

诗篇(Psalms) -- 第 61-80 章

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 61 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

61:1    (大卫的诗,交与伶长,用丝弦的乐器)神阿,求你听我的呼求,侧耳听我的祷告。
Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer.

61:2    我心里发昏的时候,我要从地极求告你。求你领我到那比我更高的磐石。
From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

61:3    因为你作过我的避难所,作过我的坚固台,脱离仇敌。
For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy.

61:4    我要永远住在你的帐幕里。我要投靠在你翅膀下的隐密处。(细拉)
I will abide in thy tabernacle for ever: I will trust in the covert of thy wings. Selah.

61:5    神阿,你原是听了我所许的愿。你将产业赐给敬畏你名的人。
For thou, O God, hast heard my vows: thou hast given me the heritage of those that fear thy name.

61:6    你要加添王的寿数。他的年岁必存到世世。
Thou wilt prolong the king's life: and his years as many generations.

61:7    他必永远坐在神面前。愿你豫备慈爱和诚实保佑他。
He shall abide before God for ever: O prepare mercy and truth, which may preserve him.

61:8    这样,我要歌颂你的名直到永远,好天天还我所许的愿。
So will I sing praise unto thy name for ever, that I may daily perform my vows.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 62 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

62:1    (大卫的诗,照耶杜顿的作法,交与伶长)我的心默默无声,专等候神。我的救恩是从他而来。
Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation.

62:2    惟独他是我的磐石,我的拯救。他是我的高台。我必不很动摇。
He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved.

62:3    你们大家攻击一人,把他毁坏。如同毁坏歪斜的墙,将倒的壁,要到几时呢。
How long will ye imagine mischief against a man? ye shall be slain all of you: as a bowing wall shall ye be, and as a tottering fence.

62:4    他们彼此商议,专要从他的尊位上把他推下。他们喜爱谎话。口虽祝福,心却咒诅。(细拉)
They only consult to cast him down from his excellency: they delight in lies: they bless with their mouth, but they curse inwardly. Selah.

62:5    我的心哪,你当默默无声,专等候神。因为我的盼望是从他而来。
My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him.

62:6    惟独他是我的磐石,我的拯救。他是我的高台。我必不动摇。
He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defence; I shall not be moved.

62:7    我的拯救,我的荣耀,都在乎神。我力量的磐石,我的避难所,都在乎神。
In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God.

62:8    你们众民当时时倚靠他,在他面前倾心吐意。神是我们的避难所。(细拉)
Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.

62:9    下流人真是虚空,上流人也是虚假。放在天平里就必浮起。他们一共比空气还轻。
Surely men of low degree are vanity, and men of high degree are a lie: to be laid in the balance, they are altogether lighter than vanity.

62:10    不要仗势欺人,也不要因抢夺而骄傲。若财宝加增,不要放在心上。
Trust not in oppression, and become not vain in robbery: if riches increase, set not your heart upon them.

62:11    神说了一次,两次,我都听见,就是能力都属乎神。
God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongeth unto God.

62:12    主阿,慈爱也是属乎你。因为你照着各人所行的报应他。
Also unto thee, O Lord, belongeth mercy: for thou renderest to every man according to his work.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 63 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

63:1    (大卫在犹大旷野的时候,作了这诗)神阿,你是我的神,我要切切的寻求你。在乾旱疲乏无水之地,我渴想你,我的心切慕你。
O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is;

63:2    我在圣所中曾如此瞻仰你,为要见你的能力,和你的荣耀。
To see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary.

63:3    因你的慈爱比生命更好,我的嘴唇要颂赞你。
Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee.

63:4    我还活的时候,要这样称颂你。我要奉你的名举手。
Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name.

63:5    我在床上记念你,在夜更的时候思想你,我的心就像饱足了骨髓肥油。
My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips:

63:6    我也要以欢乐的嘴唇赞美你。
When I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches.

63:7    因为你曾帮助我,我就在你翅膀的荫下欢呼。
Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice.

63:8    我心紧紧的跟随你。你的右手扶持我。
My soul followeth hard after thee: thy right hand upholdeth me.

63:9    但那些寻索要灭我命的人,必往地底下去。
But those that seek my soul, to destroy it, shall go into the lower parts of the earth.

63:10    他们必被刀剑所杀,被野狗所吃。
They shall fall by the sword: they shall be a portion for foxes.

63:11    但是王必因神欢喜。凡指着他发誓的,必要夸口。因为说谎之人的口,必被塞住。
But the king shall rejoice in God; every one that sweareth by him shall glory: but the mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 64 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

64:1    (大卫的诗,交与伶长)神阿,我哀叹的时候,求你听我的声音。求你保护我的性命,不受仇敌的惊恐。
Hear my voice, O God, in my prayer: preserve my life from fear of the enemy.

64:2    求你把我隐藏,使我脱离恶之人的暗谋,和作孽之人的扰乱。
Hide me from the secret counsel of the wicked; from the insurrection of the workers of iniquity:

64:3    他们磨舌如刀,发出苦毒的言语,好像比准了的箭。
Who whet their tongue like a sword, and bend their bows to shoot their arrows, even bitter words:

64:4    要在暗地射完全人。他们忽然射他,并不惧怕。
That they may shoot in secret at the perfect: suddenly do they shoot at him, and fear not.

64:5    他们彼此勉励设下恶计。他们商量暗设网罗,说,谁能看见。
They encourage themselves in an evil matter: they commune of laying snares privily; they say, Who shall see them?

64:6    他们图谋奸恶,说,我们是极力图谋的。他们各人的意念心思是深的。
They search out iniquities; they accomplish a diligent search: both the inward thought of every one of them, and the heart, is deep.

64:7    但神要射他们。他们忽然被箭射伤。
But God shall shoot at them with an arrow; suddenly shall they be wounded.

64:8    他们必然绊跌,被自己的舌头所害。凡看见他们的,必都摇头。
So they shall make their own tongue to fall upon themselves: all that see them shall flee away.

64:9    众人都要害怕,要传杨神的工作,并且明白他的作为。
And all men shall fear, and shall declare the work of God; for they shall wisely consider of his doing.

64:10    义人必因耶和华欢喜,并要投靠他。凡心里正直的人,都要夸口。
The righteous shall be glad in the LORD, and shall trust in him; and all the upright in heart shall glory.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 65 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

65:1    (大卫的诗歌,交与伶长)神阿,锡安的人都等候赞美你,所许的愿,也要向你偿还。
Praise waiteth for thee, O God, in Sion: and unto thee shall the vow be performed.

65:2    听祷告的主阿,凡有血气的,都要来就你。
O thou that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come.

65:3    邪恶胜了我。至于我们的过犯,你都要宽恕。
Iniquities prevail against me: as for our transgressions, thou shalt purge them away.

65:4    你所拣选,使他亲近你,住在你院中的,这人便为有福。我们必因你居所,你圣殿的美福知足了。
Blessed is the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts: we shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, even of thy holy temple.

65:5    拯救我们的神阿,你必以威严秉公义应允我们。你本是一切地极,和海上远处的人所倚靠的。
By terrible things in righteousness wilt thou answer us, O God of our salvation; who art the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of them that are afar off upon the sea:

65:6    他既以大能束腰,就用力量安定诸山。
Which by his strength setteth fast the mountains; being girded with power:

65:7    使诸海的响声,和其中波浪的响声,并万民的喧哗,都平静了。
Which stilleth the noise of the seas, the noise of their waves, and the tumult of the people.

65:8    住在地极的人,因你的神迹惧怕。你使日出日落之地都欢呼。
They also that dwell in the uttermost parts are afraid at thy tokens: thou makest the outgoings of the morning and evening to rejoice.

65:9    你眷顾地,降下透雨,使地大得肥美。神的河满了水。你这样浇灌了地,好为人豫备五谷。
Thou visitest the earth, and waterest it: thou greatly enrichest it with the river of God, which is full of water: thou preparest them corn, when thou hast so provided for it.

65:10    你浇透地的犁沟,润平犁脊。降甘霖,使地软和。其中发长的,蒙你赐福。
Thou waterest the ridges thereof abundantly: thou settlest the furrows thereof: thou makest it soft with showers: thou blessest the springing thereof.

65:11    你以恩典为年岁的冠冕。你的路径都滴下脂油。
Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; and thy paths drop fatness.

65:12    滴在旷野的草场上。小山以欢乐束腰。
They drop upon the pastures of the wilderness: and the little hills rejoice on every side.

65:13    草场以羊群为衣。谷中也长满了五谷。这一切都欢呼歌唱。
The pastures are clothed with flocks; the valleys also are covered over with corn; they shout for joy, they also sing.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 66 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

66:1    (一篇诗歌,交与伶长)全地都当向神欢呼。
Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands:

66:2    歌颂他名的荣耀。用赞美的言语,将他的荣耀发明。
Sing forth the honour of his name: make his praise glorious.

66:3    当对神说,你的作为何等可畏。因你的大能仇敌要投降你。
Say unto God, How terrible art thou in thy works! through the greatness of thy power shall thine enemies submit themselves unto thee.

66:4    全地要敬拜你,歌颂你,要歌颂你的名。(细拉)
All the earth shall worship thee, and shall sing unto thee; they shall sing to thy name. Selah.

66:5    你们来看神所行的。他向世人所作的事,是可畏的。
Come and see the works of God: he is terrible in his doing toward the children of men.

66:6    他将海变成乾地。众民步行过河。我们在那里因他欢喜。
He turned the sea into dry land: they went through the flood on foot: there did we rejoice in him.

66:7    他用权能治理万民,直到永远。他的眼睛鉴察列邦。悖逆的人不可自高。(细拉)
He ruleth by his power for ever; his eyes behold the nations: let not the rebellious exalt themselves. Selah.

66:8    万民哪,你们应当称颂我们的神。使人得听赞美他的声音。
O bless our God, ye people, and make the voice of his praise to be heard:

66:9    他使我们的生命存活,也不叫我们的脚摇动。
Which holdeth our soul in life, and suffereth not our feet to be moved.

66:10    神阿,你曾试验我们,熬炼我们,如熬炼银子一样。
For thou, O God, hast proved us: thou hast tried us, as silver is tried.

66:11    你使我们进入网罗,把重担放在我们的身上。
Thou broughtest us into the net; thou laidst affliction upon our loins.

66:12    你使人坐车轧我们的头。我们经过水火。你却使我们到丰富之地。
Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water: but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place.

66:13    我要用燔祭进你的殿,向你还我的愿。
I will go into thy house with burnt offerings: I will pay thee my vows,

66:14    就是在急难时我嘴唇所发的,口中所许的。
Which my lips have uttered, and my mouth hath spoken, when I was in trouble.

66:15    我要把肥牛作燔祭,将公羊的香祭献给你。又把公牛和山羊献上。(细拉)
I will offer unto thee burnt sacrifices of fatlings, with the incense of rams; I will offer bullocks with goats. Selah.

66:16    凡敬畏神的人,你们都来听。我要述说他为我所行的事。
Come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will declare what he hath done for my soul.

66:17    我曾用口求告他,我的舌头,也称他为高。
I cried unto him with my mouth, and he was extolled with my tongue.

66:18    我若心里注重邪恶,主必不听。
If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:

66:19    但神实在听见了。他侧耳听了我祷告的声音。
But verily God hath heard me; he hath attended to the voice of my prayer.

66:20    神是应当称颂的。他并没有推却我的祷告,也没有叫他的慈爱离开我。
Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 67 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

67:1    (一篇诗歌,交与伶长。用丝弦的乐器)愿神怜悯我们,赐福与我们,用脸光照我们。(细拉)
God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah.

67:2    好叫世界得知你的道路,万国得知你的救恩。
That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations.

67:3    神阿,愿列邦称赞你,愿万民都称赞你。
Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee.

67:4    愿万国都快乐欢呼。因为你必按公正审判万民,引导世上的万国。(细拉)
O let the nations be glad and sing for joy: for thou shalt judge the people righteously, and govern the nations upon earth. Selah.

67:5    神阿,愿列邦称赞你。愿万民都称赞你。
Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee.

67:6    地已经出了土产。神,就是我们的神,要赐福与我们。
Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us.

67:7    神要赐福与我们。地的四极都要敬畏他。
God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 68 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

68:1    (大卫的诗歌,交与伶长)愿神兴起,使他的仇敌四散,叫那恨他的人,从他面前逃跑。
Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him.

68:2    他们被躯逐,如烟被风吹散。恶人见神之面而消灭,如腊被火熔化。
As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God.

68:3    惟有义人必然欢喜,在神面前高兴快乐。
But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God: yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.

68:4    你们当向神唱诗,歌颂他的名。为那坐车行过旷野的,修平大路。他的名是耶和华。要在他面前欢乐。
Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH, and rejoice before him.

68:5    神在他的圣所作孤儿的父,作寡妇的伸冤者。
A father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, is God in his holy habitation.

68:6    神叫孤独的有家,使被囚的出来享福。惟有悖逆的住在乾燥之地。
God setteth the solitary in families: he bringeth out those which are bound with chains: but the rebellious dwell in a dry land.

68:7    神阿,你曾在你百姓前头出来,在旷野行走。(细拉)
O God, when thou wentest forth before thy people, when thou didst march through the wilderness; Selah:

68:8    那时地见神的面而震动,天也落雨。西奈山见以色列神的面也震动。
The earth shook, the heavens also dropped at the presence of God: even Sinai itself was moved at the presence of God, the God of Israel.

68:9    神阿,你降下大雨。你产业以色列疲乏的时候,你使他坚固。
Thou, O God, didst send a plentiful rain, whereby thou didst confirm thine inheritance, when it was weary.

68:10    你的会众住在其中。神阿,你的恩惠是为困苦人豫备的。
Thy congregation hath dwelt therein: thou, O God, hast prepared of thy goodness for the poor.

68:11    主发命令,传好信息的妇女成了大群。
The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.

68:12    统兵的君王逃跑了,逃跑了。在家等候的妇女,分受所夺的。
Kings of armies did flee apace: and she that tarried at home divided the spoil.

68:13    你们安卧在洋圈的时候,好像鸽子的翅膀镀白银,翎毛镀黄金一般。
Though ye have lien among the pots, yet shall ye be as the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold.

68:14    全能者在境内赶散列王的时候,势如飘雪在撒们。
When the Almighty scattered kings in it, it was white as snow in Salmon.

68:15    巴删山是神的山。巴珊山是多峰多岭的山。
The hill of God is as the hill of Bashan; an high hill as the hill of Bashan.

68:16    你们多峰多岭的山哪,为何斜看神所愿居住的山。耶和华必住这山。直到永远。
Why leap ye, ye high hills? this is the hill which God desireth to dwell in; yea, the LORD will dwell in it for ever.

68:17    神的车辇累万盈千。主在其中,好像在西奈圣山一样。
The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels: the Lord is among them, as in Sinai, in the holy place.

68:18    你已经升上高天,掳掠仇敌,你在人间,就是在悖逆的人间,受了供献,叫耶和华神可以与他们同住。
Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell among them.

68:19    天天背负我们重担的主,就是拯救我们的神。是应当称颂的。(细拉)
Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.

68:20    神是为我们施行诸般救恩的神。人能脱离死亡,是在乎主耶和华。
He that is our God is the God of salvation; and unto GOD the Lord belong the issues from death.

68:21    但神要打破他仇敌的头,就是那常过犯之人的发顶。
But God shall wound the head of his enemies, and the hairy scalp of such an one as goeth on still in his trespasses.

68:22    主说,我要使众民从巴珊而归,使他们从深海而回。
The Lord said, I will bring again from Bashan, I will bring my people again from the depths of the sea:

68:23    使你打碎仇敌,你的脚踹在血中,使你狗的舌头,从其中得分。
That thy foot may be dipped in the blood of thine enemies, and the tongue of thy dogs in the same.

68:24    神阿,你是我的神,我的王。人已经看见你行走,进入圣所。
They have seen thy goings, O God; even the goings of my God, my King, in the sanctuary.

68:25    歌唱的行在前,作乐的随在后,都在击鼓的童女中间。
The singers went before, the players on instruments followed after; among them were the damsels playing with timbrels.

68:26    从以色列源头而来的,当在各会中称颂主神。
Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel.

68:27    在那里有统管他们的小便雅悯,有犹大的首领,和他们的群众。有西布伦的首领。有拿弗他利的首领。
There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali.

68:28    以色列的能力,是神所赐的。神阿,求你坚固你为我们所成全的事。
Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.

68:29    因你耶路撒冷的殿,列王必带贡物献给你。
Because of thy temple at Jerusalem shall kings bring presents unto thee.

68:30    求你叱喝芦苇中的野兽,和群公牛,并列邦中的牛犊,把银块踹在脚下。神已经赶散好争战的列邦。
Rebuke the company of spearmen, the multitude of the bulls, with the calves of the people, till every one submit himself with pieces of silver: scatter thou the people that delight in war.

68:31    埃及的公侯要出来朝见神。古实人要急忙举手祷告。
Princes shall come out of Egypt; Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God.

68:32    世上的列国阿,你们要向神歌唱。愿你们歌颂主,
Sing unto God, ye kingdoms of the earth; O sing praises unto the Lord; Selah:

68:33    歌颂那自古驾行在诸天以上的主。他发出声音,是极大的声音。
To him that rideth upon the heavens of heavens, which were of old; lo, he doth send out his voice, and that a mighty voice.

68:34    你们要将能力归给神。他的威荣在以色列之上,他的能力是在穹苍。
Ascribe ye strength unto God: his excellency is over Israel, and his strength is in the clouds.

68:35    神阿,你从圣所显为可畏。以色列的神,是那将力量权能赐给他白姓的。神是应当称颂的。
O God, thou art terrible out of thy holy places: the God of Israel is he that giveth strength and power unto his people. Blessed be God.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 69 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

69:1    (大卫的诗,交与伶长,调用百合花)神阿,求你救我。因为众水要淹没我。
Save me, O God; for the waters are come in unto my soul.

69:2    我陷在深淤泥中,没有立脚之地。我到了深水中。大水漫过我身。
I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing: I am come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me.

69:3    我因呼求困乏,喉咙发乾。我因等候神,眼睛失明。
I am weary of my crying: my throat is dried: mine eyes fail while I wait for my God.

69:4    无故恨我的,比我头发还多。无理与我为仇,要把我剪除的甚为强盛。我没有抢夺的,要叫我偿还。
They that hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of mine head: they that would destroy me, being mine enemies wrongfully, are mighty: then I restored that which I took not away.

69:5    神阿,我的愚昧你原知道。我的偏差不能隐瞒。
O God, thou knowest my foolishness; and my sins are not hid from thee.

69:6    万军的主耶和华阿,求你叫那等候你的,不要因我蒙羞。以色列的神阿,求你叫那寻求你的,不要因我受辱。
Let not them that wait on thee, O Lord GOD of hosts, be ashamed for my sake: let not those that seek thee be confounded for my sake, O God of Israel.

69:7    因我为你的缘故受了辱骂,满面羞愧。
Because for thy sake I have borne reproach; shame hath covered my face.

69:8    我的弟兄看我为外路人。我的同胞看我为外邦人。
I am become a stranger unto my brethren, and an alien unto my mother's children.

69:9    因我为你的殿心里焦急,如同火烧。并且辱骂你人的辱骂,都落在我身上。
For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me.

69:10    我哭泣,以禁食刻苦我心,这倒算为我的羞辱。
When I wept, and chastened my soul with fasting, that was to my reproach.

69:11    我拿麻布当衣裳。就成了他们的笑谈。
I made sackcloth also my garment; and I became a proverb to them.

69:12    坐在城门口的谈论我。酒徒也以我为歌曲。
They that sit in the gate speak against me; and I was the song of the drunkards.

69:13    但我在悦纳的时候,向你耶和华祈祷。神阿,求你按你丰盛的慈爱,凭你拯救的诚实,应允我。
But as for me, my prayer is unto thee, O LORD, in an acceptable time: O God, in the multitude of thy mercy hear me, in the truth of thy salvation.

69:14    求你搭救我出离淤泥,不叫我陷在其中。求你使我脱离那些恨我的人,使我出离深水。
Deliver me out of the mire, and let me not sink: let me be delivered from them that hate me, and out of the deep waters.

69:15    求你不容大水漫过我,不容深渊吞灭我,不容坑坎在我以上合口。
Let not the waterflood overflow me, neither let the deep swallow me up, and let not the pit shut her mouth upon me.

69:16    耶和华阿,求你应允我,因为你的慈爱本为美好。求你按你丰盛的慈悲,回转眷顾我。
Hear me, O LORD; for thy lovingkindness is good: turn unto me according to the multitude of thy tender mercies.

69:17    不要掩面不顾你的仆人。我是在急难之中。求你速速的应允我。
And hide not thy face from thy servant; for I am in trouble: hear me speedily.

69:18    求你亲近我,救赎我。求你因我的仇敌把我赎回。
Draw nigh unto my soul, and redeem it: deliver me because of mine enemies.

69:19    你知道我受的辱骂,欺凌,羞辱。我的敌人都在你面前。
Thou hast known my reproach, and my shame, and my dishonour: mine adversaries are all before thee.

69:20    辱骂伤破了我的心。我又满了忧愁。我指望有人体恤,却没有一个。我指望有人安慰,却找不着一个。
Reproach hath broken my heart; and I am full of heaviness: and I looked for some to take pity, but there was none; and for comforters, but I found none.

69:21    他们拿苦胆给我当食物。我渴了,他们拿醋给我喝。
They gave me also gall for my meat; and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.

69:22    愿他们的筵席,在他们面前变为网罗,在他们平安的时候,变为机槛。
Let their table become a snare before them: and that which should have been for their welfare, let it become a trap.

69:23    愿他们的眼睛昏蒙,不得看见。愿你使他们的腰常常战抖。
Let their eyes be darkened, that they see not; and make their loins continually to shake.

69:24    求你将你的恼恨,倒在他们身上,叫你的烈怒追上他们。
Pour out thine indignation upon them, and let thy wrathful anger take hold of them.

69:25    愿他们的住处,变为荒场。愿他们的帐棚,无人居住。
Let their habitation be desolate; and let none dwell in their tents.

69:26    因为你所击打的,他们就逼迫。你所击伤的他们戏说他的愁苦。
For they persecute him whom thou hast smitten; and they talk to the grief of those whom thou hast wounded.

69:27    愿你在他们的邪恶上加邪恶,不容他们在你面前称义。
Add iniquity unto their iniquity: and let them not come into thy righteousness.

69:28    愿他们从生命册上被涂抹,不得记录在义人之中。
Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and not be written with the righteous.

69:29    但我是困苦忧伤的。神阿,你的救恩,将我安置在高处。
But I am poor and sorrowful: let thy salvation, O God, set me up on high.

69:30    我要以诗歌赞美神的名,以感谢称他为大。
I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving.

69:31    这便叫耶和华喜悦,胜似献牛,或是献有角有蹄的公牛。
This also shall please the LORD better than an ox or bullock that hath horns and hoofs.

69:32    谦卑的人看见了,就喜乐。寻求神的人,愿你们的心苏醒。
The humble shall see this, and be glad: and your heart shall live that seek God.

69:33    因为耶和华听了穷乏人,不藐视被囚的人。
For the LORD heareth the poor, and despiseth not his prisoners.

69:34    愿天和地,洋海,和其中一切的动物,都赞美他。
Let the heaven and earth praise him, the seas, and every thing that moveth therein.

69:35    因为神要拯救锡安,建造犹大的城邑。他的民要在那里居住,得以为业。
For God will save Zion, and will build the cities of Judah: that they may dwell there, and have it in possession.

69:36    他仆人的后裔,要承受为业。爱他名的人,也要住在其中。
The seed also of his servants shall inherit it: and they that love his name shall dwell therein.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 70 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

70:1    (大卫的记念诗,交与伶长)神阿,求你快快搭救我。耶和华阿,求你速速帮助我。

70:2    愿那些寻索我命的,抱愧蒙羞。愿那些喜悦我遭害的,退后受辱。
Let them be ashamed and confounded that seek after my soul: let them be turned backward, and put to confusion, that desire my hurt.

70:3    愿那些对我说,阿哈,阿哈的,因羞愧退后。
Let them be turned back for a reward of their shame that say, Aha, aha.

70:4    愿一切寻求你的,因你高兴欢喜。愿那些喜爱你救恩的常说,当尊神为大。
Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: and let such as love thy salvation say continually, Let God be magnified.

70:5    但我是困苦穷乏的。神阿,求你速速到我这里来。你是帮助我的,搭救我的。耶和华阿,求你不要耽延。
But I am poor and needy: make haste unto me, O God: thou art my help and my deliverer; O LORD, make no tarrying.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 71 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

71:1    耶和华阿,我投靠你。求你叫我永不羞愧。
In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust: let me never be put to confusion.

71:2    求你凭你的公义搭救我,救拔我,侧耳听我,拯救我。
Deliver me in thy righteousness, and cause me to escape: incline thine ear unto me, and save me.

71:3    求你作我常住的磐石。你已经命定要救我。因为你是我的岩石,我的山寨。
Be thou my strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort: thou hast given commandment to save me; for thou art my rock and my fortress.

71:4    我的神阿,求你救我脱离恶人的手,脱离不义和残暴之人的手。
Deliver me, O my God, out of the hand of the wicked, out of the hand of the unrighteous and cruel man.

71:5    主耶和华阿,你是我所盼望的。从我年幼你是我所倚靠的。
For thou art my hope, O Lord GOD: thou art my trust from my youth.

71:6    我从出母胎被你扶持。使我出母腹的是你。我必常常赞美你。
By thee have I been holden up from the womb: thou art he that took me out of my mother's bowels: my praise shall be continually of thee.

71:7    许多人以我为怪。但你是我坚固的避难所。
I am as a wonder unto many; but thou art my strong refuge.

71:8    你的赞美,你的荣耀,终日必满了我的口。
Let my mouth be filled with thy praise and with thy honour all the day.

71:9    我年老的时候,求你不要丢弃我。我力气衰弱的时候,求你不要离弃我。
Cast me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength faileth.

71:10    我的仇敌议论我。那些窥探要害我命的彼此商议,
For mine enemies speak against me; and they that lay wait for my soul take counsel together,

71:11    说,神已经离弃他。我们追赶他,捉拿他吧。因为没有人搭救。
Saying, God hath forsaken him: persecute and take him; for there is none to deliver him.

71:12    神阿,求你不要远离我。我的神阿,求你速速帮助我。
O God, be not far from me: O my God, make haste for my help.

71:13    愿那与我性命为敌的,羞愧被灭。愿那谋害我的,受辱蒙羞。
Let them be confounded and consumed that are adversaries to my soul; let them be covered with reproach and dishonour that seek my hurt.

71:14    我却要常常盼望,并要越发赞美你。
But I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more.

71:15    我的口终日要述说你的公义,和你的救恩。因我不计其数。
My mouth shall shew forth thy righteousness and thy salvation all the day; for I know not the numbers thereof.

71:16    我要来说主耶和华大能的事。我单要题说你的公义。
I will go in the strength of the Lord GOD: I will make mention of thy righteousness, even of thine only.

71:17    神阿,自我年幼时,你就教训我。直到如今,我传扬你奇妙的作为。
O God, thou hast taught me from my youth: and hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works.

71:18    神阿,我到年老发白的时候,求你不要离弃我,等我将你的能力指示下代,将你的大能指示后世的人。
Now also when I am old and greyheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come.

71:19    神阿,你的公义甚高。行过大事的神阿,谁能像你。
Thy righteousness also, O God, is very high, who hast done great things: O God, who is like unto thee!

71:20    你是叫我们多经历重大急难的,必使我们复活。从地的深处救上来。
Thou, which hast shewed me great and sore troubles, shalt quicken me again, and shalt bring me up again from the depths of the earth.

71:21    求你使我越发昌大,又转来安慰我。
Thou shalt increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side.

71:22    我的神阿,我要鼓瑟称赞你,称赞你的诚实。以色列的圣者阿,我要弹琴歌颂你。
I will also praise thee with the psaltery, even thy truth, O my God: unto thee will I sing with the harp, O thou Holy One of Israel.

71:23    我歌颂你的时候,我的嘴唇,和你所赎我的灵魂,都必欢呼。
My lips shall greatly rejoice when I sing unto thee; and my soul, which thou hast redeemed.

71:24    并且我的舌头,必终日讲论你的公义,因为那些谋害我的人,已经蒙羞受辱了。
My tongue also shall talk of thy righteousness all the day long: for they are confounded, for they are brought unto shame, that seek my hurt.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 72 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

72:1    (所罗门的诗)神阿,求你将判断的权柄赐给王,将公义赐给王的儿子。
Give the king thy judgments, O God, and thy righteousness unto the king's son.

72:2    他要按公义审判你的民,按公平审判你的困苦人。
He shall judge thy people with righteousness, and thy poor with judgment.

72:3    大山小山,都要因公义使民得享平安。
The mountains shall bring peace to the people, and the little hills, by righteousness.

72:4    他必为民中的困苦人伸冤,拯救穷乏之辈,压碎那欺压人的。
He shall judge the poor of the people, he shall save the children of the needy, and shall break in pieces the oppressor.

72:5    太阳还存,月亮还在,人要敬畏你,直到万代。
They shall fear thee as long as the sun and moon endure, throughout all generations.

72:6    他必降临,像雨降在已割的草地上,如甘霖滋润田地。
He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass: as showers that water the earth.

72:7    在他的日子义人要发旺,大有平安,好像月亮长存。
In his days shall the righteous flourish; and abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth.

72:8    他要执掌权柄,从这海直到那海,从大河直到地极。
He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth.

72:9    住在旷野的,必在他面前下拜。他的仇敌,必要舔土。
They that dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him; and his enemies shall lick the dust.

72:10    他施和海岛的王要进贡。示巴和西巴的王要献礼物。
The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents: the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts.

72:11    诸王都要叩拜他,万国都要事奉他。
Yea, all kings shall fall down before him: all nations shall serve him.

72:12    因为穷乏人呼求的时候,他要搭救,没有人帮助的困苦人,他也要搭救。
For he shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper.

72:13    他要怜恤贫寒和穷乏的人,拯救穷苦人的性命。
He shall spare the poor and needy, and shall save the souls of the needy.

72:14    他要救赎他们脱离欺压和强暴。他们的血在他眼中看为宝贵。
He shall redeem their soul from deceit and violence: and precious shall their blood be in his sight.

72:15    他们要存活。示巴的金子要奉给他。人要常常为他祷告,终日称颂他。
And he shall live, and to him shall be given of the gold of Sheba: prayer also shall be made for him continually; and daily shall he be praised.

72:16    在地的山顶上,五谷必然茂盛。(五谷必然茂盛或作有一把五谷)所结的谷实,要响动如黎巴嫩的树林。城里的人,要发旺如地上的草。
There shall be an handful of corn in the earth upon the top of the mountains; the fruit thereof shall shake like Lebanon: and they of the city shall flourish like grass of the earth.

72:17    他的名要存到永远,要留传如日之久。人要因他蒙福。万国要称他有福。
His name shall endure for ever: his name shall be continued as long as the sun: and men shall be blessed in him: all nations shall call him blessed.

72:18    独行奇事的耶和华以色列的神,是应当称颂的。
Blessed be the LORD God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things.

72:19    他荣耀的名,也当称颂,直到永远。愿他的荣耀,充满全地。阿们,阿们。
And blessed be his glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with his glory; Amen, and Amen.

72:20    耶西的儿子大卫的祈祷完毕。
The prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 73 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

73:1    (亚萨的诗)神实在恩待以色列那些清心的人。
Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart.

73:2    至于我,我的脚几乎失闪。我的脚险些滑跌。
But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped.

73:3    我见恶人和狂傲人享平安,就心怀不平。
For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.

73:4    他们死的时候,没有疼痛。他们的力气,却也壮实。
For there are no bands in their death: but their strength is firm.

73:5    他们不像别人受苦,也不像别人遭灾。
They are not in trouble as other men; neither are they plagued like other men.

73:6    所以骄傲如链子戴在他们的项上。强暴像衣裳遮住他们的身体。
Therefore pride compasseth them about as a chain; violence covereth them as a garment.

73:7    他们的眼睛,因体胖而凸出。他们所得的,过于心里所想的。
Their eyes stand out with fatness: they have more than heart could wish.

73:8    他们讥笑人,凭恶意说欺压人的话。他们说话自高。
They are corrupt, and speak wickedly concerning oppression: they speak loftily.

73:9    他们的口亵渎上天,他们的舌毁谤全地。
They set their mouth against the heavens, and their tongue walketh through the earth.

73:10    所以神的民归到这里,喝尽了满杯的苦水。
Therefore his people return hither: and waters of a full cup are wrung out to them.

73:11    他们说,神怎能晓得。至高者岂有知识呢。
And they say, How doth God know? and is there knowledge in the most High?

73:12    看哪,这就是恶人。他们既是常享安逸,财宝便加增。
Behold, these are the ungodly, who prosper in the world; they increase in riches.

73:13    我实在徒然洁净了我的心,徒然洗手表明无辜。
Verily I have cleansed my heart in vain, and washed my hands in innocency.

73:14    因为我终日遭灾难,每早晨受惩治。
For all the day long have I been plagued, and chastened every morning.

73:15    我若说,我要这样讲,这就是以奸诈待你的众子。
If I say, I will speak thus; behold, I should offend against the generation of thy children.

73:16    我思索怎能明白这事,眼看实系为难。
When I thought to know this, it was too painful for me;

73:17    等我进了神的圣所,思想他们的结局。
Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end.

73:18    你实在把他们安在滑地,使他们掉在沉沦之中。
Surely thou didst set them in slippery places: thou castedst them down into destruction.

73:19    他们转眼之间,成了何等的荒凉。他们被惊恐灭尽了。
How are they brought into desolation, as in a moment! they are utterly consumed with terrors.

73:20    人睡醒了怎样看梦,主阿,你醒了,也必照样轻看他们的影像。
As a dream when one awaketh; so, O Lord, when thou awakest, thou shalt despise their image.

73:21    因而我心里发酸,肺腑被刺。
Thus my heart was grieved, and I was pricked in my reins.

73:22    我这样愚昧无知,在你面前如畜类一般。
So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee.

73:23    然而我常与你同在。你搀着我的右手。
Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand.

73:24    你要以你的训言引导我,以后必接我到荣耀里。
Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.

73:25    除你以外,在天上我有谁呢。除你以外,在地上我也没有所爱慕的。
Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.

73:26    我的肉体,和我的心肠衰残。但神是我心里的力量,又是我的福分,直到永远。
My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.

73:27    远离你的,必要死亡。凡离弃你行邪淫的,你都灭绝了。
For, lo, they that are far from thee shall perish: thou hast destroyed all them that go a whoring from thee.

73:28    但我亲近神是与我有益。我以主耶和华为我的避难所,好叫我述说你一切的作为。
But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all thy works.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 74 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

74:1    (亚萨的训诲诗)神阿,你为何永远丢弃我们呢。你为何向你草场的羊发怒如烟冒出呢。
O God, why hast thou cast us off for ever? why doth thine anger smoke against the sheep of thy pasture?

74:2    求你记念你古时所得来的会众,就是你所赎作你产业支派的。并记念你向来所居住的锡安山。
Remember thy congregation, which thou hast purchased of old; the rod of thine inheritance, which thou hast redeemed; this mount Zion, wherein thou hast dwelt.

74:3    求你举步去看那日久荒凉之地,仇敌在圣所中所行的一切恶事。
Lift up thy feet unto the perpetual desolations; even all that the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary.

74:4    你的敌人在你会中吼叫。他们竖了自己的旗为记号。
Thine enemies roar in the midst of thy congregations; they set up their ensigns for signs.

74:5    他们好像人扬起斧子,砍伐林中的树。
A man was famous according as he had lifted up axes upon the thick trees.

74:6    圣所中一切雕刻的,他们现在用斧子锤子打坏了。
But now they break down the carved work thereof at once with axes and hammers.

74:7    他们用火焚烧你的圣所,亵渎你名的居所,拆毁到地。
They have cast fire into thy sanctuary, they have defiled by casting down the dwelling place of thy name to the ground.

74:8    他们心里说,我们要尽行毁灭,他们就在遍地把神的会所都烧毁了。
They said in their hearts, Let us destroy them together: they have burned up all the synagogues of God in the land.

74:9    我们不见我们的标帜。不再有先知。我们内中也没有人知道这灾祸要到几时呢。
We see not our signs: there is no more any prophet: neither is there among us any that knoweth how long.

74:10    神阿,敌人辱骂要到几时呢。仇敌亵渎你的名,要到永远吗。
O God, how long shall the adversary reproach? shall the enemy blaspheme thy name for ever?

74:11    你为什么缩回你的右手。求你从怀中伸出来,毁灭他们。
Why withdrawest thou thy hand, even thy right hand? pluck it out of thy bosom.

74:12    神自古以来为我的王,在地上施行拯救。
For God is my King of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth.

74:13    你曾用能力将海分开,将水中大鱼的头打破。
Thou didst divide the sea by thy strength: thou brakest the heads of the dragons in the waters.

74:14    你曾砸碎鳄鱼的头,把他给旷野的禽兽为食物。(禽兽原文作民)
Thou brakest the heads of leviathan in pieces, and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness.

74:15    你曾分裂磐石,水便成了溪河,你使长流的江河乾了。
Thou didst cleave the fountain and the flood: thou driedst up mighty rivers.

74:16    白昼属你,黑夜也属你。亮光和日头,是你所豫备的。
The day is thine, the night also is thine: thou hast prepared the light and the sun.

74:17    地的一切疆界,是你所立的。夏天和冬天是你所定的。
Thou hast set all the borders of the earth: thou hast made summer and winter.

74:18    耶和华阿,仇敌辱骂,愚顽民亵渎了你的名,求你记念这事。
Remember this, that the enemy hath reproached, O LORD, and that the foolish people have blasphemed thy name.

74:19    不要将你班鸠的性命交给野兽。不要永远忘记你困苦人的性命。
O deliver not the soul of thy turtledove unto the multitude of the wicked: forget not the congregation of thy poor for ever.

74:20    求你顾念所立的约。因为地上黑暗之处,都满了强暴的居所。
Have respect unto the covenant: for the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty.

74:21    不要叫受欺压的人蒙羞回去。要叫困苦穷乏的人赞美你的名。
O let not the oppressed return ashamed: let the poor and needy praise thy name.

74:22    神阿,求你起来,为自己伸诉。要记念愚顽人怎样终日辱骂你。
Arise, O God, plead thine own cause: remember how the foolish man reproacheth thee daily.

74:23    不要忘记你敌人的声音。那起来敌你之人的喧哗时常上升。
Forget not the voice of thine enemies: the tumult of those that rise up against thee increaseth continually.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 75 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

75:1    (亚萨的诗歌,交与伶长,调用休要毁坏)神阿,我们称谢你,我们称谢你,因为你的名相近,人都述说你奇妙的作为。
Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks, unto thee do we give thanks: for that thy name is near thy wondrous works declare.

75:2    我到了所定的日期,必按正直施行审判。
When I shall receive the congregation I will judge uprightly.

75:3    地和其上的居民,都消化了。我曾立了地的柱子。(细拉)
The earth and all the inhabitants thereof are dissolved: I bear up the pillars of it. Selah.

75:4    我对狂傲人说,不要行事狂傲。对凶恶的人说,不要举角。
I said unto the fools, Deal not foolishly: and to the wicked, Lift not up the horn:

75:5    不要把你们的角高举。不要挺着颈项说话。
Lift not up your horn on high: speak not with a stiff neck.

75:6    因为高举非从东,非从西,也非从南而来。
For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.

75:7    惟有神断定。他使这人降卑,使那人升高。
But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.

75:8    耶和华手里有杯。其中的酒起沫。杯内满了搀杂的酒。他倒出来。地上的恶人必都喝这酒的渣滓,而且喝尽。
For in the hand of the LORD there is a cup, and the wine is red; it is full of mixture; and he poureth out of the same: but the dregs thereof, all the wicked of the earth shall wring them out, and drink them.

75:9    但我要宣扬,直到永远。我要歌颂雅各的神。
But I will declare for ever; I will sing praises to the God of Jacob.

75:10    恶人一切的角,我要砍断。惟有义人的角,必被高举。
All the horns of the wicked also will I cut off; but the horns of the righteous shall be exalted.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 76 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

76:1    (亚萨的诗歌,交与伶长,用丝弦的乐器)在犹大神为人所认识。在以色列他的名为大。
In Judah is God known: his name is great in Israel.

76:2    在撒冷有他的帐幕,在锡安有他的居所。
In Salem also is his tabernacle, and his dwelling place in Zion.

76:3    他在那里折断弓上的火箭,并盾牌,刀剑,和争战的兵器。(细拉)
There brake he the arrows of the bow, the shield, and the sword, and the battle. Selah.

76:4    你从有野食之山而来,有光华和荣美。
Thou art more glorious and excellent than the mountains of prey.

76:5    心中勇敢的人,都被抢夺。他们睡了长觉。没有一个英雄能措手。
The stouthearted are spoiled, they have slept their sleep: and none of the men of might have found their hands.

76:6    雅各的神阿,你的斥责一发坐车的,骑马的,都沉睡了。
At thy rebuke, O God of Jacob, both the chariot and horse are cast into a dead sleep.

76:7    惟独你是可畏的。你怒气一发,谁能在你面前删得住呢。
Thou, even thou, art to be feared: and who may stand in thy sight when once thou art angry?

76:8    你从天上使人听判断。
Thou didst cause judgment to be heard from heaven; the earth feared, and was still,

76:9    神起来施行审判,要救地上一切谦卑的人。那时地就惧怕而静默。(细拉)
When God arose to judgment, to save all the meek of the earth. Selah.

76:10    人的忿怒,要成全你的荣美。人的馀怒,你要禁止。
Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee: the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain.

76:11    你们许愿,当向耶和华你们的神还愿。在他四面的人,都当拿贡物献给那可畏的主。
Vow, and pay unto the LORD your God: let all that be round about him bring presents unto him that ought to be feared.

76:12    他要挫折王子的骄气。他向地上的君王,显威可畏。
He shall cut off the spirit of princes: he is terrible to the kings of the earth.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 77 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

77:1    (亚萨的诗,照耶杜顿的作法,交与伶长)我要向神发声呼求。我向神发声,他必留心听我。
I cried unto God with my voice, even unto God with my voice; and he gave ear unto me.

77:2    我在患难之日寻求主。我在夜间不住的举手祷告。我的心不肯受安慰。
In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord: my sore ran in the night, and ceased not: my soul refused to be comforted.

77:3    我想念神,就烦躁不安。我沉吟悲伤,心便发昏。(细拉)
I remembered God, and was troubled: I complained, and my spirit was overwhelmed. Selah.

77:4    你叫我不能闭眼。我烦乱不安,甚至不能说话。
Thou holdest mine eyes waking: I am so troubled that I cannot speak.

77:5    我追想古时之日,上古之年。
I have considered the days of old, the years of ancient times.

77:6    我想起我夜间的歌曲,扪心自问。我心里也仔细省察。
I call to remembrance my song in the night: I commune with mine own heart: and my spirit made diligent search.

77:7    难道主要永远丢弃我,不再施恩吗。
Will the Lord cast off for ever? and will he be favourable no more?

77:8    难道他的慈爱永远穷尽,他的应许世世废弃吗。
Is his mercy clean gone for ever? doth his promise fail for evermore?

77:9    难道神忘记开恩。因发怒就止住他的慈悲吗。(细拉)
Hath God forgotten to be gracious? hath he in anger shut up his tender mercies? Selah.

77:10    我便说,这是我的懦弱。但我要追念至高者显出右手之年代。
And I said, This is my infirmity: but I will remember the years of the right hand of the most High.

77:11    我要题说耶和华所行的。我要记念你古时的奇事。
I will remember the works of the LORD: surely I will remember thy wonders of old.

77:12    我也要思想你的经营,默念你的作为。
I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings.

77:13    神阿,你的作为是洁净的。有何神大如神呢。
Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our God?

77:14    你是行奇事的神。你曾在列邦中彰显你的能力。
Thou art the God that doest wonders: thou hast declared thy strength among the people.

77:15    你曾用你的膀臂赎了你的民,就是雅各和约瑟的子孙。(细拉)
Thou hast with thine arm redeemed thy people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph. Selah.

77:16    神阿,诸水见你,一见就都惊惶。深渊也都战抖。
The waters saw thee, O God, the waters saw thee; they were afraid: the depths also were troubled.

77:17    云中倒出水来。天空发出响声。你的箭也飞行四方。
The clouds poured out water: the skies sent out a sound: thine arrows also went abroad.

77:18    你的雷声在旋风中。电光照亮世界。大地战抖震动。
The voice of thy thunder was in the heaven: the lightnings lightened the world: the earth trembled and shook.

77:19    你的道在海中,你的路在大水中,你的脚踪无人知道。
Thy way is in the sea, and thy path in the great waters, and thy footsteps are not known.

77:20    你曾藉摩西和亚伦的手,引导你的百姓,好像羊群一般。
Thou leddest thy people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 78 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

78:1    (亚萨的训诲诗)我的民哪,你门要留心听我的训诲,侧耳听我口中的话。
Give ear, O my people, to my law: incline your ears to the words of my mouth.

78:2    我要开口说比喻。我要说出古时的谜语。
I will open my mouth in a parable: I will utter dark sayings of old:

78:3    是我们所听见所知道的,也是我们的祖宗告诉我们的。
Which we have heard and known, and our fathers have told us.

78:4    我们不将这些事向他们的子孙隐瞒。要将耶和华的美德和他的能力,并他奇妙的作为,述说给后代听。
We will not hide them from their children, shewing to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, and his strength, and his wonderful works that he hath done.

78:5    因为他在雅各中立法度,在以色列中设律法,是他吩咐我们祖宗,要传给子孙的。
For he established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children:

78:6    使将要生的后代子孙,可以晓得。他们也要起来告诉他们的子孙。
That the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; who should arise and declare them to their children:

78:7    好叫他们仰望神,不忘记神的作为。惟要守他的命令。
That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments:

78:8    不要像他们的祖宗,是顽梗悖逆居心不正之辈,向着神心不诚实。
And might not be as their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation; a generation that set not their heart aright, and whose spirit was not stedfast with God.

78:9    以法莲的子孙,带着兵器,拿着弓,临阵之日,转身退后。
The children of Ephraim, being armed, and carrying bows, turned back in the day of battle.

78:10    他们不遵守神的约,不肯照他的律法行。
They kept not the covenant of God, and refused to walk in his law;

78:11    又忘记他所行的,和他显给他们奇妙的作为。
And forgat his works, and his wonders that he had shewed them.

78:12    他在埃及地,在琐安田,在他们祖宗的眼前,施行奇事。
Marvellous things did he in the sight of their fathers, in the land of Egypt, in the field of Zoan.

78:13    他将海分裂,使他们过去。又叫水立起如垒。
He divided the sea, and caused them to pass through; and he made the waters to stand as an heap.

78:14    他白日用云彩,终夜用火光,引导他们。
In the daytime also he led them with a cloud, and all the night with a light of fire.

78:15    他在旷野分裂磐石,多多的给他们水喝,如从深渊而出。
He clave the rocks in the wilderness, and gave them drink as out of the great depths.

78:16    他使水从磐石涌出,叫水如江河下流。
He brought streams also out of the rock, and caused waters to run down like rivers.

78:17    他们却仍旧得罪他,在乾燥之地悖逆至高者。
And they sinned yet more against him by provoking the most High in the wilderness.

78:18    他们心中试探神,随自己所欲的求食物。
And they tempted God in their heart by asking meat for their lust.

78:19    并且妄论神,说,神在旷野岂能摆设筵席吗。
Yea, they spake against God; they said, Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?

78:20    他曾击打磐石,使水涌出,成了江河。他还能赐粮食吗。还能为他的百姓豫备肉吗。
Behold, he smote the rock, that the waters gushed out, and the streams overflowed; can he give bread also? can he provide flesh for his people?

78:21    所以耶和华听见,就发怒。有烈火向雅各烧起,有怒气向以色列上腾。
Therefore the LORD heard this, and was wroth: so a fire was kindled against Jacob, and anger also came up against Israel;

78:22    因为他们不信服神,不倚赖他的救恩。
Because they believed not in God, and trusted not in his salvation:

78:23    他却吩咐天空,又敞开天上的门。
Though he had commanded the clouds from above, and opened the doors of heaven,

78:24    降吗哪像雨给他们吃,将天上的粮食赐给他们。
And had rained down manna upon them to eat, and had given them of the corn of heaven.

78:25    各人或作人吃大能者的食物。他赐下粮食,使他们饱足。
Man did eat angels' food: he sent them meat to the full.

78:26    他领东风起在天空,又用能力引了南风来。
He caused an east wind to blow in the heaven: and by his power he brought in the south wind.

78:27    他降肉像雨在他们当中,多如尘土,又降飞鸟,多如海沙。
He rained flesh also upon them as dust, and feathered fowls like as the sand of the sea:

78:28    落在他们的营中,在他们住处的四面。
And he let it fall in the midst of their camp, round about their habitations.

78:29    他们吃了,而且饱足。这样,就随了他们所欲的。
So they did eat, and were well filled: for he gave them their own desire;

78:30    他们贪而无厌,食物还在他们口中的时候,
They were not estranged from their lust. But while their meat was yet in their mouths,

78:31    神的怒气,就向他们上腾,杀了他们内中的肥壮人。打倒以色列的少年人。
The wrath of God came upon them, and slew the fattest of them, and smote down the chosen men of Israel.

78:32    虽是这样,他们仍旧出偏差,不信他奇妙的作为。
For all this they sinned still, and believed not for his wondrous works.

78:33    因此他叫他们的日子,全归虚空,叫他们的年岁,尽属惊恐。
Therefore their days did he consume in vanity, and their years in trouble.

78:34    他杀他们的时候,他们才求问他,回心转意,切切的寻求神。
When he slew them, then they sought him: and they returned and enquired early after God.

78:35    他们也追念神是他们的磐石,至高的神,是他们的救赎主。
And they remembered that God was their rock, and the high God their redeemer.

78:36    他们却用口馅媚他,用舌向他说谎。
Nevertheless they did flatter him with their mouth, and they lied unto him with their tongues.

78:37    因他们的心向他不正,在他的约上,也不忠心。
For their heart was not right with him, neither were they stedfast in his covenant.

78:38    但他有怜悯,宽恕他们的邪恶,不灭绝他们。而且屡次消他的怒气,不发尽他的忿怒。
But he, being full of compassion, forgave their iniquity, and destroyed them not: yea, many a time turned he his anger away, and did not stir up all his wrath.

78:39    他想到他们不过是血气,是一阵去而不返的风。
For he remembered that they were but flesh; a wind that passeth away, and cometh not again.

78:40    他们在旷野悖逆他,在荒地叫他担忧,何其多呢。
How oft did they provoke him in the wilderness, and grieve him in the desert!

78:41    他们再三试探神,惹动以色列的圣者。
Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.

78:42    他们不追念他的能力(原文作手),和赎他们脱离敌人的日子。
They remembered not his hand, nor the day when he delivered them from the enemy.

78:43    他怎样在埃及地显神迹,在琐安田显奇事。
How he had wrought his signs in Egypt, and his wonders in the field of Zoan:

78:44    把他们的江河,并河汊的水,都变为血,使他们不能喝。
And had turned their rivers into blood; and their floods, that they could not drink.

78:45    他叫苍蝇成群,落在他们当中,吸尽他们。又叫青蛙灭了他们。
He sent divers sorts of flies among them, which devoured them; and frogs, which destroyed them.

78:46    把他们的土产交给蚂蚱,把他们辛苦得来的交给蝗虫。
He gave also their increase unto the caterpiller, and their labour unto the locust.

78:47    他降冰雹打坏他们的葡萄树。下严霜打坏他们的桑树。
He destroyed their vines with hail, and their sycomore trees with frost.

78:48    又把他们的牲畜交给冰雹,把他们的群畜交给闪电。
He gave up their cattle also to the hail, and their flocks to hot thunderbolts.

78:49    他使猛烈的怒气,和忿怒,恼恨,苦难,成了一群降灾的使者,临到他们。
He cast upon them the fierceness of his anger, wrath, and indignation, and trouble, by sending evil angels among them.

78:50    他为自己的怒气修平了路,将他们交给瘟疫,使他们死亡。
He made a way to his anger; he spared not their soul from death, but gave their life over to the pestilence;

78:51    在埃及击杀一切长子,在含的帐棚中,击杀他们强壮时头生的。
And smote all the firstborn in Egypt; the chief of their strength in the tabernacles of Ham:

78:52    他却领出自己的民如羊,在旷野引他们如羊群。
But made his own people to go forth like sheep, and guided them in the wilderness like a flock.

78:53    他领他们稳稳妥妥的,使他们不至害怕。海却淹没他们的仇敌。
And he led them on safely, so that they feared not: but the sea overwhelmed their enemies.

78:54    他带他们到自己圣地的边界,到他右手所得的这山地。
And he brought them to the border of his sanctuary, even to this mountain, which his right hand had purchased.

78:55    他在他们面前赶出外邦人,用绳子将外邦的地量给他们为业,叫以色列支派的人,住在他们的帐棚里。
He cast out the heathen also before them, and divided them an inheritance by line, and made the tribes of Israel to dwell in their tents.

78:56    他们仍旧试探悖逆至高的神,不守他的法度。
Yet they tempted and provoked the most high God, and kept not his testimonies:

78:57    反倒退后,行诡诈,像他们的祖宗一样。他们改变,如同翻背的弓。
But turned back, and dealt unfaithfully like their fathers: they were turned aside like a deceitful bow.

78:58    因他们的邱坛,惹了他的怒气,因他们雕刻的偶像,触动他的愤恨。
For they provoked him to anger with their high places, and moved him to jealousy with their graven images.

78:59    神听见,就发怒,极其憎恶以色列人。
When God heard this, he was wroth, and greatly abhorred Israel:

78:60    甚至他离弃示罗的帐幕,就是他在人间所搭的帐棚。
So that he forsook the tabernacle of Shiloh, the tent which he placed among men;

78:61    又将他的约柜原文作能力交与人掳去,将他的荣耀交在敌人手中。
And delivered his strength into captivity, and his glory into the enemy's hand.

78:62    并将他的百姓交与刀剑,向他的产业发怒。
He gave his people over also unto the sword; and was wroth with his inheritance.

78:63    少年人被火烧灭。处女也无喜歌。
The fire consumed their young men; and their maidens were not given to marriage.

78:64    祭司倒在刀下。寡妇却不哀哭。
Their priests fell by the sword; and their widows made no lamentation.

78:65    那时主像世人睡醒,像勇士饮酒呼喊。
Then the LORD awaked as one out of sleep, and like a mighty man that shouteth by reason of wine.

78:66    他就打退了他的敌人,叫他们永蒙羞辱。
And he smote his enemies in the hinder parts: he put them to a perpetual reproach.

78:67    并且他弃掉约瑟的帐棚,不拣选以法莲支派,
Moreover he refused the tabernacle of Joseph, and chose not the tribe of Ephraim:

78:68    却拣选犹大支派,他所喜爱的锡安山。
But chose the tribe of Judah, the mount Zion which he loved.

78:69    盖造他的圣所,好像高峰,又像他建立永存之地。
And he built his sanctuary like high palaces, like the earth which he hath established for ever.

78:70    又拣选他的仆人大卫,从羊圈中将他召来。
He chose David also his servant, and took him from the sheepfolds:

78:71    叫他不再跟从那些带奶的母羊,为要牧养自己的百姓雅各,和自己的产业以色列。
From following the ewes great with young he brought him to feed Jacob his people, and Israel his inheritance.

78:72    于是他按心中的纯正,牧养他们,用手中的巧妙,引导他们。
So he fed them according to the integrity of his heart; and guided them by the skilfulness of his hands.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 79 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

79:1    (亚萨的诗)神阿,外邦人进入你的产业,污秽你的圣殿,使耶路撒冷变成荒堆。
O GOD, the heathen are come into thine inheritance; thy holy temple have they defiled; they have laid Jerusalem on heaps.

79:2    把你仆人的尸首,交与天空的飞鸟为食,把你圣民的肉,交与地上的野兽。
The dead bodies of thy servants have they given to be meat unto the fowls of the heaven, the flesh of thy saints unto the beasts of the earth.

79:3    在耶路撒冷周围流他们的血如水,无人葬埋。
Their blood have they shed like water round about Jerusalem; and there was none to bury them.

79:4    我们成为邻国的羞辱,成为我们四围人的嗤笑讥刺。
We are become a reproach to our neighbours, a scorn and derision to them that are round about us.

79:5    耶和华阿,这到几时呢。你要动怒到永远吗。你的愤怒要如火焚烧吗。
How long, LORD? wilt thou be angry for ever? shall thy jealousy burn like fire?

79:6    愿你将你的愤怒倒在那不认识你的外邦,和那不求告你名的国度。
Pour out thy wrath upon the heathen that have not known thee, and upon the kingdoms that have not called upon thy name.

79:7    因为他们吞了雅各,把他的住处变为荒场。
For they have devoured Jacob, and laid waste his dwelling place.

79:8    求你不要记念我们先祖的邪恶,向我们追讨。愿你的慈悲快迎着我们。因为我们落到极卑微的地步。
O remember not against us former iniquities: let thy tender mercies speedily prevent us: for we are brought very low.

79:9    拯救我们的神阿,求你因你名的荣耀,帮助我们,为你名的缘故,搭救我们,宽恕我们的偏差。
Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of thy name: and deliver us, and purge away our sins, for thy name's sake.

79:10    为何容外邦人说,他们的神在那里呢。愿你使外邦人知道你在我们眼前,伸你仆人流血的冤。
Wherefore should the heathen say, Where is their God? let him be known among the heathen in our sight by the revenging of the blood of thy servants which is shed.

79:11    愿被囚之人的叹息,达到你面前。愿你按你的大能力,存留那些将要死的人。
Let the sighing of the prisoner come before thee; according to the greatness of thy power preserve thou those that are appointed to die;

79:12    主阿,愿你将我们邻邦所羞辱你的羞辱,加七倍归到他们的身上。
And render unto our neighbours sevenfold into their bosom their reproach, wherewith they have reproached thee, O Lord.

79:13    这样,你的民,你草场的羊,要称谢你,直到永远。要述说赞美你的话,直到万代。
So we thy people and sheep of thy pasture will give thee thanks for ever: we will shew forth thy praise to all generations.

旧约 -- 诗篇(Psalms) -- 80 ( 本篇共有 150 )     

80:1    (亚萨的诗,交与伶长,调用为证的百合花)领约瑟如领羊群的以色列的牧者阿,求你留心听。坐在二基路伯上的阿,求你发出光来。
Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, thou that leadest Joseph like a flock; thou that dwellest between the cherubims, shine forth.

80:2    在以法莲便雅悯玛拿西前面施展你的大能,来救我们。
Before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh stir up thy strength, and come and save us.

80:3    神阿,求你使我们回转(回转或作复兴),使你的脸发光,我们便要得救。
Turn us again, O God, and cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved.

80:4    耶和华万军之神阿,你向你百姓的祷告发怒,要到几时呢。
O LORD God of hosts, how long wilt thou be angry against the prayer of thy people?

80:5    你以眼泪当食物给他们吃,又多量出眼泪给他们喝。
Thou feedest them with the bread of tears; and givest them tears to drink in great measure.

80:6    你使邻邦因我们分争。我们的仇敌彼此戏笑。
Thou makest us a strife unto our neighbours: and our enemies laugh among themselves.

80:7    万军之神阿,求你使我们回转,使你的脸发光,我们便要得救。
Turn us again, O God of hosts, and cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved.

80:8    你从埃及挪出一棵葡萄树,赶出外邦人,把这树栽上。
Thou hast brought a vine out of Egypt: thou hast cast out the heathen, and planted it.

80:9    你在这树根前豫备了地方,他就深深扎根,爬满了地。
Thou preparedst room before it, and didst cause it to take deep root, and it filled the land.

80:10    他的影子遮满了山,枝子好像佳美的香柏树。
The hills were covered with the shadow of it, and the boughs thereof were like the goodly cedars.

80:11    他发出枝子,长到大海,发出蔓子,延到大河。
She sent out her boughs unto the sea, and her branches unto the river.

80:12    你为何拆毁这树的篱笆,任凭一切过路的人摘取。
Why hast thou then broken down her hedges, so that all they which pass by the way do pluck her?

80:13    林中出来的野猪,把他糟踏,野地的走兽,拿他当食物。
The boar out of the wood doth waste it, and the wild beast of the field doth devour it.

80:14    万军之神阿,求你回转,从天上垂看,眷顾这葡萄树,
Return, we beseech thee, O God of hosts: look down from heaven, and behold, and visit this vine;

80:15    保护你右手所栽的,和你为自己所坚固的枝子。
And the vineyard which thy right hand hath planted, and the branch that thou madest strong for thyself.

80:16    这树已经被火焚烧被刀砍伐,他们因你脸上的怒容就灭亡了。
It is burned with fire, it is cut down: they perish at the rebuke of thy countenance.

80:17    愿你的手杖扶持你右边的人,就是你为自己所坚固的人子。
Let thy hand be upon the man of thy right hand, upon the son of man whom thou madest strong for thyself.

80:18    这样,我们便不退后离开你。求你救活我们,我们就要求告你的名。
So will not we go back from thee: quicken us, and we will call upon thy name.

80:19    耶和华万军之神阿,求你使我们回转,使你的脸发光,我们便要得救。
Turn us again, O LORD God of hosts, cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved.
