌唱你的公义。
They shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness, and shall sing of thy righteousness.

145:8    耶和华有恩惠,有怜悯,不轻易发怒,大有慈爱。
The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy.

145:9    耶和华善待万民,他的慈悲,覆庇他一切所造的。
The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.

145:10    耶和华阿,你一切所造,的都要称谢你。你的圣民也要称颂你,
All thy works shall praise thee, O LORD; and thy saints shall bless thee.

145:11    传说你国的荣耀,谈论你的大能,
They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power;

145:12    好叫世人知道你大能的作为,并你国度威严的荣耀。
To make known to the sons of men his mighty acts, and the glorious majesty of his kingdom.

145:13    你的国是永远的国,你执掌的权柄,存到万代。
Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and thy dominion endureth throughout all generations.

145:14    凡跌倒的,耶和华将他们扶持。凡被压下的,将他们扶起。
The LORD upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all those that be bowed down.

145:15    万民都举目仰望你。你随时给他们食物。
The eyes of all wait upon thee; and thou givest them their meat in due season.

145:16    你张手,使有生气的都随愿饱足。
Thou openest thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing.

145:17    耶和华在他一切所行的,无不公义。在他一切所做的,都有慈爱。
The LORD is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works.

145:18    凡求告耶和华的,就是诚心求告他的,耶和华便与他们相近。
The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth.

145:19    敬畏他的,他必成就他们的心愿。也必听他们的呼求,拯救他们。
He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them.

145:20    耶和华保护一切爱他的人,却要灭绝一切的恶人。
The LORD preserveth all them that love him: but all the wicked will he destroy.

145:21    我的口要说出赞美耶和华的话。惟愿凡有血气的,都永永远远称颂他的圣名。
My mouth shall speak the praise of the LORD: and let all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 146 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

146:1    你们要赞美耶和华。我的心哪,你要赞美耶和华。
Praise ye the LORD. Praise the LORD, O my soul.

146:2    我一生要赞美耶和华。我还活的时候要歌颂我的神。
While I live will I praise the LORD: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being.

146:3    你们不要倚靠君王,不要倚靠世人。他一点不能帮助。
Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.

146:4    他的气一断,就归回尘土。他所打算的,当日就消灭了。
His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.

146:5    以雅各的神为帮助,仰望耶和华他神的,这人便为有福。
Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God:

146:6    耶和华造天,地,海,和其中的万物。他守诚实,直到永远。
Which made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that therein is: which keepeth truth for ever:

146:7    他为受屈的伸冤,赐食物与饥饿的。耶和华释放被囚的。
Which executeth judgment for the oppressed: which giveth food to the hungry. The LORD looseth the prisoners:

146:8    耶和华开了瞎子的眼睛。耶和华扶起被压下的人。耶和华喜爱义人。
The LORD openeth the eyes of the blind: the LORD raiseth them that are bowed down: the LORD loveth the righteous:

146:9    耶和华保护寄居的,扶持孤儿和寡妇,却使恶人的道路弯曲。
The LORD preserveth the strangers; he relieveth the fatherless and widow: but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down.

146:10    耶和华要作王,直到永远。锡安哪,你的神要作王,直到万代。你们要赞美耶和华。
The LORD shall reign for ever, even thy God, O Zion, unto all generations. Praise ye the LORD.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 147 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

147:1    你们要赞美耶和华,因歌颂我们的神为善为美。赞美的话是合宜的。
Praise ye the LORD: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely.

147:2    耶和华建造耶路撒冷,聚集以色列中被赶散的人。
The LORD doth build up Jerusalem: he gathereth together the outcasts of Israel.

147:3    他医好伤心的人,裹好他们的伤处。
He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.

147:4    他数点星宿的数目,一一称它的名。
He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names.

147:5    我们的主为大,最有能力。他的智慧无法测度。
Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite.

147:6    耶和华扶持谦卑人,将恶人倾覆于地。
The LORD lifteth up the meek: he casteth the wicked down to the ground.

147:7    你们要以感谢向耶和华歌唱,用琴向我们的神歌颂。
Sing unto the LORD with thanksgiving; sing praise upon the harp unto our God:

147:8    他用云遮天,为地降雨,使草生长在山上。
Who covereth the heaven with clouds, who prepareth rain for the earth, who maketh grass to grow upon the mountains.

147:9    他赐食给走兽,和啼叫的小乌鸦。
He giveth to the beast his food, and to the young ravens which cry.

147:10    他不喜悦马的力大,不喜爱人的腿快。
He delighteth not in the strength of the horse: he taketh not pleasure in the legs of a man.

147:11    耶和华喜爱敬畏他和盼望他慈爱的人。
The LORD taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in those that hope in his mercy.

147:12    耶路撒冷阿,你要颂赞耶和华。锡安哪,你要赞美你的神。
Praise the LORD, O Jerusalem; praise thy God, O Zion.

147:13    因为他坚固了你的门闩,赐福给你中间的儿女。
For he hath strengthened the bars of thy gates; he hath blessed thy children within thee.

147:14    他使你境内平安。用上好的麦子使你满足。
He maketh peace in thy borders, and filleth thee with the finest of the wheat.

147:15    他发命在地。他的话颁行最快。
He sendeth forth his commandment upon earth: his word runneth very swiftly.

147:16    他降雪如羊毛,撒霜如炉灰。
He giveth snow like wool: he scattereth the hoarfrost like ashes.

147:17    他掷下冰雹如碎渣。他发出寒冷,谁能当得起呢。
He casteth forth his ice like morsels: who can stand before his cold?

147:18    他一出令,这些就都消化。他使风刮起,水便流动。
He sendeth out his word, and melteth them: he causeth his wind to blow, and the waters flow.

147:19    他将他的道指示雅各,将他的律例典章指示以色列。
He sheweth his word unto Jacob, his statutes and his judgments unto Israel.

147:20    别国他都没有这样待过。至于他的典章,他们向来没有知道。你们要赞美耶和华。
He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye the LORD.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 148 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

148:1    你们要赞美耶和华,从天上赞美耶和华,在高处赞美他。
Praise ye the LORD. Praise ye the LORD from the heavens: praise him in the heights.

148:2    他的众使者都要赞美他。他的诸军都要赞美他。
Praise ye him, all his angels: praise ye him, all his hosts.

148:3    日头月亮,你们要赞美他。放光的星宿,你们都要赞美他。
Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise him, all ye stars of light.

148:4    天上的天,和天上的水,你们都要赞美他。
Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens.

148:5    愿这些都赞美耶和华的名。因他一吩咐便都造成。
Let them praise the name of the LORD: for he commanded, and they were created.

148:6    他将这些立定,直到永永远远。他定了命,不能废去(或作越过)。
He hath also stablished them for ever and ever: he hath made a decree which shall not pass.

148:7    所有在地上的,大鱼和一切深洋,
Praise the LORD from the earth, ye dragons, and all deeps:

148:8    火与冰雹,雪和雾气,成就他命的狂风,
Fire, and hail; snow, and vapours; stormy wind fulfilling his word:

148:9    大山和小山,结果的树木,和一切香柏树,
Mountains, and all hills; fruitful trees, and all cedars:

148:10    野兽和一切牲畜,昆虫和飞鸟,
Beasts, and all cattle; creeping things, and flying fowl:

148:11    世上的君王和万民,首领和世上一切审判官,
Kings of the earth, and all people; princes, and all judges of the earth:

148:12    少年人和处女,老年人和孩童,都当赞美耶和华。
Both young men, and maidens; old men, and children:

148:13    愿这些都赞美耶和华的名。因为独有他的名被尊崇。他的荣耀在天地之上。
Let them praise the name of the LORD: for his name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven.

148:14    他将他百姓的角高举,因此他(因此他或作他使)一切圣民以色列人,就是与他相近的百姓,都赞美他。你们要赞美耶和华。
He also exalteth the horn of his people, the praise of all his saints; even of the children of Israel, a people near unto him. Praise ye the LORD.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 149 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

149:1    你们要赞美耶和华,向耶和华唱新歌,在圣民的会中赞美他。
Praise ye the LORD. Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints.

149:2    愿以色列因造他的主欢喜。愿锡安的民,因他们的王快乐。
Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: let the children of Zion be joyful in their King.

149:3    愿他们跳舞赞美他的名,击鼓弹琴歌颂他。
Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp.

149:4    因为耶和华喜爱他的百姓。他要用救恩当作谦卑人的妆饰。
For the LORD taketh pleasure in his people: he will beautify the meek with salvation.

149:5    愿圣民因所得的荣耀高兴。愿他们在床上欢呼。
Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds.

149:6    愿他们口中称赞神为高,手里有两刃的刀。
Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand;

149:7    为要报复列邦,刑罚万民。
To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people;

149:8    要用链子捆他们的君王,用铁镣锁他们的大臣。
To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron;

149:9    要在他们身上施行所记录的审判。他的圣民都有这荣耀。你们要赞美耶和华。
To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all his saints. Praise ye the LORD.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 150 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

150:1    你们要赞美耶和华,在神的圣所赞美他,在他显能力的穹苍赞美他。
Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.

150:2    要因他大能的作为赞美他,按着他极美的大德赞美他。
Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.

150:3    要用角声赞美他,鼓瑟弹琴赞美他。
Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp.

150:4    击鼓跳舞赞美他,用丝弦的乐器,和箫的声音赞美他。
Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs.

150:5    用大响的钹赞美他,用高声的钹赞美他。
Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals.

150:6    凡有气息的,都要赞美耶和华。你们要赞美耶和华。
Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.
