



Christian contemplation

Christian contemplation, from contemplatio (Latin; Greek θεωρία, theoria),[1] refers to several Christian practices which aim at "looking at", "gazing at", "being aware of" God or the Divine.[2][3][4] It includes several practices and theological concepts, and until the sixth century the practice of what is now called mysticism was referred to by the term contemplatio, c.q. theoria.
Christianity took up the use of both the Greek (theoria) and Latin (contemplatio, contemplation) terminology to describe various forms of prayer and the process of coming to know God. Eastern and Western traditions of Christianity grew apart as they incorporated the general notion of theoria into their respective teachings.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that, "the Christian tradition comprises three major expressions of the life of prayer: vocal prayer, meditation, and contemplative prayer. They have in common the recollection of the heart."[5] Three stages are discerned in contemplative practice, namely purgative contemplation,[6][7] contemplation proper, and the vision of God.

Prayer and Contemplation

Prayer and Contemplation
“Why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I tell you?” (Luke 6:46)

The simple yet productive way to progress in union with the Holy Trinity is to pray slowly enough so that you will listen to what you are communicating to the Lord. Sometimes we make a habit of saying our prayers by rote, reciting them without thought of what the words mean. That’s what our loving Lord Jesus means in the above quotation. We don’t always consider the implications of our prayers.

How often we call God “Lord” both in our private prayers and in the sacred services. Ask anybody the meaning of the term, and we’ll rarely hear, “I don’t know.” But the essence of the word has been lost in a democracy like ours, where we so emphasize equality that we have lost any concept of the difference between master and servant. That’s the glory of our American way of life, but in the relationship between Jesus Christ and the Christian, we are not on an equal basis. We don’t save ourselves; He saves us. We don’t elect ourselves members of the Kingdom of Heaven; we pray for Him to choose us. And we don’t make the rules for the way we live on earth; we take our cues from the sacred scriptures and the teachings of the Church. Of course we may find many who call themselves Christians and follow their own impulses by fashioning a do-it-yourself religion; but for the true Christian, that’s not only impossible, it leads to a dead end.

How can we do what Christ tells us? He speaks directly in the New Testament at times, and through the apostles in other places. His teachings are embellished and shaped for further comprehension in the sacred services of the Church, in the writings of the saints and those who are inspired by the Holy Spirit with insights that help us on our journeys through life.

He speaks to us in our prayers as well. Pay attention to the phrases you are whispering, and you will be gifted with hidden meanings that you would not capture by cursory repetitions. You will discover that some prayer you have recited daily since childhood, such as the Lord’s Prayer, O Heavenly King or the 23rd Psalm, will come alive in a most unexpected way. You are captured by a term or phrase in an “Aha!” moment. You had not understood it quite that way ever before.

It happens especially when you have experienced something new and different in your life’s journey. Maybe you have been humbled by a disappointment, or challenged by some illness, a loss of job or a move from your place of residence. Perhaps somebody dear to you caused a trauma in your own routine. A relative had been severely tested, a loved one created a hardship in your life, or you decided to explore at a deeper lever the beliefs that you had previously taken for granted.

It may happen that when you are hospitalized you find you can be changed by Him who “makes me lie down” either in green pastures or on a bed of nails. Or when for the first time you “walk through the shadow of death,” you learn the depth of your faith. And when you are overflowing with joy brought on by somebody you had come to appreciate in a new and exciting way, and you find that “my cup runneth over.”

These are examples of word nourishment, and the taste of such morsels is more delicious than anything that comes from mere food. When you learn to contemplate in this manner, you will relish the experience and want nothing more to satisfy you. Here you will find a new meaning of life. You will rise above the mundane and move into the temple of your mind.


从“异象Vision”谈圣经的中文翻译 (一) 李瑞木



【大纪元4月15日讯】翻译之难,难在“词不达(原)意”、难在难于达到 “信达雅”的境界。由于文化的差异,选辞之间,往往一字之差,可以“差之毫厘,谬以千里”。本系列专文,拟探讨基督教圣经的几处中文翻译,它不但影响教义的中文解释,也影响基督教的宣教效果,增加基督教在中文地区宣教的不必要阻力。本文要讨论的是“Vision 或异象”的中文翻译,由于“异象”在中文“和合本”圣经88(旧约70新约18)个章节中出现,是基督教基本教义之一,这个字的中文选择,影响深远,有提出来讨论的价值。

Vision的中文翻译,通常译为“ 异象”。严格来说,圣经中被译为“异象”的异象只有六件:(1) 摩西说、我要过去看这大异象、这荆棘为何没有烧坏呢(出埃及记 3 : 3);此“异象”的英文是strange sight。(2) 地要大大震动、多处必有饥荒瘟疫.又有可怕的异象、和大神迹、从天上显现 (路加福音 21 : 11) ;此“可怕的异象”的英文是fearful events 。 (3) 摩西见了那异象、便觉希奇.正进前观看的时候、有主的声音说…(使徒行传 7 : 31);此“异象”的英文是 Sight。(4) 天上现出大异象来.有一个妇人、身披日头、脚踏月亮、头戴十二星的冠冕 (启示录 12 : 1) ;此“大异象”的英文是 a great and wondrous sign 。(5) 天上又现出异象来.有一条大红龙、七头十角、七头上戴着七个冠冕 (启示录 12 : 3) ; 此“异象”的英文是 Sign。(6) 我又看见在天上有异象、大而且奇、就是七位天使掌管末了的七灾.因为 神的大怒在这七灾中发尽了 (启示录 15 : 1) ;此“异象”的英文是 another great and marvelous sign。将这六件事象(都不是vision)译为“ 异象”,虽可接受,但严格来说,并不贴切;因为,按“望文生义”的解释,“ 异象”乃奇怪或异常的现象。而这六件事项中,只有第一项的strange sight与第二项的fearful events,可以译为“异象”。其余四项如译为“(奇景)妙象”,可能比较传神。

将vision译为“ 异象”,很容易被误解为:在“意识清醒下”所看到的异常现象。其实,圣经中被译为“异象”的visions,多数发生在(1)夜间(创世纪46:2; 约伯记4:13,7:17,20:8,33:15; 以赛亚书29:7; 但以理书1:17,2:19,2:28,4:5,4:9,4:10, 4:13,7:1,7:2,7:7,7:13;使徒行传12:9,16:9,18:9); (2) 床上(约伯记33:15; 但以理书2:28,4:5,4:10, 4:13,7:1);(3)深睡时(约伯记33:15,使徒行传12:9); (4)梦中(但以理书7:1;约伯记4:13,33:15);(5) 祷告的时候,魂游象外(in a trance)(Trance is a sleep-like condition)(使徒行传11:5)或灵魂出窍体验(out of body experiences);(6)脑中所看到的景象(the images and visions passed through my mind)(但以理书2:28,4:5, 4:10, 4:13,7:1; 7:15);(7)就记录这梦或体验,述说其中大意(但以理书7:1)。可见,圣经中的Visions多半是梦中景象。

由于visions 多半与梦(dreams)有关,圣经常常将 visions 与 dreams 相提并论如:(1) 耶和华说、你们且听我的话、你们中间若有先知、我耶和华必在异象中向他显现、在梦中与他说话(民数记 12 : 6); (2) 人躺在床上沉睡的时候 神就用梦、和夜间的异象、(约伯记 33 : 15); (3) 只有一位在天上的 神、能显明奥秘的事他巳将日后必有的事、指示尼布甲尼撒王.你的梦、和你在床上脑中的异象是这样(但以理书 2 : 28); (4) 巴比伦王伯沙撒元年、但以理在床上作梦、见了脑中的异象、就记录这梦、述说其中的大意(但以理书 7 : 1); (5) 以后、我要将我的灵浇灌凡有血气的.你们的儿女要说豫言.你们的老年人要作异梦(dreams).少年人要见异象(约珥记 2 : 28); (6) ‘ 神说、在末后的日子、我要将我的灵浇灌凡有血气的.你们的儿女要说豫言.你们的少年人要见异象.老年人要作异梦(dreams)(使徒行传 2 : 17)。严格来说,梦有很多种,但是只有耶和华在梦中显现、在梦中与他说话、要他说豫言的梦,才算visions 。

将vision译为异象,不符信达“雅”的要求。因为,Visions 是耶和华天主(父)(LORD or God)、 主耶稣(Lord)、或天使(Angels)为了“启示Revelation”、“预言”或“警示”世人,向“先知”或“使徒”显现的梦中景象(以赛亚书29:7)。“启示”与 Vision 乃一体的两面,从耶和华天主(父)、主耶稣、或天使的显现目的是“启示”,从先知或使徒的体验是vision。可见,Visions是何等的庄严神圣,用异象翻译visions,有欠贴切。由于“启示”多以梦中景象或梦景显示,所以vision可译为“梦中景象”、“梦景”、“梦象”、“梦中显示”、“梦示”、“梦兆”、“梦警”、或“梦中妙象”。但因圣经在一些诗歌、箴言、或转述…中,所提到的visions,常常没有明示发生的背景,无法肯定都发生在梦中(如旧约中极少数先知的体验);因此,非梦中visions,也可以译为“奇(或殊)景妙象”或“妙象”。

圣经又将visions分为从耶和华天主(父)、主耶稣、或天使来的visions与从人自己的心来的假象(false visions),并告诫世人(1) 耶和华对我说、那些先知托我的名说假豫言.我并没有打发他们、没有吩咐他们、也没有对他们说话.他们向你们豫言的、乃是虚假的异象(耶利米书 14 : 14), (2) 万军之耶和华如此说、这些先知向你们说豫言、你们不要听他们的话.他们以虚空教训你们、所说的异象、是出于自己的心、不是出于耶和华的口(耶利米书 23 : 16)。可见,我们应慎用visions这个字,不宜将“出于自己的心、不是出于耶和华的口”的想法或假象,当做圣经上所说的visions。

有人将visions译为“梦想”、“远见”、或“远景”,最近又有人译为“愿景”,这些都是世俗的用法。国家、企业、团体、教会、学校领导人的重要气质之ㄧ,都要具备对将来前途与发展的visions。 这个visions 与圣经上的梦中景象(visions),并不相同,它完全是“从人自己的心”而来的想法;但因与耶和华与主耶稣无关,所以不算“假象”。可是,许多牧师与教会对教会的发展计划,却喜欢用“我的异象”或“我们的异象”来翻译My Visions or Our Visions。采用这种译法要特别小心谨慎,因为: 第一、多数人并不知道“我们的异象”是指Our Visions,有让人不知所云的感觉。 第二、容易被误解为“我们的异象”,真的是“出于耶和华的口”而不仅是“从人自己的心”而来的想法。第三、圣经上只有“耶和华的异象Visions of God”,没有 “人的异象Visions of Man”、“我的异象My Visions”、或“我们的异象Our Visions”;因此,基督徒不宜将My Visions or Our Visions译为“我的异象”或“我们的异象”。

其实,当教会执笔写“我们的异象”时,虽然事先都有禁食祈祷,绝大多数都仅是开会通过的计划书。不宜因为是教会的发展计划,都把它当做是一种异象。因为,如果是真异象,世间就不会有教会的内部纠纷了。而且二千年来,世上可说已无先知与使徒,普通人很少有异象(visions)的体验;用“我们的异象”来翻译Our Visions,必须小心谨慎严加分辨。除非真的在白天、梦中、或在祷告的时候魂游象外(in a trance),看到或听到从耶和华或主耶稣的“启示”;否则,教会的Our Visions不宜译为“我们的异象”;因为,人或教会不可能有异象;依世俗的用法译为“我们的愿景”,可能是比较妥当的译法。何况,将visions译为“异象”也不符信达“雅”的要求。




马太福音(Matthew) 1-5 章

